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With No Huge PS3 Exclusive, Will Sony Fans Turn To Halo 4?

It isn't often that Sony has a bare holiday season and in truth, one could argue that this fall isn't "bare."

PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale should be a really solid title, and everyone is hoping that Assassin's Creed III: Liberation gives the PlayStation Vita a much-needed boost. But obviously, there's no Uncharted or Gran Turismo or God of War or anything like that to wow the PS3 players. And that being the case, are they more likely to turn toward Halo 4 ?

I'm not saying they'll run out to buy an Xbox 360 (if you don't have one yet, you probably never want one), but for multiple console owners, it could be tough to ignore something like Halo 4 . It's getting rave reviews already and gamers are gamers…they just want to play the best stuff available. I've played every Halo through to completion – yes, that includes ODST – and I have every intention of playing Halo 4 . Well, eventually. I don't really have the time right now, as you might've guessed.

I only wonder if the blockbuster for the 360 is enough for Sony fans to just forget about the PS3 for a month or so. Of course, the PS3 has Beyond: Two Souls , The Last Of Us and God of War: Ascension on the horizon, so the defection will only be temporary. Still, it doesn't necessarily bode well for the current holiday season…

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Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
11 years ago

I strongly doubt it.

Halo has been around for years now, if people really wanted to "turn to Halo", they would have done so by now.

Besides, we have plenty of great PS3 games to enjoy as it is, and more coming on the way next year.

11 years ago

Yep. Anyone who wanted to play any of the Halo games probably already has a 360 at home. I doubt that Sony fans would ditch their PS3 just because X game got good scores on a console for the competition.

And I happen to know quite a few people who have never owned a PS3 but will get one in order to play The Last of Us (mostly 360 users) and Playstation All Stars (lots of Nintendo gamers, believe it or not).

11 years ago

I have the answer…….NO….in huge capital letters.

11 years ago

As someone who has had an Xbox for years, I must say it was tempting; especially since most my friends will be getting it. However I decided against it, mostly because all my budget went to ps3 games and since. Don't want to buy Xbox live gold

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

To answer the title, I'll be getting HALO 4 and I'll still play my Ps3. HALO 4 will be my 2nd HALO. BTW Ben, will you review HALO 4? Any chance?

11 years ago

Since its not on a PS system, Ben really can't review it. Play it, talk about it, even have an occasional article about it? Sure. But not an actual review

11 years ago

prebought it. Halo and Gears are really the only reasons to buy a 360. pretty good reasons though

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Don't overlook the power of Xbox 360, whatever that power may be.

11 years ago

Concerning the first paragraph, "are they more likely to turn toward Halo 4?"
I'd say those who are hardened PS fans probably wont budge as they have hardened their heart to anything Halo for some years now.

moving on…
"but for multiple console owners, it could be tough to ignore something like Halo 4."
Yep. I love Halo games and this new one looks like a champ.
Im a gamer with loyalties that don't belong to any one sect. I just like games. I do love Halo. I'd love it on a Playstation or PC just the same as on a 360. Granted, I prefer not paying for online play, so I'd say I'd rather have it on PS3 or PC. If Nintendo's hardware was more power driven I'd be fine with it on a Nintendo platform, too.

This doesn't mean I don't have platforms that feel like they hold greater value to me. Right now the PS3 happens to have the greatest abundance of software this gen that appeals to me and my gaming interests so it's my first platform of choice. But hey, if Sega came along with a Dreamcast 2(probably wont ever never happen 😉 and delivered a ton of awesome content that was better than the rest, I'd have them as a preferred platform instead =)

11 years ago

I'd be there on day 1 for Dreamcast 2, recently someone released the original code for Halo on Dreamcast and homebrew guys are tinkering with it.

11 years ago

Nah. I don't own a 360 so there's no reason for me to buy it anyways. I certainly won't go purchase a new system for it.

Aside from that theres so Many games coming out this fall I already have a backlog of 4 games I've bought in the past month and that doesn't even include CoD! Actually, correction it's 5,but I enjoyed MoH so much I couldn't put it down and finished it. But of course there is still the MP, so yeah… NO, there is no way I'd get Halo 4 even if I did own a 360!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 11/1/2012 10:37:44 PM

11 years ago

Same here, I don't own an xbox 360. However, I hope the gamers who do buy it, get their money's worth.

11 years ago

It'll probably be good. Heck I love the 1st Halo, it's awesome. They obviously are all good in some way. But I just can't justify the purchase even if I had a 360.

11 years ago

There is no way that I'm purchasing a 360 just for one game. And as good of a shooter Halo 4 is (90 average on Metacritic), I'm getting pretty tired of shooters.

11 years ago

I suppose people will dust off their 360s to play it. I enjoyed Halo 1 and 2 but the franchise didn't have the power to get me to buy a 360.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

I dont think anyone dusts off their 360s

11 years ago

A shotgun works wonders for dust removal.

11 years ago

as someone who has owned a 360 (lost it) lol i can say i never cared for halo and reason i had even bought one was to try gears. I for one was disappointed. I did enjoy forza though but yea. im getting ps all stars and actually interested in wonderbook since i can enjoy w younger siblings

11 years ago

How do you lose a console? 😉

Wonderbook actually looks pretty awesome, along with Eye Pet. The technology is just plain cool!

11 years ago

probably somebody stole it.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 11/2/2012 3:21:51 PM

11 years ago


Liking the Avatar, looks cool. 😀

11 years ago

Hate to admit it, but I'm getting a Halo 4 model 360 since the 5th replacement of my original (all free due to warranty btw) just crapped out. A game, two controllers, a headset, and I believe a 320gb hdd for $350 seems like a damn sweet deal to me.

11 years ago

Thank God for warranties.

11 years ago

the best thing about custom Xbox 360 is the custom sounds the system makes… the boot sound the disk tray sounds are all custom

11 years ago

maybe i will get it, i just want to play the single player campaign, the campaign look good…

11 years ago

As a owner of multiple consoles(a MW2 themed & skinned 360 included), I'd get H4 if I still had the funds anymore to do so.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/1/2012 11:47:20 PM

karneli lll
karneli lll
11 years ago

I think COD will take the attention away from halo

11 years ago

I think x360 shooter fans will want both.

11 years ago

Halo died for me when Halo 2 came out and it sucked.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

I bet beyond two souls doesn't release till feb-march 2014
Agent and TLG in 2015??

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

I supose halloween 2013 would be a good time for beyond two souls!

11 years ago

If I had a Xbox I would probably pick up Halo… But I don't.

I don't really see a lack of a BIG PS3 exclusive as such a bad thing right now thou. I missed out on quite a couple of titles I still wanted to get so maybe the lack in a big exclusive gives me the chance to catch up on them a bit.

Besides once Beyond and the Last Of Us hits this "dry" spell will be loooong forgotten.

11 years ago

If I was running things I'd showcase all the PS3's great exclusives over the years and the new hardware models plus Vita in some killer advertisements and plaster them all over TV over Christmas to grab at the gaming market that has been hiding from facts the whole generation.

Basically just target anybody hiding in a corner going "All I need is Halo, Gears, and CoD" while holding their ears.

This time of year is not the time to sit around on advertising dollars.

11 years ago

I like that idea. The exclusives has over the years grown to a good enough stack to make quite the medley, "look at ALL this you only get on the PS!". Beats one single title – at least in my book.

Yeah I really like that idea.

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/2/2012 5:56:42 AM

11 years ago

That's all well and good World… but you forget how afwul SCEA is at advertising and marketing. They have some good ideas… but just don't do them much.

11 years ago

That's why I'm saying that's what I would do. Sony's advertising department is pitiful, Kevin Butler notwithstanding there are obvious avenues of selling that they don't even bother to try.

11 years ago

It's really frustrating to watch, isn't it….

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

The reviews are looking stellar, but I don't think I'd pick it up if I had a 360. It's a shooter, you see and… well, y'all should know my spiel by now. 😉

11 years ago

There's so many good games being released these days.

I'll soon enough get my shooter fix with Crysis 3 next year, and until then I got Borderlands 2, Dishonored, Far Cry 3, Assassins Creed 3, Resident Evil 6, Rocksmith, NFS: Most Wanted… None of whom I've not even *started* playing yet.

So missing out on one title – regardless of quality – means nothing to me. Absolutely nothing. Well, unless it was a good RPG. But it's not. So I'm fine.

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/2/2012 3:25:55 AM

11 years ago

If they already have an Xbox ofcourse they are going to buy it. If i had one i would buy it and im not even a fan of the series. Its just a decent game with a decent storyline. But i dont, Thus i wont. I believe its passing the point of exclusives, and better gaming, each is happy to their own. For this generation atleast. Prepare for another console war within a couple of years though…

11 years ago

I doubt it will impact PS3 folks. I have zero desire to play it, and I bet others share that opinion.

11 years ago

I'm with you. My son plays HALO games. I have watched him and they just don't make me want to play. Don't see the appeal.

11 years ago

I have no problem with Halo, it's a series I can respect, but I personally have no interest in it. My friend bought a 360 to play Halo and he seems to feel uneasy about the new one – as Bungie are not Developing Halo 4, we all know what has happened when a series shifts developers hands (Silent Hill, I'm looking at you!)

So no, Halo 4 does not interest me at all, but I feel it has been a flat year all round. So much so that I did buy a Wii and started playing The Last Story & Pandora's Tower (Xenoblade will be soon) So maybe some people will do the same and take interest in Halo this time around.

11 years ago

already have, in fact my CE arrived in the mail today!
yet another game breaks street date!
wonder if BO2 will come early too, theres been pics of people receiving it for a few days now.
2012, the year where street dates mean nothing!
really worries me too because this is just another reason for publishers to force digital distribution on us.

11 years ago

I have always wanted to play Halo. I loved the first one on PC. But I don't have enough money for an Xbox and there is currently nothing that makes me hate the ps3 so I'm fine with what I have.

If I had the money, I'd be all over Halo 4

11 years ago

I don't think the lack of PS3 exclusives is a factor, Halo 4 will move the sales of the 360 but I doubt that it's gonna hurt PS3 in any way.

11 years ago

If I had a 360, I would probably have all of the HALO games! But, I don't and similar to what someone else had stated, I've got RE6, Doom BFG, Need for speed, Sports champions 2 and will have BO2 and many others for the PS3!
I don't really understand this big stink about "No games for the Holiday for PS3 this year", Guess what?, they still count after Dec 25th! At least to anyone other than a bean counter for the Christmas earnings season that is!

11 years ago

I was a pretty big fan of the Halo games for a while. I adored the first one, me and a buddy even found a program that let you plug my Xbox into my computer and have online multiplayer.

I bought a 360 for Halo 3 and really liked it. But for the last few years my 360 just has not seen much use. Gears 2 was the last game I actually finished on the system. I got Reach over a year ago, but its still in the backlog. I also plan on getting Gears 3 someday. I can't believe that game is still going for $30!

I'm not going to run out and get Halo 4 just because there isn't a big hardcore PS3 exclusive coming out this year. I'm sure plenty of people who consider the PS3 their main system, like myself, will play it if they already have a 360. But I don't think any of them are going to pick up a 360 just to play it.

11 years ago

No Exclusives? Dec 1st Yakuza 5.Importing it.
Get a crash course in japanese people.

11 years ago

I'm gonna try with Rosetta Stone.

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