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Assassin’s Creed III Hits 3.5 Million, Watch Dogs Drops In 2013

Assassin's Creed III is the bomb-diggity. Yeah, that's right, 90s reference, kiddies.

Ubisoft has revealed some great news after releasing their numbers for the six-month period ending September 30.

First and foremost, the recently released Assassin's Creed III only needed one week to hit an estimated 3.5 million copies in worldwide sales. If you're wondering, that's 100% more than Assassin's Creed: Revelations sold in its first week last year. That's great news for a game that has been so highly promoted; after all, if you dump that much into advertising, you kinda want a big return. In addition, the company confirmed that their highly anticipated new IP, Watch Dogs , will launch some time next year. If you remember, the game turned a lot of heads at E3 2012.

As for Ubisoft's six-month numbers, they posted a €32.3 million ($41.35 million) loss, which is a little down from the €37.1 million ($47.55) loss during the same period in 2011. However, revenue came in at €279.2 million ($357.88 million), which is an increase of 12.1%; this was thanks in part to the well-received Ghost Recon: Future Soldier and back catalog sales. Oh, and Ubisoft's online section surged 59% to €28 million ($35.9 million). But we repeat: ACIII rules.

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11 years ago

Nice. The more of these that flood out into the wild only means more to shore up back for resale in the comings months. I say, UbiSoft will want to maintain some of that lost revenue by slashing AC3 with crazy sales in short time.

11 years ago

oh yes, I expect ACIII to follow the others into cheapdom right quick.

11 years ago

I really enjoyed this game and loved the homestead missions, they were cool. It had its problems (it froze on me and the frame rate dropped a few times, and did people on the streets just randomly disappear for anyone else?) but overall this is a great game.

11 years ago

Beat it already?

11 years ago

Couldn't stop playing so finished it last Saturday I think it was.

11 years ago

Just beat the game, it was fantastic! And for the first time I'm actually interested in doing the side quests and stuff like that after beating the game…also naval battles are wicked fun.

11 years ago

I'm glad that Watch Dogs is officially dropping next year. Definitely my most wanted for 2013.

11 years ago

Even higher than GTA and BioShock?

11 years ago

GTA just doesn't do it for me anymore. I loved the new grittier direction GTA4 took, but the gameplay….I don't really know. It just seemed dated to me, especially after I played RDR or LA Noire. As for Bioshock, while I know they're good games, I could never really get into them. So yes, I'm looking forward to Watch Dogs more than those or any other game I can think of.

11 years ago

Ubisoft is knocking on Activision and EA's door. Looking forward to seeing more media about Watchdogs.

11 years ago

ive said pretty much everything i have to say about AC3.
as for watchdogs im excited to see how it turns out, and to what extent we can hack things?
and what customization level will there be?
as the devs said in the E3 demo they hacked the traffic lights just to show off the hacking mechanic, but that scenario could happen in many different ways.
so will the whole game be like that, or is it just key story points?

11 years ago

I have had some messed up glitches in cut scenes. one where i was on the first ship and the captain was talking to me. the whole time his mouth never moved. a guy at work told me how he was on a ship where it had a plank to another ship. he went across and started killing a guy and then he started going back and forth between ships killing guys. it has some little things but this is the best game i have played in a long time. i am taking my time and going through it kind of slow. i love when Ben Franklin is telling you how its better to bang older chicks than younger chicks. he goes on and on about it.

11 years ago

AC III was destined for success Im more interested in knowing how well Liberation sold. Happy hear Watchdogs releases next year.

11 years ago

Really glad Watch Dogs is coming next year..Game looked incredible..Loving every moment of ACIII right now though

11 years ago

Sly Cooper,The Last of Us,God of War:Ascension,
GTA V,Watch Dogs,Beyond:Two Souls,Bioshock Infinite AND Yakuza 5(English Version)
Playstaion 3 is going to explode in 2013 with all these State of the art games coming.

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