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BioWare: What Do You Want To See In The Next Mass Effect?

Don't say BioWare never asked.

Although the Mass Effect trilogy is complete, that doesn't mean we'll never see the popular RPG title again. No indeed; in fact, BioWare is already thinking about the next step.

As such, they'd like to know what you want to see in a fresh ME offering. Executive producer Casey Hudson took to Twitter to ask the fans for feedback; he also said development on a new Mass Effect is in the early stages. So here's your chance to tell the studio exactly what you want; this isn't a guarantee that BioWare will take every last suggestion they see, but at least they're asking . That's commendable, yes?

Me, I'm more interested in the upcoming Dragon Age III . Being more of a sword 'n staff kinda guy, I really want to see a fantastic RPG that I can easily sink my teeth into. You can keep your sci-fi phasers and ray guns and star fleets over there, thanks.

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11 years ago

I have seen John Shepard posts before but this one gave me a double take.
Also I am not tying to hack the site so why did I get a "Detected hacking attempt." error?

Last edited by Toxin on 11/9/2012 12:42:41 AM

11 years ago

I've gotten the hacking message before. It could be the only error message programed for the site.

11 years ago

I felt the same as toxin. This sounds like something Ben wrote. Why does John not ever reply? Is he baseballdude or whoever that guy is. I'm quite certain he's not shadow, who is a moderator.

11 years ago

Actually it reads like something Ben wrote, because I didn't hear anything.

11 years ago

"John Shepard" is Ben's nom de plume, they are one and the same.

11 years ago

i want to see ME2s story, characters and side missions mixed with ME3s mission design and big epic space battles and gameplay!
gameplay wise, especially the added RPG elements, made ME3 freaking awesome so much better than 2!
so did its space battles, towards the end there i grabbed the popcorn and invited the friends to come watch starwars it was just perfect!
all that was missing was the darth vader music.

but the story in 3 was sh*t!
the plot made no sense whatsoever, and the ending with the illusive man just did not make any sense whatsoever.
its something allot of games these days suffer, either the idea just seems stupid, or its hard to believe.
like heavy rain, im going to go frame the mafia to cover my own a$$.
yea that should make you safe!
out of all the people, why the mafia?

the character development in 2 was WAY better too!
the side missions you could do really made you connect with the characters and feel sorry for them.
like the jacob mission when you find out what hes fathers been doing, that really phoned home.
ME3 manages to be as heartfelt and emotional as a terminator movie!
and thats such a shame, because ME2 really was such a creative epic story masterpiece!
we need both, we need the book from ME2, and the game from ME3.
but that wont happen, bioware are so convinced everyone only plays pew pew games so will get another half a$$ed story crammed into another starwars wannabe!

11 years ago

I really don't care about the franchise anymore. Its been basically downhill for me since ME1 although 2 and 3 had some highlights.

What I want to see but know that I will never ever see is a Mass Effect that builds off of the first game. Bring back loot, bring back weapon mods and bullet mods, bring back the mako only fix it so people dont cry about its controls, bring back exploration of planets with the mako only make the planets have a bit more to do on them and maybe more visually appealing, bring back the bigger skill trees and 80 character levels, put in the class system and specialties from ME2 but go with bigger better more RPG like skill trees, add in the deep story missions that ME2 had, create a well paced over arching story more similar to ME1 in that it is not just explosions and high action every ten seconds, more dialogue options with branching quests from those, and last but not least only make ONE game and give it a BUNCH of multiple endings, show us that you can make a game where your choices actually do matter even if some of those choices lead to some pretty awful outcomes.

Now that is what I want, but what I expect to get is a Mass Effect FPS on the frostbite engine, with less choices, less dialoge and even more streamlining and dumbing down of the RPG elements than ME2 and ME3 to the RPG elements.

11 years ago

Honestly not sure what direction I'd like to see Mass Effect take from here on out, and I'm a pretty massive fan. the easy answer would be prequels, perhaps going as far back as humanity's first exploration of the solar system which lead to them finding the prothean ruins on Mars (SPOILER) and then, eventually, the Mass Relay. Would allow for totally different styles of gameplay, tone, etc. Could a set of sequels work? I'm sure they have some idea of how they would follow up ME3, but I just don't know what that would look like.

I was very happy to read that Bioware isn't just going to have "a new Shepherd" star in the new games. Well tread territory at this point, so hopefully they try a different direction.

11 years ago

I see better stories and lot more variety

11 years ago

It's easier to list what I want to keep from the earlier games, than what I want to see new.

But I hope for a bit more open game. Not entirely open world, but a bit more exploration and choices would be neat. Especially the third game became too linear for me. Too much focus on the main story, all the maps were designed for one purpose only, and that was to pull the story forward.

I also obviously want the next Mass Effects to be more focused on being a RPG.

Other than that I just want more of the same. More of the classic Bioware quality narratives, all the fantastic locations, exciting races, interesting conflicts… All of that who made Mass Effect so epic.

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/9/2012 11:26:52 AM

11 years ago

Kinda sucks that ME1 doesnt include all the DLCs…

11 years ago

I too am more interested in DAIII as I prefer swords and whatnot BUUUT next up I'd like for ME to develop as you play like a normal RPG instead of setting up the final battle right away and then sending you out to gain support. I'm not big on that formula.

And more wild sex with blue women.

11 years ago

Oh Bioware no, don't ask them spoilt brats what they want of all things, especially after their tantrum after the Mass Effect 3 ending…

11 years ago

I want to see Ashley and Miranda – together – oh yes

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