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Ubisoft On ACIII: “We Redefined What The Game Is About”

Assassin's Creed III is a very ambitious game. So ambitious, in fact, that they needed a brand new engine, built from scratch, in order to make the game work on current-generation hardware.

So thanks in part to AnvilNext, ACIII might be the biggest, most impressive virtual world we've ever seen. As to how it compares to previous titles in the series, associate producer Julien Laferrière says the development team didn't bother with boundaries, and they didn't just want to copy what they had done before. Here's what he had to say in a recent IGN interview :

"Where do we draw the line? We didn’t have any obligations, if you want, to take something from the franchise. Like, ‘Oh, we did that in previous games; we need to include that. Oh, we did that in that other game, we need to include that.’ It was more of a clean slate, and we really built the fresh new game that we wanted to make.

We obviously wanted to make sure that it’s an Assassin’s Creed game; it’s about combat, navigation and stealth basically, but we kind of redefined what the game is about. We treated it almost as a new IP, if you want. So where do we draw the line? I feel that we didn’t have to draw the line."

As for the setting, many tried to picture getting the full size and scope of that time period into a video game like Assassin's Creed , and ended up concluding that it really couldn't be done. Laferrière said that when they announced the American Revolution setting, people were immediately skeptical and perhaps rightly so:

"I remember we were reading one specific forum when we announced the American Revolution and they were like, ‘Well, if they do the American Revolution they need to have massive battles, they need to have the forest, they need to have snow, and they can’t do it. They won’t be able to do it. It’s crazy. And if they don’t include that in the game it’s not the American Revolution.’ And we were building those exact features; we had those elements working. We were laughing. People were worried; ‘How can they pull it off?’ In the end we managed to surprise them with the scope [of this game]."

If they do pull this off in fine fashion, most assume ACIII could be the automatic Game of the Year. It's just so ridiculously mind-boggling in so many different areas…don't worry, October 30 isn't far off now!

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11 years ago

I dunno man, that engine must be something if those huge sweeping explorable vistas are all on 1 360 disc (for the single player anyway).

11 years ago

AC:3 & AC:"Liberation are my most anticipated games this year.

But unfortunately being out of work for so long, I've got nothing but starving wallet moths, so they will probably have to wait till late 2013 after they've dropped way down in price.

Unless, of course, I hit the lottery…..

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

all ya gotta do is think of something practical that everybody will want,then invent it and….bam 1 million dollars !!!
Glad to help.

11 years ago

Work has slowed down for me also, but I'm not laid off or anything, just broke at the moment. I was thinking, this sure is a fine time for this to happen with the games that I'm most looking forward to playing coming out very soon.

I went to Amazon's website and traded in two games for $54 and was able to pre-order ACIII: Liberation. That will hold me over until work picks up again, then I'll be able to get ACIII. I'm glad Liberation was the one I had my eyes on first, because it was hard enough getting rid of two games, much less the three it would've taken to get the version with Connor.

11 years ago

I have AC 3 pre-ordered. Past that games will be iffy. Got to soak a lot of money into my truck, since I drive a dually six tires are expensive not counting oil changes ect…

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

Not to piss on his parade but i've heard the same from every other dev about their upcoming releases.
i'll be truly impressed if there's no dna wall stopping me from going where ever i want like in red dead.
still day 1 for me!

11 years ago

All the bullsh*t techno matrix crap that's there to fence you in and avoid having to animate cut-scenes really messed things up for me.

11 years ago

Just an FYI…..

Assassin's Creed III: Ubisoft faces "uncomfortable" truths
By Brendan Sinclair

Developers talk about treatment of Native Americans and women in games, and concern over ads showing hero killing US soldiers

The Assassin's Creed series has never shied away from touchy topics, with the very first game having players killing a variety of historical figures in the middle of a Christian-Muslim Holy War, and the second one using the Pope as its villain.

However, with the third installment of the series set during the American Revolution, the development team has had to consider issues of slavery and treatment of Native Americans.

And with the Assassin's Creed: Liberation spin-off for PlayStation Vita featuring a woman in the protagonist's role for the first time, gender issues are stepping to the forefront as well.

Read the full article here:

11 years ago

Assassin's Creed Film To Be Fast Tracked
Adam Rosenberg

Ubisoft will partner with New Regency Productions on the planned Assassin's Creed movie, a morning press release reveals. Ubisoft maintains control of "key elements of the movie's creative direction," but script development is beginning "immediately" and the movie is now on a fast track to release.

New Regency will back up Ubisoft Motion Pictures with its background in production and distribution. It also helps that attached star Michael Fassbender is just coming off of a role in the upcoming New Regency release, Twelve Years a Slave.

For those among you who have long been pulling for video game adaptations to have their moment, keep watching this project closely. New Regency has some real quality in its release catalog, including the likes of Brazil, Natural Born Killers, and Fantastic Mr. Fox. Of course, it's also got the likes of Epic Move and Elektra. Here's hoping that Ubi's direct involvement means Assassin's Creed will find more in common with the former group.


Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
11 years ago

For the sake of the review score this is probable a good move. A lot of reviewers will tear a game down if it tries to stray away from the series, while also criticizing it if it doesn't innovate and do something new. There isn't much of way to win, but at least the reviewers can't say they weren't warned.

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