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Resident Evil 6 Free Update: Camera, Ada Wong, And No Hope

Free is always good, especially when it makes a particular game a little better.

Capcom has announced a new free update for Resident Evil 6 , which should be coming in December. This update fixes a few small issues and tosses in several new features that should make the overall experience a bit more robust.

You will be given the option to adjust the camera so your field of view is bigger; there will be a minimum and maximum range, and the maximum range should be of great help in certain situations. Ada Wong's campaign will be unlocked at the start and there will be the option of having a player-controlled co-op partner, too. As of now, you have to complete the campaigns for all three characters if you want to unlock Ada's story arc. Lastly, the No Hope difficulty level will be added; you've probably heard of this before. If you desire a wicked test, this is definitely for you.

Contrary to some popular opinion, we didn't think the game was too bad in the first place. It just has a bit of an identity crisis, that's all. Beyond that, it's pretty damn fun.

Related Game(s): Resident Evil 6

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11 years ago

Camera fixed? okay now I may get it.

11 years ago

I might nab it if there's a killer cyber monday sale.

11 years ago

"You will be given the option to adjust the camera so your field of view is bigger; there will be a minimum and maximum range" .

Great news , just wish it sooner as a day 1 dlc tho . Would have made the game so much better .You can be sure i ll at least replay Leon campaign .

Anyway , at least it will be there for future dlc .

11 years ago

Wasn't No Hope difficulty one of the recent findings on the game disk already? So basically there giving gamers an update that should've been free right from the getgo?

11 years ago

Maybe it was nt finish and they still had to balance it?

No matter the reason we get it free so …

11 years ago

Again with the unfinished situations. If this generation keeps up, we'll be buying betas instead of finished games.

11 years ago

At least the patch will be out before Christmas, so good news for the folks receiving this game as a Chrissy present.

11 years ago

"Ada Wong's campaign will be unlocked at the start"

This obviously catering to mainstream/casual gamer needs. And who complained that they had to beat 3 campaigns to unlock it.

The producers of the game did say that they worried that many would not beat RE6 in its entirety. So this "fixes" that up for those not willing to make the effort.

"Contrary to some popular opinion, we didn't think the game was too bad in the first place. It just has a bit of an identity crisis, that's all. Beyond that, it's pretty damn fun."

The QTE's still suck monkey balls, though. But I guess some get used to them. You have to, since we did spent $60 dlls on it after all.

Playing it like old RE games, this one fails. Since the pacing in campaign mode is still bad. No scares and its waaay too scripted. What saves the game is Mercenaries AND CO-OP.

11 years ago

Ada's campaign doesn't really need co-op.

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