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Skyrim Dragonborn DLC Confirmed, But Not For PS3 Owners

More DLC for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim …but once again, not for PlayStation 3 owners.

So Bethesda has confirmed the new Dragonborn expansion for the award-winning RPG; this fresh piece of DLC will be available for Xbox 360 gamers on December 4 for the price of 1,600 Microsoft Points ($20). Unsurprisingly however, it wasn't announced for the PS3. If it makes you feel any better, it wasn't confirmed for PC, either, but we assume that's coming.

The PS3 version of the game still doesn't have any DLC; Dawnguard and Hearthfire are not available and Bethesda admits that it's their issue. They've supposedly been working with Sony to resolve the issue(s), but that seems to be taking an awfully long time…long story short- Don't expect Dragonborn to show up on the PS3 any time soon.

Whatever. At this rate, The Elder Scrolls VI will be out before any DLC arrives for Skyrim on the PS3. And Bethesda's latest, Dishonored , is just plain awesome and runs fine on Sony's console. And at least that DLC is supposed to come simultaneously to all three major platforms .

Related Game(s): The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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11 years ago


Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Getting their bosses to do the work for them!

11 years ago

Maybe in terms of inability to code properly, but I'd still give that prize to Square Enix.

11 years ago

I hope I'm not the only one who instantly thought of Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons… cause if I am the only one, I'm probably going to live a lonely life. 🙁

11 years ago

Indeed Jawknee.

11 years ago

Can I Get an AMEN!!!

Boggles the mind. Skyrim:
1. Bigger than New Vegas,
2. More populated,
3. Dynamic & Unscripted events that runs smoother than New Vegas did…
No DLC for a game that runs smoother than New Vegas…even though New Vegas didn't even have that much going for it.

Yeah, Jawknee, I fuckin concur.

Last edited by Ludakriss on 11/6/2012 6:49:12 AM

11 years ago

Ben, all this negative skyrim for ps3 has me really thankful i read your review for skyrim when it came out.

i originally bought the ps3 version, but as soon as i read what you said about potential game breaking glitches on the version of our beloved console, i took it back to wally world and switched for a 360 version.
although that one still has problems as well.
im actually thinking about getting it for my lap top, and getting rid of my 360 version.

anyways, ive yet to try any of the dlc yet, but this announced dlc and dawnguard are the only ones im really interested in. if i get the pc version, i can just mod my own home into the game, and not have to buy the hearthfire dlc all together.

and on a completely differant topic, i recently downloaded some apps on my laptop for mobile app making, because i want to pick it up as a hobby. but i know absolutely nothing about coding. can anyone reccomend a book to me for learning code ona beginners level?
it would be much appreciated.

11 years ago

You want to learn to program for Android? How cool! Let me try to help get you started:

The APRESS books are really good. Very pedagogic, informative and well written.

Search for the APRESS book "Beginning Android 4" at Amazon and you'll find a good starting point. All the books from APRESS has the same look on their covers, a sliced up metallic ball. If it is Android game programming you want to get into, there is an additional "Beginning Android Games Programming" from APRESS you probably is curious to look into as well.

I don't know what developer applications you downloaded, but I would recommend that you install Eclipse – it has become almost the de facto standard Android developer tool. The Android development kit can be downloaded within the Eclipse interface as a plugin.

One word of warning though: Most guides and books expect you to have a basic knowledge of the Java programming language. So if you are completely new to programming as a whole, you might want to look into Java first, since all Android development is derived from Java.

But if I were you I'd just dive right in with some beginners books to Android and just be prepared that the hill is a bit steep at the beginning. 🙂

Good luck!!!

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/6/2012 1:30:44 AM

11 years ago

hey thanks beam !
ill make sure to check these books out on amazon, and eclipse is the software i downloaded.

im thinking im gonna check into java at first until i atleast get a basic understanding for the actions and commands and from there, ill explore the other stuff.

if i get the hang of this, your getting props on my apps. oh, and a thumbs up

EDIT : I just put the 2 books you recommended on my wish list for amazon so i wont forget the names, or lose them. thanks again buddy !

Last edited by Dreno on 11/6/2012 1:39:51 AM

11 years ago

Thanks 🙂

I work as a programmer myself, so I'm just honored to help a fellow budding programmer.

If you got the patience, learn basic Java first, just to learn how you structure the code. But if not, just expect to struggle a bit at first, but you'll get the hang of it eventually. Just *don't* go for anything else than beginners books. You'll learn 80% from them of what you need to know in practice anyways, so don't be tempted to skip that step.

But hey – if it indeed is Eclipse you will start working in (good choice, buddy), you should also know of the APRESS book dedicated for that; "Android apps with Eclipse" is the name of the book.

It's a great starting point to learn Android app development, since it focuses on the tool you are going to use anyways. I got the book and it's very straight forward, you get an introduction to Android before diving into apps development using Eclipse.

Again, it expect you to know the basic about Java, but is so well written that I don't think it would be too much of a hassle, you just have to understand what goes on in the source codes along the way, and you'll be fine I think.

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/6/2012 1:58:16 AM

11 years ago

IF they ever do get this game fixed so that us PS3 players can play it without any problems, they better offer us one sweet deal. And I do agree with you on that Jawknee, they cant seem to make many games that plays well on the PS3 which is why I don't buy any of their games. No other dev's seems to have any problems making games for the PS3, but nope, not these guys. It can be that hard gesh! I wouldn't mind playing Skyrim on the PS3, id prefer it, and i do have an xbox360, not sure how much longer its gonna work, been making a lot of loud noises and freezing up on me lately. I just prefer the PS3. But they really need to get their crap together, specially before i go buy their games.

11 years ago

Entitled mode active: We should get it free when it's done.

But I could care less now, I'm back into Two Worlds II and I gotta say it's just more fun.

11 years ago

Two Worlds 2 is a good game.. it also has DLC.

11 years ago

Yup I got Pirates of the Flying Fortress too.

11 years ago

Only hope is that the GotY Edition will come out with the dlc. 🙁

11 years ago

That may be loaded with more bugs just like Fallout 3 GOTY. That game froze so many times on me I just gave up.

11 years ago

Do PS3 gamers really even care anymore? Bethesda sucks as a developer and they don't deserve any money from us. They just give us one excuse after another and still no DLC.

Bethesda hasn't seen any of my money since Fallout 3 first came out on the 360. The PS3 GOTY version I bought used.

11 years ago

This PS3 gamer could not care less about Bethesda.

11 years ago

Real talk, sir.

Vote with your god damned, wallet!

11 years ago

So, this is Bethesda's way of making friends and influencing people who own PS3? Seems like they simply enjoy ticking off a major proportion of consumers. Either that or MS secretly owns a major stake in Bethesda.

11 years ago

Oh well, I don't think they'd make any more friends if they held back the content on one platform because of problems with a *different* platform. Just imagine how the PC and x360 owners would take that 😀

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/6/2012 1:36:44 AM

11 years ago

I think we, the PS gamers, just have to realize we lost this one and move on. When not even Sonys own assistance was enough to make Skyrim work on the PS3, I would say all hope is lost.

It's unfortunate, very unfortunate. Had this been just a regular game I would not care less, but Skyrim is one of the greatest games of the generation. It's a real loss.

11 years ago

Agreed… to a point.

I moved on, but Bethesda needs to get their act together. There are millions of PS3 gamers out there.

This entire fiasco has resulted in my boycotting Bethesda games. I tolerated Fallout 3 and New Vegas, but Skyrim's game ending glitch coupled with no DLC equals no future purchases for me.

Speak with the wallet, I say.

Generation's best? More like generations "shhh-brush-that-under-the-rug" game and give it high scores!

Last edited by maxpontiac on 11/6/2012 2:05:04 AM

11 years ago

Personally I think both Fallouts worked good enough, I really do. Fantastic games, particularly Fallout 3.

I fully agree that we should speak with our wallets. But I think it sends the wrong signal if games that *do* work on the PS3 are getting boycotted too, especially when developed by other companies under the Bethesda umbrella.

11 years ago

I think PS3 only sites should just stop putting up news about Skyrim or even maybe Bethesda. Boycott them and see if they like the lack of attention.

11 years ago

At least we know they won't make this mistake with Fallout 4… right?

11 years ago

Since we've not heard anything about F4 yet it is safe to assume that it is a next gen release. And as such I think we are pretty safe, the Skyrim engine on the next gen consoles should be no problem at all.

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/6/2012 4:23:32 AM

11 years ago

xDD The silence just before the question xDD got me, man. Got me.

Yeah I've been thinking about it, but in a much broader spectrum.

Dragons appearing unscripted in Skyrim could be Mammoths appearing unscripted in FO4. You know?

Stuff like smithing & upgrades also played a big part in Skyrim which FO only had by buying and finding mods, you know?

It just, bugs me…eh? Yeah? See what I did there ? Yeahh-hahahahah!

Seriously though. Bugs in FO3, FO: New Vegas. Both minuscule in comparison of scale, to Skyrim. So I ask…What In THe F..>!?

11 years ago

I know it is hard to progam games. I know it is also even harder to program for 3 different systems for a game as huge as Skyrim too.

I just hope that with the new pS4, that Bethesda gives us Sony fanboys the same treatment that xbox fanboys get with their games. If they cant, then Sony should not allow any of their games on their console again.

End of Line.

11 years ago

Yeah, see? I remember them -Bethesda – actually trying to explain why all the glitches.

They had the cheek to answer "the game as big as Skyrim will have these problems for its size etc" obviously, the quote isn't exact. It was a while back.

Still. Coming back to the excuse of the game size. ARE YOU SERIOUS!? This is the best Bethesda comes back with?

How about planning, design decisions, memory discussions to accomodate the crucial parts of a game that – oh yeah, isn't supposed to have FUCKIN BUGS! – so that it can actually be played.

From what I'm playing right now, on PS3, I have yet to encounter a real glitch. Apart from stupidities happening with frame rates that is.

Can you imagine CD Project Red making such claims? Square Enix? Get the finger out, Bethesda…supposed to be a professional, damn it.

11 years ago

I know it's not a popular thing to say around here, but if the rumored architectural change with PS4 is true, there will be no more reasons to worry about this.

11 years ago

I deleted my skyrim saves long ago i have moved on!!

11 years ago

I deleted my save files and sold the game while you could still get money for it.

11 years ago

Stupid Bethseda go home you're drunk

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