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Call Of Duty 2013 Leaked, Follows Modern Warfare Story Arc?

It wouldn't come as any huge shock to learn that Infinity Ward is currently working on another Modern Warfare installment. But will it actually be called "Modern Warfare?" Maybe not.

Despite the fact that it isn't official just yet, it seems some new leaked details have helped to confirm that the next CoD iteration might be dubbed "Call of Duty 2013" and take place within the Modern Warfare story arc.

According to an "inside source," Activision has been recording voice work for the new project. The main character is "a battle hardened veteran in his mid-thirties with a nihilistic point of view;" his code name is "Ben Burke" and here are a few of his lines:

"Reminds you of Phuket, doesn’t it? Only this time the dust gives you cancer… OK, park yourself and get ready. When this thing kicks off, put a hole in anything that moves."

"This is Sentinel Zero One, successful crypto change on C2 net break, requesting immediate update of blue force picture and status of artillery, over. I have you broken and unreadable, I say again, requesting updates to friendly positions and status of arty support. Do you read, over?"

"We’ve got KVA on the move! They’re going to strongpoint the main gate, ETA two mikes! We’re providing support for our heavy rollers! Ready up and let’s move!"

So you get the picture. Maybe it is time for a name change in the series…and maybe we're also looking at the first CoD to go next-gen for at least one new piece of hardware. If it's slated to arrive in November like recent entries, it's likely the new Xbox or PlayStation could be available… Of course, there's zero chance that CoD won't also be made for the current consoles; can't miss that massive userbase.

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11 years ago

MW4 – I'm giddy with excitement.

BLOPS 2 is so yesterday ….

11 years ago

I would finally jump back into the series!

11 years ago

I think that would be a mistake, even though everyone knows CoD is a yearly franchise you don't want that stench on your title by Maddenizing it.

There probably won't be much difference between the current gen and next gen versions. Hopefully prettier games will get more attention. *Sigh* it's going to be sad going into a new gen without Resistance. And Killzone 3 put me off that franchise. There's no decent FPS to my liking anymore.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

Let IW do a new ip for feck sake!

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Off topic, kinda, but Ben, I believe you were wrong about GTAV.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

I also made it clear that I would only be right IF the screenshots didn't turn out to be clearly doctored in some way. And although the footage we just saw is great, it doesn't live up to those shots.

I knew full well that such detail and clarity wasn't possible on current-gen systems, and I think that became obvious in the recent trailer.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 11/15/2012 4:44:32 PM

11 years ago

Yeah when I saw the footage… I was like… Errr nothing like the screenshots T-T

A huge sandbox title like that is when you notice the limits of our current hardware XD

Maybe the screens were from the PC version or from the version that will release on the next gen hardware.

11 years ago

R*'s Houser already stated yesterday morning that the best of the best games come around, or near, the end of a console's cycle.

So I took that as a not-so-sutle hint.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/16/2012 2:18:59 AM

11 years ago

So they aren't skipping a year?
I figured they would skip a year and focus on getting it ready for next gen

11 years ago

Quantum conundrum is free with PS plus. Another CoD article? My kidney can only handle so much gunk before it starts to shut down so im ignoring it. Tumors on the game society can be turned to a single source… Right activision?

11 years ago

Tumors? More like the saving grace for a failing market – about the only game that sells consoles in numbers for both Sony and Microsoft these days

11 years ago

WTF would you call it COD 2013!?
MW has become such a popular brand, you would be mad to abandon it!
as cliffy b once said when a series is selling 10s of millions of units you dont break it up!
its been so successful for IW, has been ridiculously successful, to break it up and go in a different direction would be a stupid risk.

plus, whats the point of revealing some of the games dialogue?
there so far out from release, if it really is real they will just change it anyway so thats not going to corroborate anything.

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