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Capcom: You Haven’t Seen The Last Of The Blue Bomber

The Blue Bomber deserves another shot at the big time, don't you think?

Capcom has canceled several Mega Man games this generation (including Mega Man Legends 3 and Mega Man Universe ), but fans needn't worry about never seeing the iconic sci fi hero again.

In speaking to Nintendo Power (as cited by Rockman Corner ), Capcom senior vice president Christian Svensson has declared that someday, Mega Man will indeed return:

"I can say with certainty that you've not seen the last of the Blue Bomber on consoles and handhelds, and, with luck, we'll be celebrating his 50th anniversary, including all of the games you're going to enjoy over the next 25 years."

However, Svensson wouldn't confirm that a new title is in the works, and said the company has ran into problems before when announcing games before they were certain of completion. So at this point, he won't go into any details. But that's good enough for now, and it'll definitely be interesting to see if Mega Man ends up on multiple consoles. Wouldn't you like to see a new franchise iteration on a next-gen piece of hardware, for instance?

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11 years ago

A new Megaman X, even a command mission would be cool. What about a MMX HD collection of X7, 8 and command mission?

11 years ago

YES, Megaman X is one awesome game.

11 years ago

I'm just surprised no one has tried to make it into a true next gen experience.

11 years ago

I'm surprised, but I'm also really sad. I've had to resort to my Mega Man cuddle pillow to get my fix…

Last edited by ZenChichiri on 11/15/2012 12:07:46 AM

11 years ago

Mega Man X8 didn't end securely. Still want to know what happened to Axl.

11 years ago

I think Mega Man X4 and Mega Man 8 (PS1 FTMFW!) were the games I started and finished the most… more than 10 times each… I am salivating here! Give me something…

Anyway, if they make anoher Mega Man, I would very much like more than 8 robots… or give us a way to design a weapon… I want a Kamehameha weapon! Or a Falcon Punch one! Lol I know what I'm saying is a travesty but on these times, they gotta "power up" don't you think?

11 years ago

I have played every side scrolling Mega Man game to date and I will continue to do so! When I think of video games (ingrained in my mind from when I was a child) I think of Mega Man. There is a special place in my heart for this series, and I'll support it forever.

11 years ago

I'd be happy if they simply placed all 8 and 16 bit Megamans on a disc for $30. I'd want it. I played many of them back in the day.

11 years ago

They did release Mega Man and Mega Man X collections for PS2 and Gamecube, but this gen there's been nothing of the sort. I was lucky enough to snatch it when it came out.

The Mega Man collection had 1-8 on it, and the X collection had 1-6 on it.

11 years ago

Oh Capcom, I don't care about Megaman 7 or 8 or 9, maybe I'm too young for that.
But for Rock's sake there hasn't been a new Megaman game this gen!!!!

Megaman Legends and Megaman X needs to come back!!

I wouldn't mind a reboot as long as they make the game.

11 years ago

A new Legends would make my decade. But I'd settle with a top-notch X entry.

11 years ago

with the way they have treated him in the past, and the series creator, you will excuse me if im a little skeptical.
in fact this is not a case of ill believe it when i see it.
its a case of yea sure when pigs fly backwards while drinking scotch and singing the national anthem while doing calculus!

11 years ago

Why do I get that feeling it's gonna get outsourced to the west

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