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One Level In Dragon Age III Is Bigger Than All Of Dragon Age II

I'm one of those weird people who like Dragon Age more than Mass Effect , simply because I prefer fantasy over sci-fi.

That being said, I think it's clear that the last couple of Mass Effect entries were of a slightly better quality than Dragon Age II , which was a great game but still disappointed me in a few key areas. So I'm looking forward to how BioWare approaches the third installment.

We still don't have too many concrete details for Dragon Age III: Inquisition , but the studio has released some concept art . We've got what appears to be a lone hunter standing atop a rocky outcropping, the outside of what could be an abandoned forest temple or palace, and a castle on a mountaintop that definitely reminds me of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim . All of this could be beautiful, especially because the game will be utilizing a brand new engine, of which DICE's Frostbite 2 is the foundation. I've got high hopes for that.

In addition, as cited by GameSpot , producer Cameron Lee has informed us that we'll actually be able to control castles in the anticipated title, which sounds decidedly strategic. Oh, and there will be more customization, and the world of DAIII will be pretty darn big: "Just one level in Dragon Age III is as big as all of Dragon Age II's levels." Yeah, well, we're definitely getting a "big" vibe from that concept art.

Related Game(s): Dragon Age III

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SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
11 years ago

Excellent. I didn't mind DA II (though I thought its predecessor was a better game) but the smallness of the gaming world was a bother. It's good to hear BioWare seems to be taking what their fans are saying seriously.

11 years ago

I still haven't played ME (waiting for the bundle to be released) but I can't picture myself enjoying it more than Dragon Age. I'm right there with you Ben, I love the sci-fi fantasy so much more.

I just updated my ps3 harddrive to a 500GB one since the good ol' 60GB one was way too small. I don't know how I survived with it so long. Unfortunately the backup didn't work 100% so I have to re-install and re-download everything. DA ultimate edition was the first one to be re-installed. Such a great game.

Still haven't picked up DA2 yet though. The reviews weren't too favorable so I figured I'd wait… and of course no time!

Love the concept art!

Last edited by laxpro2001 on 10/22/2012 11:20:56 AM

11 years ago

I hope it's truly epic, I've been considering doing DAII as a mean person. It wasn't the best game but your decisions certainly made a bigger difference than in DA:O even if the game world was the size of a postage stamp.

I don't want to control castles though, I want to control a party. This isn't Fable 3.

edit: That concept art link is an invalid URL.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 10/22/2012 11:25:27 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

'tis not. 😉

11 years ago

No fair fixing it and making me look retarded.

11 years ago

I just hope that they return to the gameplay of the first dragon age

11 years ago

fat chance but me 2

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