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Two More Video Game Magazines Go Extinct After 2012

Unfortunately, print media continues its decline.

Two more video game magazines are going the way of the dodo after this year is over: As reported by CVG , UK mags PSM3 and Xbox World will see their final issues on store shelves on December 12.

Future Publishing's head of entertainment, Clair Porteous, confirmed the closings in an official statement. Unsurprisingly, the company is turning most of its attention to digital markets:

"This decision has been taken as Future continues to focus on its strategy on accelerating digital growth across its international digitally-focussed brand business. Future's gaming portfolio saw over 14m unique users for October 2012 – up over 20% on October 2011. We intend and fully expect there to be no redundancies and will be looking to redeploy all staff within the business."

For the record, Future will continue to publish the more successful OPM (Official PlayStation Magazine) and OXM (Official Xbox Magazine). The soon-to-be defunct PSM3 launched back in 2000 (initially as PSM2) and went on to publish over 160 issues. But time and technology cannot be denied.

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11 years ago

I never thought I would see it, but there seems to be coming a day where magazines next to the toilet are going to be a thing of the past.


11 years ago

I never understood why people needed to read while pooping.

11 years ago

Yes, I prefer to twiddle my thumbs and whistle a happy tune 😉

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

I will never get through one sentence of any magazine/newpaper (whatever) while I sit on the tolet to drop a nuke because I drop em fairly quick,

But, I don't see whats wrong with bringing your tablet or laptop (whatever) to the toilet?

11 years ago

i read the entire PTOM review of MGS4 on the john back in 08.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago


11 years ago

fecal germs?

11 years ago

…Dafuq did I just read?

11 years ago

Was only a matter of time, sadly. The Internet is more accessible. I like picking up the magazines and reading them while I am grocery shopping! 😉

11 years ago

Online is killing print.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 11/13/2012 11:18:15 AM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

And it should. We are killing trees no matter how much people recycle. If it saves trees, then great! Humans sha'll die when their sun does! Not from lack of clean oxygen.

11 years ago

Just as digital media will kill off physical media, eh?

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Oooh hell no! Take anything you want, but not my physical/touchable media!

11 years ago

ok mr environment you don't want magazine killing trees but you have no problem with millions of plastic game case's being shiped across the world. ?

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Well, less killing tress equals better environment. One less thing to worry about.

11 years ago

Video killed the radio star.
CGI killed the video star.
Tablets killed the storybook star.

And now, the internet killed the magazine star?

2012 is the end of the world! This is a sign! RUN! BUY TINFOIL HATS!

On that note, I'm selling some fantastic tinfoil hats, in five different shades of silver. Act now, and I'll throw in a pair of oven mitts absolutely free.

(note: if the world doesn't end, you won't be refunded)

11 years ago

I used to have a yearly sub for OPSM from PS1 through to the start of PS3.. but it was early PS3 time when I realised that I was spending most of my time with OPSM criticising it for late or incomplete information, because the net was gathering speed with industry news.

the only way the mags could ever possibly survive in print is if they were they only ones with new information, and that just can never happen now, and it is a shame but I guess its just another digital nail in the analogue coffin.

11 years ago

Your article is misleading. So "PlayStation: The Official Magazine" is ending after the Holiday 2012 issue but you say that "Official PlayStation Magazine" will continue to be published?

Did I miss something?

Last edited by ChaseHammer on 11/13/2012 12:13:48 PM

11 years ago

I think you did.

11 years ago

I thought it was folding too.

11 years ago

I think they should start a new thing, Poster Month. Like you pay a sub for 12 months and you get posters and stuff instead of the information. I would sub for that. The AC revelation poster was so badass but i cant find a non-scribbled text version. I just think that would be a cool investment on their part. Wont happen though

11 years ago

I'll never forget the feeling of, say, the latest issue of EGM arriving in the mailbox. But the fact is we're getting fantastic, magazine-style journalism in tons of outlets now, it's instantaneous, the layouts are starting to look incredible, (Polygon has the potential to be an outstanding example of this in the video game world), there's just no need for the older mediums anymore.

11 years ago

kind of ironic when you think about it. how were finding out about all these's magazine's getting cancelled on the internet.

11 years ago

In some ways this gen tech has been very good, but in other ways, like this & the "digital only", games new tech sucks.

I'd much rather have my "Escape Plan" & Motorstorm RC on their very own game cards with their very own cases & cover art, then hiding somewhere within all the other thousands of one's & zero's's that's inside my Vita memory card.

Hell, even Game Informer's trying to get me to go "all crazy digital" upon their on-line mag, but as long as there is a physical copy made, then "I AIN'T HAVING IT"

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/13/2012 8:41:37 PM

11 years ago

funny how its the most expensive worst magazines out there that are going down the sh*tter!
i wonder why.
sorry PSM3, but like POTM you were THREE times the price of gameinformer, AND had far less content, so of course people are not going to buy you!
hmmmmmmm spend 200K brand new Ferrari, or 200K on a 20 year old beetle.
hardest decision ive ever had to make!

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