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Hurricane Sandy Postpones Anticipated GTAV Trailer

Hurricane Sandy didn't just halt midnight launches for Assassin's Creed III .

Among the countless problems the "Frankenstorm" generated, another involves the video game industry: According to an update over at Rockstar's official site , Hurricane Sandy has delayed the hotly anticipated trailer for Grand Theft Auto V .

That second trailer – the first arrived nearly a year ago – was supposed to have been ready this week (or so we had heard), but the statement says the storm knocked out power to Rockstar's New York office and hence, the video will have to show up a little later. Also, All Games Beta got their hands on some new high-resolution art pics that are apparently linked to pre-order incentives. There's one of a hot-lookin' female getting arrested (by another female…'cough'), and a dude reigning in a dog that looks like he wants to kill things.

So anyway, that's your GTAV update for the day. They're coming faster now, aren't they? 😉

Related Game(s): Grand Theft Auto V

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11 years ago

I just had a flash of inspiration. Imagine a female lead in GTA. That would be more interesting.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

I don't think that would work for GTA 🙁

11 years ago

I'd love it, I prefer to play as females.

11 years ago

Yeah me too, female leads *always* makes it more interesting. 🙂

But wasn't there talk about several playable characters in GTA5? Or have I been dreaming again? Cause if so, perhaps one indeed is female?

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/2/2012 1:54:02 PM

11 years ago

There was such talk so hey maybe.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Is it just me or does GTA have the best art? I love the art Rockstar puts out

11 years ago

It's not just you. Their art style is just *so* good, so consistent, and so… Rockstar. 🙂

11 years ago

I voted for Romney, just saying.

11 years ago

Really? Up here we always thought it was basically the Bible Belt vs. the rest of the world. Outside of the US, in first world countries where a few thousand were polled in each country, France had the lowest amount of people that would vote for Romney at 4% and 62% for Obama (the rest didn't care). Germany had the most for Romney at 12% (79% Obama)…

It seems countries that take for granted the things Romney is against seems really strange. I'll never understand you American folk.

So… uh… how do YOU feel about "legitimate rape"? And who the hell let the guy who thinks that into office? lmao! Anyways, I wish you guys wouldn't vote for Romney… your economy affects us too, you know, and I watched all 3 debates… the guy's kind of stupid. And I'm not exactly party loyal since it's not my country. (Although, your liberals are kind of like our conservatives.) I've been working in the Employment Sector for 4 years now, and I started when things were at their worst. Magically, when Bush was gone, things have slowly, but surely, been getting better. All the trends show it. In fact, my location's funding is on hold pending the US election, that's how sensitive we are to your politics. lol Romney could, quite literally with his proposed plans, cause more unfriendly trade and in essense, the loss of my job down the road….. (skipping many steps in explaination, of course. :p)

Last edited by Underdog15 on 11/2/2012 3:38:38 PM

11 years ago

Underdog, here in Norway the US election is followed too. And get this: In a poll done by a norwegian TV channel 95% of the viewers thought Obama was the winner after the third debate. Yes you read correctly, that was ninety-five percent. Romney had barely received a single vote had he been running for president here.

We'll never understand those Americans either. 😀

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/2/2012 3:52:14 PM

11 years ago

LimitedVertigo, could u be kind and explain why?
I mean your the one who brought it up.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 11/2/2012 4:20:32 PM

11 years ago

I'll be voting Tuesday harshly along partisan lines, in favor of gay marriage, against racist Voter ID, and against the evil liar known as The Mittens.

11 years ago

I'm pro abortion, pro gay rights BUT realize there is far more at stake than those two things. I'll admit it's pathetic that it comes down to these two guys (Obama/Romney) but honestly I'd vote for a crap sandwich before I ever voted for Obama.

Obama doubled the national debt, Food Stamps participation has increased 94%, and his foreign policy is nonexistent. Being from Illinois I'm aware of the fact that Obama didn't even finish his first term as a senator and didn't pass a single piece of legitimate legislation. Talk about going from office errand boy to CEO of the company just like that…

It shows you how poorly the Republican Party is viewed (and it's mostly their own fault thanks to all the religious wakos) when the presidential race is this close. The democrats have turned the USA into a country full of entitlements and handouts. I'd be shocked if Obama doesn't win for this simple fact. There are too many people living off the system to ever want it to change.

Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 11/2/2012 6:13:04 PM

11 years ago

BTW Underdog I find it interesting that Obama refuses to unseal his school records. Have you ever heard of such a thing? You'd think information like that would only be sealed if it contained some unflattering information, eh?

11 years ago

Will be voting for Romney too, but on Tuesday, the 6th!

And I hope there's some UN blue helmeted/arm-banded bootjacks are there too, just so I can tell them & their sorry useless UN to get, and stay the f*ck out of America.

Useless America-baiting bast*rds!

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/2/2012 9:35:45 PM

11 years ago

I am just waiting for someone to say that this is the worst part of the hurricane

11 years ago

Well I live on the Iowa/Illinois border so it kinda is….


11 years ago

lol @ LV!|

11 years ago

I wouldn't be surprised that you moved out of Illinois because of all of Obobblehead's Chicago corruption & thuggery buddies there, LOL
(I lived in the Cicero section for a bit in the late 70's).

11 years ago

eh, i can wait a few extra weeks for the trailer.
but if this in any way delays the release date of the game all i can say is god help you mother nature!

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