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Uh…I’m Not So Sure Cliff Bleszinski Is What Resident Evil Needs

Talented designers can usually be relied upon to make any game better. At the same time, some guys just aren't a good fit for certain franchises.

Former Epic Games design director and Gears of War guru Cliff Bleszinski took to Twitter earlier today, politely informing Capcom that he has the cure for what is ailing the vaunted Resident Evil franchise.

"Hey, Capcom. Call me. We can fix Resident Evil. Together."

Maybe he could help fix a few of the issues that some fans complained about after RE6 hit store shelves. But it seems the hardcore long-time followers aren't interested as much in the shooter/action aspects, as they're far more hopeful of a return to true survival/horror…and no offense, Cliff, but that's not what you do. In fact, it's essentially the opposite of what you do. If you want to help fix something, go knock on Danger Close's door; Medal of Honor: Warfighter is an FPS but it's more in your wheelhouse, I think.

Then again, who knows? Maybe CliffyB has always, in his heart of hearts, wanted to help create the next Alone in the Dark .

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11 years ago

To say cliff is a one trick pony is really unfair. Yes a franchise he made is a shooter, but you don't know what else he can do or what he's ideas to fix RE are.

11 years ago

If you listen to his ideas, he is a very shooter oriented guy.

11 years ago

You never know, maybe he is a die-hard RE fan and wants to put it back on track.

I would only judge him after hearing exactly HOW he plans to fix it haha

11 years ago

I don't really think RE needs too much fixing to begin with. I thought outside of Chris' campaign, which ironically enough is a bad clone of Cliff Bleszinski's game, 6 isn't a bad game, certainly not near the 'disaster' idiots like that guy at Gamespot, Jim Sterling and butthurt 'survival/horror' fans have made it out to be. Capcom just needs to take what worked in the other campaigns, mainly Leon's and Ada's and expand on them a little bit, then they just need to refine the camera a bit and get rid of the cover system. The other option… hand 7 over to the guys who made Revelations, which is a great game that mixes old and new RE very well. Bleszinki's only real hit is a shooter and, well, that's not the path I want RE going down. If Capcom were to seek the help of outside sources for the mainline numbered entries of RE, there's only two companies I want them dealing with, Sony and Naughty Dog. ND could do wonders for the franchise.

Last edited by Gamer46 on 10/29/2012 11:43:00 AM

11 years ago

he is talented and has years of experience ,and is offering new ider on a game we all love,so it's a plus for me more power to them if it makes more great games weather they go with the resident evil story or a spinoff or even a new story am in ,and i agree with the comment above and that re6 is not that bad a game certain fans made it out to be .yes it could have been better but it was not bad like some of the reviews made it out to be.

11 years ago

We never know what he's fully capable of so it's too early to judge.
I mean, Mikami created RE but back then would you have thought he would go on and direct Vanquish and Godhand?
David Jaffe created TM but would you have predicted he would go on and create GOW?

11 years ago

My sentiments exactly.

11 years ago

By saying he can fix RE together with Capcom, I believe he's a huge RE fan.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

I would absolutely have expected God of War from David Jaffe.

It's not the genre, it's the style. Every designer has a very unique style (the good ones do, at any rate). And I really don't think the essence of survival/horror (which is dying, anyway) fits Bleszinski's style. Not at all.

I love Hideo Kojima but I'm not sure I'd want him to try a Grand Theft Auto-type game. I love Kazunori Yamauchi but he should probably stick to racing.

11 years ago

Well, gonna have to agree with ya Ben but he doesn't necessarily have to be put on the main post for it.
He can even help out with fixing everything technical.
That's just what I think Ben, nothing against what you think about Cliffy.

I just think that developers can always try something different and succeed.

Last edited by Snaaaake on 10/29/2012 2:27:27 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Like I said in the article, I have no doubt Bleszinski could help with the technical polishing, and let's face it, many Japanese games need that these days.

11 years ago

Well what about Shadows of the Damned?
I thought the controls for that was good and playable.
Capcom could learn a thing or two from that game.

11 years ago

I think what would happen is we would get another Chris Redfield campaign, but even more gears of war'ish. That's not good for RE but it could be good in general as the Chris Redfield campaign in RE6 is a blasty blast!

What they need to do I suppose is get some help from the 1st Dead Space team.

11 years ago

I assume "fix" means destroy and rebuild as the antithesis of what fans want.

11 years ago

resident evil will never be what it use to be.

the day capcom jumped ship and made a RE game for
the game cube, was the end of RE.

11 years ago

Yea….no. RE4 is one of the best games on the Cube. Good Resident Evil with fresh gameplay for its time.

11 years ago

The move away from survival/horror and more towards action actually got its beginning in RE 3.

11 years ago

They don't need him, unlike SE Capcom can still make great old school type of RE games(Revelations). they wanted to make a RE that would sell a lot and that was RE6 action over action, what teenagers this days want.

Last edited by Oxvial on 10/29/2012 1:32:18 PM

11 years ago

Yea I don't get it. Revelations was pretty good and I had hoped it was a sign of things to come with RE6. But they dropped the ball.

11 years ago

Hey Jawk's it looks like Cliff just thumbed us down xD

11 years ago

Resident Evil's time has came and gone. Had they stayed with the formula they had with 4 and just improved on that I think it would still be a great game.
I can hardly wait for the over saturation of shooters to go away, it's really hurt a lot of series.

11 years ago


This guy sucks. Not sure why people love him and Gears so much. Mediocre game developed by an over rated mediocre developer.

11 years ago

Ummm you serious with that?
Gears of War is one of the best TPS franchise ever, and Epic Games ain't mediocre.

I love this guy and Gears very much, come on Jaw, it's not that he suck, Gears probably wasn't your cup of tea.

11 years ago

Yes I am serious. I find him annoying and unlikable and Gears of War is one of the most overrated games ever. It doesn't deserve all the praise it gets. Nor does Cliff.

11 years ago

I don't think I'll ever know why you possess such hatred towards him and Gears.

But the majority of the industry doesn't think so, Gears of War is one of the best Jaw, it's a universal fact.
You really can't deny that no matter how much you hate it.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

C'mon Jawknee, Gears is great. It's probably given a little too much praise but I've played them all, and the quality is undeniable. It's just not Uncharted quality. 🙂

But I agree about CliffyB…I don't like him, either. I find him arrogant and just generally off-putting.

11 years ago

Hate? Please don't put words in my mouth. I never said I hated him. I said his games are mediocre and he's an annoying person. No where does that imply I have a seething hatred for the man.

As for your universal facts, a majority of the music industry thought Brittney Spears was the best thing since sliced bread. A majority rule doesn't necessarily or always mean something is good or right. A clear majority could tell me a crap sandwich tastes like a Philly cheese steak but that doesn't change the fact that its still a crap sandwich.

@Ben, I only played some of the first one and tried to second. Both times I couldn't stop asking myself why people loved this series so much. I'll grant that there is a quality there that's is above a lot of games but I wouldn't even consider Gears to be as good as RE5 let alone Uncharted. Clunky controls, ugly graphics and characters, just not sure what's so great about it.

Last edited by Jawknee on 10/29/2012 2:55:53 PM

11 years ago

Well sorry for putting words in your mouth, but if that's what you think about Gears then it's your right to do so.
Each to his own I guess, many enjoyed Flower but it ain't for me.

Oh, and I was a fan of Britney Spears, now, not at all.

11 years ago

I knew you were that's why I used the analogy. =P

Last edited by Jawknee on 10/29/2012 3:11:04 PM

11 years ago

Well, I find it unbelievable you have so much problem with Gears.
Probably everything about Gears was everything you find no enjoyment in.

And Jaw, I gotta confess, I'm a bit of a fan of Justin Bieber's music 😉

11 years ago

Pretty much this…I don't like the look and feel of the game. The controls are clunky and stiff. I really dislike the Unreal engine and all the technical problems like screen tearing, texture loading and popin that exists in every Gears title. I mean this is Epics engine and they have't been able to use it as good as other 3rd party devs. I don't like the colors or the character designs. The weapons I find quite lame. A chainsaw rifle? Really? Lol

"And Jaw, I gotta confess, I'm a bit of a fan of Justin Bieber's music ;)"

I don't know what to say….haha

Last edited by Jawknee on 10/29/2012 3:25:48 PM

11 years ago

The first Gears did have a slight darker horror theme, when compared to Gears 2 and 3. I'm sure Cliff has some ideas up his sleeve.

11 years ago

Clifford the big red dud.

11 years ago


11 years ago

Re6 was awesome so doesn't bother me if he wants to "help" make it better.

11 years ago

I wish I shared you're enthusiasm. I really do. I need a new game to play. Haha

11 years ago

Jawknee, are you not getting Assassin's Creed III Liberation?

11 years ago

TES, I am but I want it for the Wii U. It's looking increasingly likely that I may have to wait awhile. No more preorders for the Wii U left and now Nintendo is saying there may be a supply shortage. 🙁

11 years ago

Liberation is for the Vita, but I did notice that ACIII for the Wii U is two weeks behind the other consoles. Is there anything different about it, other than the wait?

11 years ago

Oh snap. You're correct. Then yes. I will be getting it. 🙂

Sorry. I missed the liberation part.

11 years ago

LOL, It did say just Assassin's Creed at first, but I deleted it and added Liberation before your reply. I do that sometimes instead of using the edit button.

11 years ago

Me too. =P

11 years ago

Well it is a combination of re4 and 5. Leon's canpaign is an exact copy of 4. I gave it a chance. Also, I'm kinda disappointed that they are not advertising liberation like ac3! No one I know who doesn't have a vita know about it. Even my girlfriend who is an ac fiend. Hopefully soon!

11 years ago

Is it a common practice for a game developer to leave it up to publishers and console makers to advertise their games? I used to think Sony was dropping the ball when it comes to advertising, but now I feel like all parties involved need a good overhaul of their marketing practices.

11 years ago

Ubisoft seem very happy of ac3. My girlfriend had seen it advertise three times per episode she watches. So it could be dependent on both but I would have hoped that we would have seen a bigger campaign going forward. Also, considering that this game and cod are supposed to change the masses. I love my vita but I still wished the advertisement was there for it. :

11 years ago

My first thought after reading this was to think about how a comment like this comes off to the people that made RE6. He isn't making many friends in the industry, is he? Wouldn't people be concerned about how he affects team morale if he just says demeaning things like this?

Respect to Gears as a good game… but come on… it's not like the guy's a revolutionary.

Boy, wouldn't it be hilarious for Capcom to just respond to the tweet with a "nah, we're good."

11 years ago

He thinks he is revolutionary, that's why he offers his help when no one asked for it.

11 years ago

Judging by his comment, the guy seems really cocky and arrogant. I imagine it is indeed a slap to the face of the RE6 developers too, whether he meant it or not.

It's honestly comical that he's the person to say that he can "fix" it, too. I mean common – get real man! 😛

11 years ago

fixing the crap in the writing would fix most of my problems with resident evil.

11 years ago

he is cocky and arrogant but he was also part of a great franchise, so that make his head swell but as far as the game gears of war goes it's a great game it had a lot of things to like one being that it had coop from the get go it was 3rd person and a different story to what was available at the time ,and yes i also think he is a big resident evil fan and he played and got a lot of iders from capcom games like re4 and there over the shoulder view and he also got iders from movies and what ever inspiration from what ever else, yes gears was not perfect it did have clunky controls but all us resident evil fans know what clunky are and we still love the games and hope for better ,the thing is cliff may or may not know how to fix it but its a good thing to have a different view on things from time to time so like i said before more power to them to try something new if it brings more great games for all of us to play

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