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Borderlands 2 Mr. Torgue’s Campaign Of Carnage DLC Outed

Well, you've the Mechromancer DLC and the newly announced Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty add-on as well. Not enough for you?

Borderlands 2 is the kind of game that can eat up a ton of time, especially if you get hooked on the multiplayer element (which is of course the most alluring aspect). So many of you are probably still playing, and that means you'll be interested in even more downloadable content, yes?

Thanks to the PS3 Trophies for the game, it seems we've got the name of the next DLC pack: Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage. A tipster sent the picture you see here to Joystiq ; it's a screenshot clearly showing the name in question. If you don't already know, Mr. Torgue is one of the weapons manufacturers in the world of Borderlands 2 , so it seems you'll get to know him a bit better with this DLC. And as one might expect, there's going to be lots and lots of death involved as well.

Just out of curiosity, how many people out there religiously buy DLC for any game they really like? Or rather, how much do you have to like a game for you to spring for extra content?

Related Game(s): Borderlands 2

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John Shoemaker
John Shoemaker
11 years ago

This DLC is coming out way too fast and it seems with not enough in it.
Where is the awesome expansions like we got with the original Borderlands?

11 years ago

I am loving the DLC available so far. Spent over 10-15hours in the Oasis and still have not finished it yet. Worth every penny.

Also, the internet was already crying for BorderLands3 so they decided to push the DLC foward… But now… LOL people still find a way to turn that against them hahaha.

If it's too fast for you, you don't have to get it and just buy it later when it might even be on sale on the store. But I sure am glad they released it fast because I was already done with the whole game.

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 10/20/2012 11:07:12 PM

11 years ago

I never buy doc, but since I got the GOTY edition of the first game and enjoyed the dlc. So this will be the first game I actually buy DLC for, since I really enjoy the game.

11 years ago

I bought all the DLC for the first one even though one of them sucked but I will probably do the same for this one. Already level 50 in TVHM playing the first DLC as I type this. Just wish they would raise the level cap.

Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
11 years ago

I've bought DLC for only three games:

1. Arkham City
2. Borderlands
3. Borderlands 2 (season pass)

The BL games are so awesome. Even though I haven't gotten to ALL the DLCs for both games yet – I'll keep buying them regardless. I HAVE to reward the developer (Gearbox) for these amazing games buy buying all the DLC. It's worth it to me. Both games are spectacular, IMO. YMMV.

Heartless Angel
Heartless Angel
11 years ago

I don't know about religiously buying DCL but I like Borderlands 2 and I'm not waiting for a GOTY. So I got the season pass and the premiere club

11 years ago

ill be honest and say that i buy and have bought way to much dlc. i only say to much because i dont always play/finish it all. im going back right now to do the davinci dlc for brotherhood that i bought earlier this year and never got to. i really expect to buy some of the dlc for ac3. the george washington dlc sounds cool. i havent played borderlands 2 and barely played 1 but it sounds like a great game. i have all the dlc for borderlands 1 from gamesharing with a buddy and never played that. i just have to many games to get to all this content.

11 years ago

It s not that i dont want to buy the dlc , is just i don t want to get to lvl 5O . I m not gonna replay the entire game with the same character when there are 4 more character to have fun with .

11 years ago

I wouldn't say religiously. There are plenty of games that I have just waited for GOTY editions to release due to massive log. As for out of pocket expense:

Borderlands 1 PS+ package made the dlc and the game like $20 (allowed me and my brother to play from separate ps3's since I already owned a physical copy.

Rock Band when I used to play a lot.

Rocksmith when there is a song I want to learn.

That is basically it.

11 years ago

Well, being a SP mode only person, I'm not really into most DLC,unless I'm super-amped about a particular game.

But if a GOTY is made, I always try to get the that copy instead, like I did with Borderlands 1(but I would've bought all 4 DLC's had there not been any GOTY of it).

I'm more into buying fuller games than most DLC's give us, so after buying Alice 2, infamous 2, & Crysis 2 used, I went ahead and bought Alice 1, Crysis 1, & inFamous:Festival of blood.

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