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Navy SEALs Disciplined For Consulting On MoH Warfighter

You know, in reading about how the military was working so closely with the developers, I wondered if this might turn out to be an issue.

According to a CBS News report , seven US Navy SEALs who collaborated with Danger Close on the making of Medal of Honor: Warfighter have been disciplined for their roles.

Apparently, the SEALs, who are all still on active duty, revealed classified information to the game makers. And as a result, the soldiers have been reprimanded and will lose 50% of their pay for two months. The report did not specifically mention what the classified information was, but it seems one of the SEALs was involved in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden. Well, if I were those guys, I'd feel a little better about this if the game had turned out better.

Warfighter didn't do so well with the critics and EA has said the game fell below their original expectations. I'm not sure the SEALs care much, though; they just lost half their pay for a couple months and besides, they do this sh** for real . Much respect.

Related Game(s): Medal of Honor: Warfighter

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Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
12 years ago

Haha, sucks for those guys. Disciplined for leaking classified information for a game that turned out to be a critical and overall failure.

Last edited by Nas Is Like on 11/9/2012 11:27:12 AM

12 years ago

These guys go to hell and back and get very little thanks for their sacrifices and now they're being docked half their pay for leaking classified material? Come on these guys are professionals and they would never leak anything that could actually compromise national security.

This is pathetic, like Ben said, mad respect to these guys but no respect to the bureaucrats who cut their pay.

12 years ago

The Obama administration leaked classified information for political gain when Osama Bin Laden was killed. I don't see their pay being cut, but it ought to be if they do SEAL members that way.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
12 years ago

Who care about money when you get to blow sh!t up for a living!!
Hey ben,last paragraph the word 'do' should be after 'Warfighter did'nt….
just a heads up

12 years ago

I did do this so if you think its so good why don't sign up.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
12 years ago

if your asking me to become a tier 1 operator,that ship sailed about 14 yrs ago plus i was'nt exactly being serious!

12 years ago

I'm sure it was a mistake, there's some grey area when you're interviewed about tactics. That punishment seems fair enough though since obviously nothing they let out put anyone in danger. The only real point at all in such reprimand is so folks are more careful with what they say when they talk about what they do.

12 years ago

This is unfortunate, but I suppose it's a risk you take when you try to make a military shooter authentic. Too bad the game turned out as it did, but at least the punishment was fairly minor. It could have been a lot worse.

12 years ago

As I already stated to Ben when I sent him this article earlier….

These Seals are now FOREVER DENIED any promotions(FYI: reprimands in their file effectively stops it) just for 2 days worth of consulting on MOH:Warfighter(and with info that any of our enemies can probably already get off Google or elsewhere on the net, or just by playing any of the current war video games already out I might add).

Yet that POSER in the White House continues to get away scott free after leaking far more serious top secret classified information to the press, and thereby hand-delivering it to our enemies.

And that is so wrong on every level!

America needs to hold 0-Vomit & his administration 100% accountable for Benghazi-gate, and their continued cover-up over the 4 American deaths, of our Ambassador & our 3 dead heroes who selflessly rushed into the firefight, trying to safeguard & rescue him.

"My name is Saint & I indorse this message"

***And F*ck those who don't*

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/9/2012 5:30:51 PM

12 years ago

Let it go, Mittens lost and America has spoken. Don't listen to what Fox News says, it's BS. The whole world knows that.

12 years ago

Nobody was supposed to know that SEAL team six was involved in the raid on Bin Laden. It was Biden that shot his mouth off and revealed those who were involved.

I didn't vote at all. Voting for the lesser of two evils, is still voting for evil. Plus, Louisiana only has two electoral votes, so we don't matter anyway.

12 years ago


Sorry but…..NO!

Maybe you don't care(I really don't know what to think from any of those posts thus far), but all of his admin's classified leaks & his own personal non-caring attitude of our military, and our own American's non-safety abroad, has doused him in the blood of 4 dead Americans.

And still, he denied America the right to see or see the Benghazi tapes.
The only thing they've now allowed was a 48 hour window for our congress to see/hear them, while knowing all too well that they are all out of session during this time-frame, thereby it's just another phoney ploy to keep American from knowing the real truth of his deeds, and lack of any good ones I should say.

And I'm sure he's been busy back-pedaling to erase or doctor the Benghazi tapes, just like he's already spent $3 million to hide and/or erase all of his records & history

And like it or not, or ignore it or not, those are the facts!

So no, as long as he dishonors America with his lies & deceit, and he continues to dishonor our military, this pit-bull won't be letting any of it go ever till he & some of his administration are all in prison.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/9/2012 6:59:25 PM

12 years ago

Actually that's a bunch of speculation. You've been misinformed. Those who lack facts cling to conspiracies.

Back to games now.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 11/9/2012 7:16:36 PM

12 years ago

Well it's been over ten years since I looked into it, we actually have eight. But when I thought my vote counted way back when, I remember being disillusioned with seeing an electoral map indicating we had two. It either changed or it was a fraudulent map. Nobody probably gives a damn, but I felt I should correct my statement.

12 years ago


It's so sad how the liberal lamesteam media that's solidly in his back pocket, has managed to make the fool-hardy deny anything that's against their Royal HINDass.

12 years ago

Uuummm, I thought this site was about video games????

12 years ago

There was an election a few days ago.

12 years ago

Granted, but this article has nothing to do about the US election and the closest this site got to mentioning anything to do with the US election was a couple of days ago when Ben asked which video game character would make a good president.

To all, please do not use this site as an outlet for your misgivings about the results of a recent election. There are many, many other forums on the internet that deal with US political issues where you may share your concerns with an audience that is also interested in US politics.

12 years ago

@biker saint

that poser in the whitehouse happened to kill bin laden something the bush administration couldnt do after tearing 2 countries apart looking for him. Ended the war in iraq saving even more lives.

He has done quite a lot for this country in just 4 years than a lot of presidents do in 8. Not to mention GM motors wouldnt be around now if it wasnt for this "poser". And thats after the bush admin. left him a big pile of sh*t to clean up after. like him or not he is our president for 4 more years.

12 years ago

Obama didn't do anything and neither did Bush when he was in office. SEAL members who believe in their country and sticking a foot up somebody's *ss for jacking with us, took out Osama.

12 years ago


You might want get your facts right, because that o-bomination made the Seal Team 6 operators stand down on 3 separate occasions right when they were close to getting Bin Laden.

And on the ST6's 4th chance to get BL, some of our Military higher-up's & some of our State Dept people actually decided enough was enough, and took matter's into their own hands to take BL out without the President's knowledge, until well after after the actual deed was done.

That's why o-balmy was actually playing another round of golf around that time instead of actually being in the planning room.
And that also shows why the pic & video's of him right after it happened, all had that very same severe look of a dejected man, solemnly slumped down in his big leather chair.

But the snake-oil salesman still found away to re-spin that whole situation to his own advantage….he just took full credit for BL's kill, as his own personal publicity op.

And those 3 orders to stand down were on the advice by who's really running the White House Dog & Pony show, Valerie Jarret, who kept urging him to make ST6 stand down.
Plus, another thing that should bother you if you are a true American, is she's part of the Muslim Brotherhood, who's group been repeatedly been called a storefront for Al-Qaeda.

NOW, as for GM, that's funny how he gave all of our tax dollars out as phoney stimulus bail-out money to his cronies, his big-time campaign supporters, and unions.

Ford flatly refused a single penny of his bait money & guess what….. FORD is still standing proudly, right as rain.

So explain to me just how great GM's Chevy Volt is, as each car is government subsidized to the tune of well over over $30,000 each, over & above what they'll actually be able to sell them for?

That also means that even if you can't even afford to buy any car at all,(whether new or used), you are still on the hook & paying out your own arse for anyone who buys one.

And let's have a look at all the so-called green company's inner pocket-lining's he stimulated with our tax dollars.

All but 1 of those same company's has still gone down the tubes after receiving our tax money, and that last company still standing is about to crumble too, as they're filing for bankruptcy too.

So exactly what did YOU get from his massive 5.1 trillion more in 4 years, tax spending?????

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/9/2012 11:29:04 PM

12 years ago

It has to be under the direct order of the president of the united states to infiltrate another country to capture or kill a target. sorry but yes he did do something. the seals are the team to simply get the job done. But they cant do it without the presidents approval.

12 years ago

He "originally" told them to get BL, but that's all he did.

And regardless of what, no thanks to his 3 stand-down orders afterwards, our still military got BL in spite of it.

BTW, I wouldn't give "anyone" sitting in the White House props for anything but the actual order itself, as it's our military & our military alone, that deserves all of the props.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/9/2012 11:47:24 PM

12 years ago

For anyone who cares, I'm an equal opportunity hater of most politicians and their rhetoric, so I also hated the Bush & McClain lines of self-agenda BS too.

We desperately need a rising-up of a strong 3rd party, a "true America" party that actually believes in America, it's core family values, our rights, our freedoms, our Constitution, & of our Bill of Rights.

And until that day comes(if it does), almost all of these hamburger-patty-formed assembly lines of Democrats & RHINO's(fake "Republican's In Name Only") will all continue sucking whatever little life is left out of America!!!

Anyway, I've said my piece, so I'm done with this thread.

"Don't tread on me"

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/10/2012 12:40:51 AM

12 years ago

Biker Saint, had I been unemployed and lonely as long as you, I might spend more time looking up half witted and half researched editorials on neoconservative blogs that border on conspiratorial content. Now shut your trap on focus on games you sad little man, you sound plainly schizophrenic.

12 years ago


Wow, so it wasn't enough for you that I had already stopped my posts, that you just had to start it back up just get your petty feable-mined digs in????

OK, I'll tell you what, as for you hiding behind a computer to call me names, how's about you PM on my name in the forum & I'll send you my address so you can find out what & who I am in person.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/10/2012 3:17:09 AM

12 years ago

Yes Biker saint, I'm going to get right on that…

12 years ago

serves them right for divulging confidential information.
there not getting slugged for helping out with warfighter there getting slugged for giving out information they were suppose to keep secret.
sad how little people care about laws these days, i mean theres this, $onys constant and blatant illegal TOS and stupid lawsuits, the constant street date breakages like RE6, halo 4, LBP vita, ect, ect.
seems no one gives a sh*t about anything anymore!

12 years ago

LMAO… O-Vomit… Thats funny. bikers got a point. LOL. Good day!!!

12 years ago

I got a good laugh from that one too! 😀

No politician in history has ever had me so freaked out as Obama. Now that he got his re-election, he has 4 years to do some REAL damage. Watch out for his support of a few particular UN treaties! Those could really could screw over American rights and sovereignty. Unlike internal laws, which can be repealed with changes to political climate from one election to another, those UN treaties, if ratified, will be nigh impossible to counter without making the UN hostile to the US. They'd be as binding as the Geneva convention… and undermine the freedoms of this nation!

12 years ago

TBH… Neither one of them we're my primary choice for president. I do have to say though, I'm 100% positive that Romney would've done a far superior job with getting the economy back in order than "O-Vomit" LOL. Think its hard to keep up with all the games coming out now? Wait until holiday season of next year!!! Even more so the following!!! I know, The people have spoken. Actually the media has spoken and people just follow everything the media has to say and they do it in droves. I just can't see any other reason as to why people ignore the fact that government wants to run everything. I also can't see why any body who actually works for a living would want to essentially pay for someone else's health care. Ah well… Assassins Creed is awesome. LMAO