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Cap That Lets You Customize Your Gear With ACIII Goodness

Assassin's Creed III is fantastic. So fantastic, in fact, that you might just want to publicly display your love of Ubisoft's latest masterpiece.

Here's something for the avid fans- Cap That is the "first social merchandise technology to capture any video moment imaginable and transform it into a custom product." And as Ubisoft is all sorts of interested in "innovative, market-first technologies," it makes perfect sense to give Cap That a shot at grabbing Assassin's Creed III action and plastering it onto…well, any number of things.

Basically, players can capture any of their favorite moments in a game, movie, or video and immortalize that image on an item of their choice. Cap That users have access to a wide variety of premium video content from partners like Ubisoft, and they can upload any footage they like via Facebook, Instagram, Viddy or their personal library. So pick out what you deem to be the most memorable scene, your best bad-ass move, or a particularly lovely vista (ACIII is full of 'em), and start the process! Said Cap That CEO and Founder David Hibbard:

"We have created a playground that empowers users to interact with digital video like never before. Users have the ability to capture their favorite moments from video and turn them into truly unique products, which they then can easily share across their social networks or post to Cap That’s showroom for others to see and buy."

Check it out; they'll do everything from dog tags and t-shirts to iPads and game controllers. Time to customize your hardware!

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Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

This is pretty cool and I intend to use this in the future 🙂

11 years ago

Wowsers, they really put it on your thing? Not a skin?

Some of my cool skin gear for my DC:

Shenmue/Nozomi Controller:

Ivy's Boobs Controller:

Skies of Arcadia Dreamcast:

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 11/1/2012 11:15:58 PM

11 years ago

Very cool DC set-up there, World!!!

11 years ago

Thanks Saint, it is nice to look at. Just need a skin for that joystick now.

KiLLa TeQuILa23
KiLLa TeQuILa23
11 years ago

I may do this for my vita

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