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Capcom’s Rosy Six-Month Period: 355% Jump In Profits

Capcom has enjoyed a really solid first half of the current fiscal year.

Reporting their earnings for the 6-month period ending September 30, the company has revealed that profits jumped a whopping 355% up to 4.125 billion yen ($51.3 million) on revenue of 45.538 billion yen ($570 million). The latter represents a 55.7% leap in the year-over-year comparison.

Dragon's Dogma , the popular RPG that both critics and gamers really liked, shipped 1 million units worldwide (as of October 4), and the game continues to "exceed expectations." As for the recently released Resident Evil 6 , that has shipped 4.5 million worldwide, despite many contrasting review scores. There are quite a few fans, however, who will say RE6 deserves to be that popular. The last title that really helped Capcom was the poorly received Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City; it somehow manages a "steady growth" in sales. …that sorta boggles the mind, but whatever.

So it seems at least one Japanese company is doing just fine.

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11 years ago

ORC somehow built an online multiplayer people like. Shows you how a game doesn't even have to be good as long as you get people to play online.

I'd be more attracted to Dragon's Dogma if I could have made my own hero a la Dragon Age. Looking forward to Remember Me.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

With 3 friends that know what their doing re:orc is a blast to play!
Whats better than killing zombies?
Killing zombies with yours friends!

11 years ago

That's what Dead Island is for.

11 years ago

This might translate to, never going back to what RE was. Sales mean more than anything. When a game sells despite fan outcry, why go back?

I admit though I am enjoying RE6 very much so.

11 years ago

RE 6 is a good game, just needed to be polished a bit more in places. They should've ripped Chris' campaign out of it, and the camera and cover system are not good. Despite those, admittedly serious, flaws, I've enjoyed it a lot so I don't mind that it's selling. I also accepted after RE 5 that they'll likely never go back to the old survival/horror style with a slower pace and more puzzles but that doesn't mean I won't keep hoping that maybe some day somebody at the company will want to revisit it.

11 years ago

Great to hear dragon dogma did good since i really want another one and next time it won t be a hard decision to buy it or not .

11 years ago

All I can say is that if Capcom's profit went up this much over the last couple of months… I think it's safe to say we will never get another "proper" Resident Evil.

I know Resident Evil is just one of many games they released lately, and there have been some stellar productions among them.

Just saying that on paper their profits are up….So they must believe that what they did or are doing to their titles which unfortunately includes RE…must be working.

So expect the next RE to be COD meets The Force Unleashed or something like that.

11 years ago

BUT that being said I still need to get Dragon's Dogma… Heard only great things about it. Just haven't been able to find it anywhere.

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