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Operation Supply Drop: Sending Games To Our Troops Overseas

Our troops deserve some quality entertainment.

If you want to make the members of our armed forces feel a little better about being stationed overseas, you should consider helping Operation Supply Drop (OSD), which is committed to sending US soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan some "unusual care packages."

Their latest is the 8-Bit Salute to Veterans, which will see parties organized by gamers across the country raising funds to send video games and consoles to our troops. Over Veteran's Day weekend, there will be events in Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas, and New York City, and they intend to raise a hefty amount; each care package clocks in at $1,826.49. Said Army Airborne Ranger Stephen Machuga:

"Troops are accustomed to getting care packages from strangers full of baby wipes and socks. Our care packages are designed to blow their socks off."

These packages include all sorts of goodies, including external hard drives for the Xbox 360 and games for the PS3, PSP and PC. Some of the companies that have contributed products are big-name publishers like Activision, Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, Rockstar Games, Bethesda Games, Valve, Epic Games, THQ, Capcom, and more. Machuga's company, FrontTowardsGamer, probably deserves your support, so check 'em out . Anything we can do to make their lives easier over there, right?

Thanks, BikerSaint!

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11 years ago

I've got a cheaper idea, they could send the troops pin the tail on the donkey. All they need is a picture of Obama and a giant foot with a needle on the heel.

11 years ago

Ah, good and good. I just hope they don't get too many copies of CoD. Might need a change of setting you know?

11 years ago

Thanks for the shout-out, Ben.

I thought this was a great idea for a great battle-weary troops morale booster so I just had to pass it along so gamers could also do a small part in thanking our troops.

I'm going to see if I can send a few of my Playstation games in too, it really irks me to see mostly M$ stuff in the pics.

11 years ago

To be fair there are a lot of unwanted overstocked 360 games out there. Take a peek in your local bargain bin and that's all you see.

11 years ago

True that!
the last time I was even able to afford a look-see at GameStop, beside all the used 360 boxes up on the shelf, there was also another mountain of them in the bargain bin(which you'd never ever see one for the PS3).

And the back storeroom is loaded to the gills with tons more of them.
And that's the very same reason that if price-checking the same 360 vs PS3 used game, the 360 version often sells for $5 to $10 less than the PS3.

And you can bet that as long as they do that, I will also continue bitchin' at all the GS managers about their company's constant PS3 price discrimination as well.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 10/18/2012 6:20:01 AM

11 years ago

That's how I know the "sales" figures coming out of MS are false. They overship, tell the press those numbers and then claim victory.

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