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Join The Rebellion: Play A Classic Instead Of Black Ops II

Important Disclaimer: Nobody is bashing Call of Duty: Black Ops II in this article. We at PSXE have every confidence that it will be a fine game, and millions will love it.

All right now, come together, gamer brothers.

We are in the process of creating a mild rebellion in response to the upcoming blockbuster that will be Black Ops II . We say "mild" because we bear the CoD franchise and the makers of its game no ill will, nor do we have a problem with those who enjoy its games. We do, however, believe firmly that various old-school styles of interactive entertainment that deserve to survive have all but died. We also believe that once upon a time, before this industry went full-on mainstream, there were memorable experiences that would seem alien and even comical in the eyes of today's youth.

So on November 13, a gigantic number of gamers will be lining up to purchase the biggest video game of 2012. One could be all bitter and cynical and say that such lines will consist of ADD-riddled teens who can't play any game that doesn't involve constant shooting. But we won't say that. We're just going to create this nice little club, see, and this club will not buy BOII on launch day. Instead, each member will sit down and play a classic of their choice. It can be anything (although it may not be in the spirit of the club to pick a shooter). It can be any game that brings a tear to your eye, either because you don't see that type of gameplay anymore or because the memories are thick…or both.

You don't have to finish it. You don't even have to play it beyond that day. Just sit there, playing your favorite classic, knowing that you're having just as much fun (if not more fun) than anyone playing Black Ops II . Plus, it's a nice homage to the past. If you'd like be a member of the club, simply state your commitment to the idea and the title of the classic you plan to play on November 13. Thank you for your support. If you're wondering, my choice is in the upper right of this article.

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Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Not this year CoD, not this year. *last minute, changes mind*

11 years ago

You know can resist the urge… if you want to satiate it, play MW3! :p

I wanna play the PS1 version of Grandia! That game is awesome and at that time, not many games had voiceovers…

I hope my disc still plays 'cause if it doesn't, I may have to buy it digital…

11 years ago

I'll probably start playing my NTSC-J copy of Final Fantasy VIII which I bought from Play-Asia.

11 years ago

I just nabbed a new copy of Persona 4 for PS2. Does turn-based JRPG count as old school? I think so.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

I preordered Persona 4 Golden for my Vita and I have no idea what im about to get in to 😀 all I know is im getting a cool Vita skin!

So, can you tell me about what it is about? How are the gameplay mechanics?

Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 11/4/2012 11:25:35 PM

11 years ago

Let's just say you're getting the full Japanese Highschool experience, with a little murder mystery and summoning powers tossed in for good measure 🙂

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Since I only have MGS collection for my Vita, I figured I needed a game, so I searched "Vita games" and Persona 4 Golden came up, so I chose it! Or it chose me?

Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 11/4/2012 11:46:50 PM

11 years ago

The Persona contract does choose you.

11 years ago

your dp has nice boobies… that is all

11 years ago

Boobies are the greatest thing on this planet.

11 years ago

boobies feed babies milk.

11 years ago

Stop ruining things Temjin.

11 years ago

I played a classic the other day. A game that I've dumped many a quarter into when I was a kid. After all these years, I finally made it past wave 5 in Joust. But I died quickly afterwards.

I'll play that one again on November 13, but I may need a reminder though. World caught me excercising my massive short term memory capabilities the other day. It's like having stuper powers or something. Yes, I did mean stuper.

11 years ago

Nothing gets by me… except information that's actually useful.

11 years ago

I just thought of something. Joust is more like an antique than a classic. Maybe I should pick something else.

11 years ago

I JUST finished Heavy Rain today and right away dove into Ghostbusters:The Video Game ….

…. oh game collection, how I have neglected you ….

11 years ago

I played the Ghost Busters slot machine at a casino jaunt on Monday, won 8.25 on the first spin 🙂 Great new machine.

11 years ago

FYI, the full game of "Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime"(PS3) is only $1.25 in the PSN store right now.

11 years ago

I played Ghostbusters on the Wii, picked it up cheap for the PS3 to see what the differences are. Still on my "to play" list though. The Wii version was fun nostalgia.

11 years ago

Way ahead of you, I recently started my latest Legend of Dragoon playthrough.

11 years ago

That's a big ol' thumbs up from here my friend. I've recently started another round of Dragoon on my Vita. It never gets old 🙂

11 years ago

I still regularly play Ms.Pac Man on my PS2 and love it. It not only brings back memories of playing it as a kid, but I still love playing it to this day 🙂

11 years ago

Iron Maiden brings back memories, too.

Run to the hills!!

11 years ago

I might have to download my favourite game ever on PSN then since I don't have my PS1 with me now. Xenogears here we come!

Then again, I might also play Symphony of the Night on my PSP. Hmmm decisions decisions!

11 years ago

Xenogears for me on the day :).

11 years ago

sigh, it sits on my PSP waiting to be played. I keep holding off.. I should just start it. It's one of those jRPG's that my friends during my teenage years cherished.

11 years ago

I'll be playing Metal Gear Solid VR Missions.
For being an original playstation game, there haven't been many that come close to its very well and thought out puzzle aspects.

11 years ago

I enjoyed those missions a lot better than the ones on the ps2 version. They were more fun. Although the ps2 one had some funny ones.

11 years ago

Ok, count me in too.

OK, you can count me in.
I'll be playing an "all Intellivision gaming day" starting with one of my all-time favorite retro games, "Burgertime.

And then…..
Armor Battle
Beauty & The Beast
Demon Attack
Ice Trek
Lock N Chase
Night Stalker
Sea Battle
Triple Action
Tron Deadly Discs
and Utopia.

But later that night I'll probably go back to Mafia 2's DLC if I haven't finished it, or another one of my PS3's backlogged games if I have.

BTW, guess what Toys R Us Kid just turned 60 a 1/2 hour ago…..

Yeah, this kid!

11 years ago

I was considering burning an Intellivision emulator for my Dreamcast.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Happy B-Day

11 years ago

Well, Happy 60th Birthday to that cool kid. hehe.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Happy Birthday Saint!

11 years ago

Happy Birthday Bikersaint!

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
11 years ago

A man after my own heart, BikerSaint. I LOVE Burgertime on the Intellivision. I might follow your lead and hook mine up and play a few of the oldies but goodies. For kicks I might throw in Kool-Aid Man and burst through some walls! Happy birthday to you as well. 🙂

I have a few other classics I might throw in. I've not played Jade Empire or KoTOR in years. That could be a good day to play some of my older faves.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Happy Birthday and just keep gaming! 🙂

11 years ago

Thanks for the HB wishes guys!

It's much appreciated(by this old fart, LMAO!)

SirLoin of Beef,
Yeah, Burgertime has to be my 2nd 1/2 century's all-time favorite retro game.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/5/2012 11:54:11 AM

11 years ago

I'll be playing a classic on the day Black Ops 2 is released.
It's called my job 🙂

11 years ago

I'll have to toss in the Resident Evil remake or perhaps Resident Evil 2. Tough choice there. But I'd have to say that Resident Evil 2 fits into the "classic" category a bit better.

11 years ago

Are Duck Hunt and Space Invaders considered 'shooters'?

11 years ago

Duck Hunt definitely but allowed and encouraged 🙂

11 years ago

I'll be playing Chakan, Mystic Defender, Kid Chamelion, Ranger X, and Xmen 2 on my sega genesis. Chakan is soo freaking hard. Oh, and some Herzog zwei for my RTS fix 🙂

11 years ago

Hmmm, your Genesis post reminds me that I should also go back to my Genesis, & play some more Jungle Strike, Urban Strike & Soviet Strike.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/5/2012 1:37:49 AM

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
11 years ago

I still wish I had my Genesis. Populous was always a good way to kill many, many hours.

11 years ago

I'd stab a monkey for a reboot of Chakan: The Forever Man

11 years ago


Thank goodness, I kept my Genesis & have been slowly building up my games library for it, which now stands at 147 games.

You should go check eBay, amazon & 1/2 price(Dot)com for some great used deals or box lot deals on the Genesis, or other retro systems & hand-helds(I picked up a Sega Gamegear with 1 game included for only $7) & get yourself back into some great retro gaming, on the super-cheap.

After re-buying my Intellivision I & II consoles once again, I was able to find a box-lot deal on 13 of their best-selling games for less than $24.

FYI, I sometimes wind up with a few doubles in those box lots for all my game collections, but I'm always willing to trade those for ones I don't have if anyone lets me know.

Heck, when I've got the time, I'm planning to set up a new thread in the forum of all the doubles of games I'm willing to swap with anyone, for any I still don't have yet.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/5/2012 12:16:02 PM

11 years ago

Hmmm, Okami HD? Final Fantasy VII? Metal Gear Solid? Driver? Sonic the Hedgehog? Banjo Kazooie? Tony Hawk Pro Skateboarding?

So many choices!! And none of them requiring an internet connection!!

No way I'm getting Black Ops II. I've already got CoD 4 MW on PC, MW2 on PS3 and Black Ops 1 on 360. Might, MIGHT get Black Ops 2 if I get a Wii U, but that's not for a long LOOOOONG while.

11 years ago

I never bought a CoD game, this gonna be easy for me xD

11 years ago

I never bought a CoD game, this gonna be easy for me xD

11 years ago

You double posted… But that's okay, I got to give you TWO thumbs up!

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