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Is Grand Theft Auto V A Lock For Game Of The Year 2013?

Sure, there are a lot of potentially great games slated to arrive next year. But is it inevitable that Grand Theft Auto V nabs 2013's top prize?

It'll be interesting to see how far GTA has come after a good five years. The last, GTAIV, ended up winning plenty of awards, but the long-time fans seemed split on the game's overall quality and appeal. Rockstar appears ready to deliver an absolute masterpiece, as the footage and media we've seen thus far has been quite impressive.

The competition will likely consist of games such as The Last Of Us , Bioshock Infinite , Gears of War: Judgment , and maybe Crysis 3 . Of course, many more contenders could pop up as the year progresses; I don't think too many thought Dishonored would be a legitimate contender this year. I believe a great many hoped but you know how it is with new IPs. As for Naughty Dog's new IP, that could be the biggest competition for GTAV, although some are questioning if survival/action is really ND's bag. Me, I think they can do just about anything.

This has been a lengthy development cycle for GTAV, and it'd be a huge disappointment if it wasn't easily one of the best games of the generation. And considering the sheer size and scope, along with the more ambitious approach of three main characters, it seems the new GTA is on the fast track to high honors. What do you think?

Related Game(s): Grand Theft Auto V

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11 years ago

Next year will be pretty interesting gamewise. With the already strong line up for next year, can't really just hand it to gta 5 yet. I'm excited to see what sleeper hits pop up.

11 years ago

The Last of Us? Bioshock Infinite?
If the next Red Dead releaes, THEN we have a huge problem. We will never be able to choose.

11 years ago

Next year will be the best year this gen… Its hard to say who will get goty. You forgot to mention Beyond and MGS Ground Zeroes.

11 years ago

dude, ur totally right. my bad lol

11 years ago

Unless it's just out-and-out amazing (though perhaps even that isn't a sure thing, as 'IV' received perfect scores from virtually EVERYBODY), I think it's going to be more difficult for 'Grand Theft Auto V', the earlier in the year it releases. People will have more time to analyze what they do and don't like (moreso the latter) about it, and other titles will be more fresh in their mind.
Besides, I'm always wary to crown anything the best of a year we're not even one day into yet.

Last edited by Jalex on 11/15/2012 10:31:08 PM

11 years ago

I don't think so. It may have a chance but against a list, even this small God of War: Ascension, The Last of Us, Bioshock: Infinite, it only has a 1 in 4 shot. That's not good odds, and those titles make it that much more difficult.

I didn't even mention potential releases like Beyond: Two Souls, and the ew MG game. And of course there's always the next CoD, the next Battlefield, possibly the next AC. There's really no telling and to be honest I wouldn't even consider that a high probability right now, based on what set to release. GTA is the furthest thing from my mind when I think of GOTY.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 11/15/2012 10:38:50 PM

11 years ago

Ben…buddy,y did u even bring up this article.2013 has amazing games for PS3 namely The Last of US,God of War Ascension,Metal gear Solid:Ground Zeroes,Beyond:Two Souls,Sly Cooper:Thieves in Time.I think any of these games can kick the shit out of GTA 5 for game of the year. GTA 5 has only the IP.

11 years ago

I'm surprised you didn't mention Yakuza 5.

11 years ago

There's this thing called a space bar…

11 years ago

wow one post and you dident mention yakuza!
i think im going to faint!
seriously though, come on no one has the brand name of GTA!
just a random guess, and this is not racist, but you cant tell this guys asian can you?
never ceases to amaze me how anti non asian things asians are.
ive got allot of them at work, and trying to get them to try something "western" is like trying to tell a cow not to graze.
one thing ill never understand……..

11 years ago

Oh yeah i forgot to mention Yakuza 5 which is the game of the year for 2012.getting it next month.

11 years ago

Nope, there's much better stuff coming. If I had to guess this early it would be The Last of Us or Bioshock Infinite. Beyond will be fantastic but because it's different it will get the same knotheads coming out to rag on it as Heavy Rain.

GTA V is gonna have trouble making it's mark with such lame and goofy protagonists.

11 years ago


11 years ago

Your opinion about the protagonists is based purely on that last trailer right? Or do you know more about them?

I don't think they were lame at all… I thought they were very GTA?

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Rockstar said something about playing as the protagonist and antagonist. So out of those 3 characters, someone is the antagonist. Don't take my word for it though, look it up.

11 years ago

even if ND's new title does'nt do to well,
give credit where credit is due. ND is doing something that
most other devs are afraid to do, they're trying something new.

gta v for goty? its early and theres a list of possible contenders.

i for one would love to see R* take the big one with gta v.

11 years ago

I think next year is just too insane to feel sure about anything. I tend to favor games that innovate and offer something to the medium that further redefines the spectrum of what this entertainment is capable of. That is of course assuming all other things are about equal, quality wise. I see fresh blood being the more opportunistic for a shot at the title personally. GTA games are an extraordinary offering, providing a beefier sized portion of content compared to practically everything out there. But can something like Beyond, Bioshock, or The Last of Us give us an experience that is irrevocably more significant in diversifying the range of content a seemingly stagnated medium can offer us?

11 years ago

oh, and is MGS: Ground Zeroes due out next year too?
Talk about clash of the titans.
MGS, GoW, LoU, Beyond, GTA, FFXIII-3 ( =p ) Bioshock, AC3.5 … I forget any?

11 years ago

Some are saying September 2013, but I doubt it will make that.

11 years ago

There are an intimidating number of amazing games slated to come out next year, especially in the first half. I can't wait but I'm a little scared too…

11 years ago

It will have to compete with Final Fantasy Versus XIII though…

lol, just had to make myself laugh there.

Russell Burrows
Russell Burrows
11 years ago

Hmm lets see Fallout 4 set in Boston? yeah!!!
Grand theft who??

11 years ago

Auto 5

11 years ago

There's no word about a new Fallout next year?

11 years ago

It is going to be a close battle indeed.

I just say don't write of the other titles yet.

I rate The Last Of Us will crack some craniums and surprise a lot of people. The only thing that might count against The Lat Of Us is that it's exclusive…. ah well sucks to be them.

11 years ago

Well… Uncharted 2 got GOTY hands down when it released, so… The Last of Us has just as good of a chance.

11 years ago

Hm… Automatic GOTY? Possible. They're implementing some very interesting features in this new installment that will have to operate fluidly in order to get the proper acclaim they're no doubt striving for. I am automatically on board, but they'll have to make sure this is polished and coated if they're aiming to appeal to newcomers.

11 years ago

Critically….highly likely. Even with the other heavy hitters like MGS, TLOU, Beyond.

But because of the sheer versatility of the games next year, i think user game of the year choices will be mixed.

Mine will most likely be Ni No Kuni or Yakuza 5 (Yakuza 5 actually looks better and more unique than GTAV to me right now….different games, though).

11 years ago

… And how about that Lara Croft reboot? Looks pretty impressive too…

11 years ago

Near the top of my most anticipated list!

11 years ago

hype wise absofreakingloutley!
yes that is a word.
potential wise absofreakingloutley!
IF the games as good as it should and could be, IE if its just GTA san andreas but in a current gen world, than its defiantly a shoe in for GOTY!
NOTHING has the potential awesomeness that GTA has!
but realistically, no.
problem is it wont be as good as everyone expects, in fact this is not going to be GTA san andreas in a next gen world.
this is going to be GTAIV in san andreas world.
in other words this is going to be exactly the same as IV, but with a much larger map and more stupid boring activities.
golf, yay, thats totally why i buy a GTA game for!
please prove me wrong R*, id love nothing more, but im not holding my breath.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

I agree. No way the classics can be topped.

11 years ago

it's spelled, "absolfreakinglutely".

No one says "abso-LOUT-ly".

11 years ago

Australians do, don't they, Underdog?

11 years ago

IMO, it's way, way, too early to tell.

Besides, who knows what hush-hush hidden gem might launch that we don't even know anything about yet.

11 years ago

I agree it's far too early to tell yet. To be honest I am not even hyped about GTA V yet, I liked what I saw from the trailer but I feel no buzz from it.

As for the other games of 2013 Bioshock:Infinte, Ni No Kuni, Beyond, Lightning Rises, Tomb Raider there is a lot Finally coming out after the majority of 2012 has been bare, I admit 2012 did pick up near the end, but there was just nothing I was after.

11 years ago

In my opinion, it will come down to:
The last of us, GTA5, Bioshock Infinite, and MGS Ground zeroes. Just my very early prediction.

11 years ago

If Ground Zeroes comes out next year I'd agree – but I think we're at least two years away from that one, unfortunately.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

No love for the next gen launch titles?

I reckon GTA V has a definite shot, but against The Last of Us, Beyond, Bioshock, Bethesda's next (probably a new Fallout), Watch Dogs and I reckon even Remember Me could have a chance? I'm sure I'm forgetting some, like Lightning Returns *snicker*

Nah, way too early to even be thinking about it.

11 years ago

What next gen launch titles?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

I dunno, but there's bound to be some.

11 years ago

It might, but I hope not. I know they're critically acclaimed and what-not, but I haven't enjoyed a GTA game yet.

11 years ago

Just with the known line up of next year I would say no, not a chance. We also have several games that could pop up out of nowhere and shock us. To me the diehard fans will automatically call it game of the year and that is understandable, however the rest of us have so many good games to look forward too that most will not speculate until at least E3.

11 years ago

Would appear to be the early front-runner, that's for sure. Assuming PS4/Xbox720 launch next year, and I'm confident at least one of them will, it will be interesting to see if any truly next-gen stuff comes with them. But right now I can't imagine something approaching what GTA 5 is (probably) going to be.

11 years ago

Well, I've just heard on the down-low, that the new Xbox might not even be able to launch at all next year(even if M$ want's it to), just because they're still having a major performance problems with their new chip-sets, and try as they might, there's been no remedy in sight so far.

Matter of fact, they've now even had to go as far as outsourcing those under-achieving chip-sets now to 3 different chip tech or research company's to see if anyone there can come up with a fix, or work-around for them, with M$'s mandate that they all only have a 60 day window to get these chip-set preforming up to spec's before M$ actually has to change up their original plans for a their new console's launch date.

And if none of these 3 sources can rectify those chip-sets, M$ might just have to stop everything & re-configure a whole new different chip-set.

Early adapters, anyone?

11 years ago

I've read about those challenges, as well. What's most troubling is Microsoft's track record of system failures, especially with the earliest models. I've had a 360 for four years now and it's never died on me… but it's a third or four generation revision. Very nearly every last one of the early 360s failed eventually. That is outrageous and unacceptable, and this latest microchip issue does not bode well for them correcting the problem next gen.

11 years ago

The Last of Us and Beyond… after those maybe GTAV.

11 years ago

absolutely not. I was not impressed with GTA4. It didnt have the same feel as say San Andreas. Or maybe im just tired of the same gameplay. Who knows. Either way GTA5 probably wont deliver, I dare them to prove me wrong however.

11 years ago

GTA5 has SA written all over it, if you ask me. GTA4 were merely a little mistake. Let's just view it as an experiment. Don't worry. 🙂

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