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Capcom Would Let Western Teams Work On Any Franchise

This may not be exactly what long-time Capcom fans want to hear…but then again, maybe they love hearing it.

Capcom has been striving to cater more to Western tastes this generation, and they've collaborated with Western development studios several times already. A few of their biggest upcoming titles are being mostly designed outside of Japan; that includes DMC , Remember Me , and Lost Planet 3 . And recently, former Epic Games design boss Cliff Bleszinski said he could help Capcom "fix" Resident Evil .

But maybe Capcom wouldn't let their iconic franchises out of Japan. Maybe they want to protect those; keep 'em close to home. …well, no. According to GamesRadar , Capcom Hideaki Itsuno (director for the last three Devil May Cry iterations) said there is no series they'd keep away from Western teams. Here's Itsuno's reply to the question:

"No. There's no game that we absolutely would not consider developing in collaboration with another western developer. Especially because we know that there are other understanding developers like Ninja [Theory] who've worked with us on DMC, who get what we're trying to do."

Perhaps it makes sense to say, as such collaboration isn't necessarily a bad thing. In fact, it should be a good thing. But we're not sure how the hardcore fans feel about it…

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11 years ago

Well somebody obviously lost faith on their own. No wonder Japanese devs struggle to find their bearing this generation. Sheesh!

11 years ago

If it helps Capcom to get a better understanding of western audiences, then it could be a good thing. I think a merger of the east and west will allow for some interesting games in the future.

I still want games that can only come from an eastern mindset, without a western influence and vice versa.

11 years ago

I think it could be a good thing because Western gamers currently seem to have a much better grasp of how Japanese games are supposed to be.

11 years ago

Just no.

Capcom and these other Japanese developers need to realise that maybe there are people that prefer and want to play unique/Japanese style games.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

So long as they snoop around and get good developers working on them, people will get used to it. I mean, NT is a solid studio and DmC could really make them. Compare that to Spark Unlimited who well… their body of work speaks for itself and I have little faith in Lost Planet 3.

11 years ago

its time to break out the whiskey, light up the fire, and finally accept japanese games are long gone!
ok, im done, crapcom do whatever the f*ck you want to do with your franchises!
just dont expect me to be giving you anymore of my cashola!

funny though how every time crapcom announces a new IP everyones throwing a fiesta for them.
dragons dogma did really well, so did asuras wrath, and remember me looks freaking epic!
i wonder why………..
f*ck it im done, getting through to these morons, id be simpler to cure cancer, bring democracy to china, and end global warming!
i just cant understand how they can be so thick headed in listening and believing the evidence.

11 years ago

Maybe Squeenix should do this too. Western devs might actually remember what JRPGs are supposed to be like.

11 years ago

That's all I'm sayin.

11 years ago

I don't see any problem with them collaborating or letting another studio handle their game.

The problem we all see is the direction they're taking with it.

11 years ago

Of course they do. If I ran a software company I'd want the best programmers to work on my products too.

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/3/2012 6:22:20 AM

karneli lll
karneli lll
11 years ago

I dont think its because of a need for the best programmers. If that were the case we would be seeing naughty dog,santa monica, rockstar, insomniac and the other big guns dealing with the japanese games.

karneli lll
karneli lll
11 years ago

I would want to outsource too, given quality games no longer sell well. I guess everyone wants to make the next call of duty…low cost, great payoff.

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