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Warfighter vs. Black Ops II: Which Has The Superior Campaign?

Obviously, the majority of consumers are more interested in the multiplayer for both titles in question. That's clear.

And I would imagine there will be a lot of comparing and contrasting going on between the multiplayer action in Call of Duty: Black Ops II and Medal of Honor: Warfighter . For now, the general consensus is that BOII will end up with the superior multiplayer. People seem to adore it already.

However, that's not the question of the hour: Which do you think will boast the better single-player experience? There are several factors to consider going in: For Warfighter , many are probably hoping for, perhaps first and foremost, a longer campaign. The single-player quest in Medal of Honor was good but it was definitely on the short side (3-4 hours). Secondly, one can turn to the Frostbite 2 engine and see what a difference it makes; Treyarch can say they've managed to extract a huge amount from that older Cod engine, but it's just not the same, is it? Lastly, with developer Danger Close tapping real-life Tier 1 operators for Warfighter , we should expect an authentically intense adventure from start to finish. Like, riveted in your seat the whole time.

For Black Ops II , you've got Treyarch at the helm, a team that has consistently delivered great campaigns for the franchise. In the eyes of many, they've been of a better overall quality than the Modern Warfare campaigns by Infinity Ward. Some will argue that World at War is still the best CoD campaign, and let's not forget that the Black Ops single-player was pretty darn solid. The final verdict will also depend a little on personal preference, as it's likely BOII will feature a less realistic, more arcade-y experience, while MoH might be a borderline simulator. You never can tell, though…maybe Treyarch will surprise us, although that aging engine makes one wonder…how much can they really do with it?

So, what do you say?

Related Game(s): Medal of Honor: Warfighter , Call of Duty: Black Ops II

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11 years ago

I think it depends what your looking for. I would opt for the Black Ops campaign only because I actually really liked the first Black Ops campaign.

I have a feeling though that MoH campaign would be more emotional as the first one at the end really hit my heart strings.

Its going to be tough to say which one is the better game unless one just drops the ball completely.

11 years ago


11 years ago

I'd have to go with MOH, just because of having some real Tier 1 operator's backing, consultation, & guidance on it.

11 years ago

Great pic

11 years ago

Blops will have the slam bang rollercoaster ride down beautifully and MoH will have the gritty reality of war down.

I'd gravitate toward the latter if I were purchasing either as MoH likely has the best chance of doing something fresh.

11 years ago

I think MoH will have a superior campaign. I like all the CoD campaigns they are fun, but obviously mp is their focus. Now although we are in a different age of gaming, I still think somewhere EA wants to stick to what made MoH popular. Their focus seems to be on an even field for the campaign and mp. Not to mention MoH reboot had one of the best military shooter campaigns to date, IMO.

I'm not sure I agree MoH campaign was 3-4 hours. I feel it was as long as BF3 and that was 5-7 hours as are most FPS now days. But that's just the way things are. The resources that go into mp, get sucked away from the sp. Shame really.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 10/23/2012 12:19:37 AM

Cloud X Blue
Cloud X Blue
11 years ago

Id have to say MoH ever since i played the last one I think every other shooter story sucks….

11 years ago

Thumbs up!

11 years ago

You've got a good point there.

Plus was there not a you tube vid posted where some guy went through the whole opening sequence of blops without firing a shot (on the hardest level)?

11 years ago

Depends though but I think Black Ops 2 has the edge simply because it is slightly more futuristic.

11 years ago

Hard call

11 years ago

I really can't say..BOII campaign looks intense but Warfighter is more realistic..I'll just get both..sorry wallet..

11 years ago

The question really should of been: Which will have the superior campaign? Since I don't own Blops and Battlefield 3 but I do own BFBC2 and all map packs, I'm going for Warfighter hence the easy superior name and the game trailers. Warfighter for 60 bucks is going to be more worth it imo.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 10/23/2012 1:35:04 PM

11 years ago

These titles have campaigns?

I guess its handy during storm season if your internet goes down.

11 years ago

Well, just got MOH. I played it for about 2 hours on the hard difficulty. I am on level 6 and there are 13 levels. So far, the graphics are amazing and the mix of action and stealth is very balanced. Not to mention, MOH has the best sniper levels of any FPS. I am getting BO2 so I cannot wait to see what they do with the campaign. I have always said Treyarch is the master of the storyline.

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