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Weapons Can Be “Prestiged” In Call Of Duty: Black Ops II

Every fan of Call of Duty multiplayer is quite familiar with the word "prestige."

Once you reach a certain level online, your character will Prestige, meaning you've reached a plateau of sorts. Then you just keep going to see if you can Prestige again; each prestige level requires more work. The upcoming Black Ops II will allow for players to gain 55 levels and 10 Prestige levels.

But we already knew that. What we didn't know is that the weapons themselves will be allowed to Prestige. Treyarch design director David Vonderhaar took to his Twitter page to drop the following mini-bombshell for the CoD faithful:

"Did you know that you can Prestige any gun two times?"

This isn't the first time a CoD has seen weapon-leveling, as last year's Modern Warfare 3 included that feature. But no entry has let players actually Prestige their weapons…let alone twice. We'll have to see what kind of advantage it gives a player to have a Prestiged weapon equipped, but we imagine we'll find out soon enough. By the way, once you reach that level cap of 55 in BOII, you'll Prestige but your stats and equipment won't be reset. You'll just keep going with your unlocked weapons and items in exchange for Prestige tokens that let you get more Create-a-Class slots and other goodies. Gotta love keeping your stuff.

If you've been living in a cave, Call of Duty: Black Ops II launches on November 13. Not far now.

Related Game(s): Call of Duty: Black Ops II

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11 years ago

I has been nice to keep weapons via prestige tokens. It used to suck to unlock a weapon at the highest level, then prestige which locked up that weapon.

11 years ago

Prestige as in the punchline of an illusion I assume.

11 years ago

Prestige literally offers nothing.

In BO, I prestiged once, then I stayed at top level for the rest of the year. I believe by staying there I experienced far more benefits than anyone else.

11 years ago

You assume, incorrectly.

11 years ago

Is this just a perk, or does it add to the experience? I know in BFBC2 you can "platinum" (10,000 uses) a weapon, multiple times as well, but it didn't really mean anything.

11 years ago

(Pops head out of cave)


("Shrugs" & burrows back into cave to resume second playthrough, Mafia 2 )

Last edited by BikerSaint on 10/19/2012 12:14:57 PM

11 years ago

Prestiging helps keep the game interesting because you are always trying to get maximum points to rank up. Not Prestiging or only doing it once – kinda makes you look noobish and that you don't have the confidence to start over with nothing. Prestiging in Black Ops II will be less painful becuase you keep weapon ranks – and Prestiging is the only way to unlock all the gear in the game.

Onward to Tenth !!

11 years ago

I play every CoD every year and have only prestiged one time, Prestiging offers next to nothing and doesn't keep anything more interesting. It's actually a tedious task with little to no reward.

When they decide to offer an unlock of something then I'll think about. At least they brought prestige tokens.

So looking "noobish" to people I dont know, on a game that can't make prestiging a little more interesting, is the least of my concern.

11 years ago

Prestiging is a way of stroking your ego by putting a lot of time into the game. It also gives a carrot to chase which means your more likely to be playing when they release map packs and you will buy those packs.

I never prestiged in BO1 and did quite well against prestige players.

It doesn't mean you are good, it just means you spent a lot of time playing the game, and they two don't necessarily go hand in hand.

On my two free beta weekends of MW3 I killed rank 80s and prestige ranked players at level 3. So it doesn't really show anything to be honest.

11 years ago


That's absolutely right. All it shows is how much time you've put into the game. It has nothing to do with skill, unless of course you're getting their quickly by garnering higher scores.

11 years ago

I would assume that "Prestiging the gun" will be necessary to unlock Gold and maybe some as yet unrevealed Camos – again its for fun and gives you another goal to achieve.

11 years ago

Luckily prestiging is optional.

11 years ago

Well at least this time you can keep your stuff. I did once and it made me experiment with different guns after I was used to the highler lvl equipment. Kind of fun but at the same time there is a reason why I used what I did.

I'm over COD anyway. It bores the hell outta. Unless I'm getting a good game with an engrossing story that isnt just mindless shooting it really isn't going to get a lot of respect in my book.

I'd rather do that or play rock smith

||/ >_< ||/

11 years ago

luckily cod is optional

11 years ago

Doesn't do sh**, I reach Commander and I keep all my weapons. I don't want to work extra with this load of crap, pointless. Nonsense K/D ratio crap is really getting f****** stupid and boring. Besides, u can't tell who's the modders and legitimate players in prestige.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 10/19/2012 1:42:46 PM

11 years ago

Settle down, I dont know what you just said but here have a Capri Sun.

11 years ago

It's the truth, well that's my opinion of course. Capri Sun, that sh** is garbage, nice try though.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 10/19/2012 9:41:37 PM

11 years ago

Forgot to mention, if u don't understand about my post, why did u reply. Instead u give me annoyance about a sugar water drink.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 10/19/2012 10:27:02 PM

11 years ago

Not just a sugar water drink… A capri sun! You are privileged!

11 years ago

I have the privilege not to drink it.

11 years ago

i only prestige the once i still enjoy the game its better with a clan or mates as the banter is funny. we play a lot of private matches too have our own competitions leagues etc

11 years ago

Prestige worldwide-wide-wide… LOL. I had to.

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