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EA: Warfighter Exhibiting “Weaker Than Expected Performance”

It's probably no surprise due to the mediocre critical reception.

After suffering from lower-than-anticipated review scores, Medal of Honor: Warfighter has failed to impress on the sales charts. This according to EA CEO John Riccitiello, who said during a financial earnings call that the shooter has come in below initial expectations.

They didn't release actual sales figures, but they did say the game had a "weaker than expected performance" and it would likely affect the company's third-quarter results. EA Labels president Frank Gibeau stated that his company remains committed to quality, and they're not overly pleased with the critics. Evidently, EA's internal testing pointed towards a more positive reception from reviewers. Yeah, well, we'll be sticking by our review and the following sentiment:

The game was obviously rushed to meet a deadline.

Related Game(s): Medal of Honor: Warfighter

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11 years ago

That'll learn em, you can't just excrete a typical shooter and expect high scores anymore. When they blame the critics you know they are in trouble. Make a better game next time guys, or finish it first.

11 years ago

The game was perfectly fine. Finished it last night and I gotta tell ya, there is some weird conspiracy with the game, or reviewers got bunk copies. The game runs, plays, sounds, and looks great.

11 years ago

Siding with bigrailer here. MOH Warfighter is a solid 8 of a game.

There are some hiccups during the singleplayer, but it is no worse then Skyrim when it came out.

The multiplayer is a blast too with Sector Control being my favorite.

11 years ago

Maybe being fine wasn't enough.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

bigrailer, sooner or later you're going to figure out that all these people aren't just lying. There's no conspiracy. Forget the critics; there are gigantic threads in forums all over the Internet peppered with hundreds of issues located by gamers. They really have no incentive to lie.

You're just going to have to accept that you're in the minority, which doesn't translate to universal quality for a game.

11 years ago

I honestly don't feel like I'm in the minority. I'll admit I'm no forum dweller looking for every last persons negative opinion. But I've heard more positives than negatives from consumers.

And I don't think anyone is actually lying. There's some sarcastic tone in the words I'm typing. But I still think it's odd that some consumers games ran fine (like mine and even Max) and others (like yours) didn't.

Regardless, it's ok, minority or not, the game is better than it's being portrayed. You even said in your review it's not a bad game. It's simply being portrayed as one.


That's "perfectly fine"! 😉


Sector control is my favorite too!

11 years ago

Well, all that matters to the individual is whether or not THEY enjoy the game they bought! Glad you do.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
11 years ago

No problems with my copy. The game is great, I would say a 8.0 to 8.5

I guess I'm a minority now too.

11 years ago

Minority for me also. This is the first time that I have disagreed with one of Ben's reviews and I adamantly disagree at that. The game ran perfectly fine for me and I let a friend of mine borrow it and "surprise, surprise", it ran perfectly fine for him. It is so weird.

11 years ago

I think it's great that your experiences have been great. But you can hardly get mad at a reviewer for giving a bad score when they were sent a bogus copy or are having technical issues that could be avoided. It's unfortunate for EA, but they need to make sure this doesn't happen to their reviewers! I mean, it's not like Ben is the only one noticing them, you know?

11 years ago

I just hope this doesn't lead to EA sticking to one engine to lower production time

karneli lll
karneli lll
11 years ago

Internal testing? Like i'd tell my boss his work is crap!

11 years ago

Well that's too bad. Although I loved the game, I do put most the blame on EA. I think Danger close has a lot of talent, but EA needs to help that company grow, and if this news is an indication of anything, it's not positive for Danger Close. Hopefully EA sticks by them and we get another MoH in a couple years!

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
11 years ago

Do you think the low sales are from the low reviews…..HMMMM (scratches chin).

Last edited by Tim Speed24 on 10/31/2012 6:05:08 PM

The Real Deal
The Real Deal
11 years ago

I haven't played this game yet, but will go out on a limb and say that a majority of this bashing against this game is because of the mega-giant COD. Activision has enough money to go around the entire gaming industry a thousand or more times. Although i will not suggest this is the case with this site; i will say that Ben is more forgiving with some games then others.

There have been a number of cases where games had just as many and in some cases more severe issues then warfighter. However the justification is usually well those games are larger and harder to make and those bugs are acceptable, for example the article about ACIII. Regardless: hopefully Ben is honest with the COD BO II review. I am pretty sure it will be a great product in itself, however if you want to be critical it shouldn't suffer from any game breaking bugs because lets face it its the same engine that they have been working with for 6-8 years. Unlike warfighter's, whose engine is fairly new.

Its all fine to bash this game Ben, but be warned if you fail to honestly review Black Ops and all its fault, then we the community; all know what the warfighter's bad review was all about, COD Sales! Time will tell!

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
11 years ago

I've yet to read one of Ben's reviews and thought it to be dishonest. Not sure why you feel compelled to tell him to be honest in his review.

11 years ago

and so EA should be!
they should say you know what, if your going to be so inconsistent and unfair with our games were not giving you copies to review.
its disgusting the inconsistency and lack of details reviews have taken lately.
im sorry but bitching about MoHs story is like bitching about the lack of boot space in a supercar.
they never have, and never will be known for that, so why would you expect it now?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Got a copy of Warfighter. Only played the tutorial segments so far and I gotta say… it's a shooter. ROFL. Pretty much sums up my feelings on it so far, but it looks gorgeous and I've noticed no issues yet. We'll see how it goes from here.

35 minutes in and I find my first big flaw – I walked right out of the geometry of the level and found myself in an area with nothing except background environments and rubble artefacts… Awesome game here…

Last edited by Lawless SXE on 10/31/2012 5:14:27 AM

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
11 years ago

Glad you are liking it.

I hope you enjoy the game as much as I did. Great Graphics and sound and alot of fun….like you said it's a shooter.

11 years ago

Funny thing is, the headline for every bad reviewer is that this game doesn't bring anything new. It sounds as if the game would still suffer a bad score even if it wasn't buggy. That said, whether CoD is buggy or not, it should be criticized to that potential.

11 years ago

That is why I believe 90% of the reviews out there are wrong with what they are saying.

To criticize a game because it does nothing new is wrong in my book.

11 years ago

It's wrong when this entire generation every military type FPS has relied on the same gameplay.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
11 years ago

The reviews are wrong in my opinion.

How can this game be getting Fives????
It's baffling. Maybe Bigrailer was right about the review copies being defective or unfinished.

11 years ago

So what have we learned here EA….DONT RUSH OUT YOUR STINKING GAMES.

Even if some people have had no glitches or bugs or anything the fact is people are. Something messed up somewhere down the line and honestly the fact the needed such a huge day 1 patch shows how rushed it was.

I hope EAs quarterly suffers so they rethink their BS strategies.

11 years ago

i refuse to feel guilty for enjoying the multiplayer so much even though the more learned amonst us have declared it to be crap. I would score the multip an 8+ – its maybe not COD perfection – but then what is.

Each to their own I guess

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