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Pachter Doesn’t Rule Out December Release For GTAV

Take-Two's financial expectations for the fiscal year are such that Grand Theft Auto V really has to launch…or those billion-dollar predictions won't even be close.

And Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter had something to say about the impending launch of one of this generation's most anticipated titles. In speaking to NowGamer , Pachter said he believes Rockstar wanted to have the game out for this October, saying all GTA installments (with the exception of one) launched in October. That being said, let's not forget that the last entry, GTAIV, was the errant one; it arrived in April.

So now it's important to get GTAV out by March. Said Pachter:

"Take Two is on the hook to deliver over a billion dollars in revenue. Their fiscal year, ends March 31, so they pretty much have to bring the game out by March 31. I would say a March launch is more likely than May and knowing the Rockstar guys, I wouldn’t rule out a December [2012] launch. You just don’t know with these guys, they could announce next week that GTA is coming out December 20, I think it would be stupid, but they could do it."

Remember, the game will be on the cover of Game Informer for December, and we might get a date then. Pachter believes Rockstar could get away with announcing the date next week and having it hit on December 9, but he's betting on a March launch for now. Me, I just want the damn game.


Related Game(s): Grand Theft Auto V

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11 years ago

I don't believe it will be released in December for one second. There has still been a lack of presentation from Rockstar. GTAIV had tons upon tons of promotion everywhere, for GTA V to be suddenly in a whimper would just not add up.

I am still predicting a Spring 2013, but even with what little footage has been shown so far I am beginning to doubt that…

11 years ago

He is basing his assumptions soley on Rockstar releasing it for their fiscal year. It's possible but he really is just guessing. With the lack of info that has come out I'll actually be surprised if we get it by March.

Last edited by jimmyhandsome on 10/17/2012 12:04:15 PM

11 years ago

I just want an excuse to be a reckless driver and listen to some hilarious radio. In real life im terrified to drive because people are insane. I slow down at a yellow light because thats what it stands for and so this guy almost hit me because he sped up to catch it and ended up going through a red light. All that aside, i can't wait for GTAV i mean, some of my best gaming moments this gen was stealing a swat truck with a couple friends and surviving 6 stars as long as possible. Man, good times.

Part of me hopes it launches december but then i don't want to try and cram far cry 3 and gtaV in the same month. GTAV would just sap time away from all of the exploring and me, personally, i have this ritual where after ever couple of hours i save, then go on a rampage. I just mindlessly kill everything i see until i get gunned down. Then of course in far cry 3 its going to have wild animals. In RDR the cougar shack (haha) was another spot for me and my buddies to hold off and survive. At night, hearing that growling was beyond scary.

If it did launch in december i wonder how many CoD copies less would be sold. If some people can only afford one game would they choose the grandmaster of epic fun over CoD? If it did than maybe it would be a sign as to what will be popular next gen. This is just speculation of course but it would be some great foresight into the future. Plus with gtaV, we're getting an even bigger glimpse into the future.

11 years ago


If you think it's scary driving a car, you should see all the stupid moves that the Eye Of Morons try to do all around my Harley.

But I usually catch up to them at the next light or stop sign, & then it's game on for being so reckless, as I'll always take it as a "act of attempted murder through stupidity".

Saying "I didn't see him" is not an excuse, "It's an admitting of guilt.

11 years ago

I just want the game…badly..but I'd say March sounds like the ideal time period to release it..

11 years ago

I'll be done with school by March, so more time to play the game would be fine with me. I don't want them to rush it, though. Knowing Rockstar, they'll keep working on it as long as they need to make it as perfect as possible.

11 years ago

If I had the same info he has,my guess would be the same. His gift for stating the obvious is incredible.

11 years ago

The more Pach attack videos I watch on Gametrailers the more I wonder how this guy gets paid for this job. He is rarely right in his predictions and the ones where he is right are usually just obvious trends that everyone sees coming.

However I think GTA5 should be ready sooner than later, its bee 5 years since the fourth one hasn't it? Well 4 or 5 but yeah, I think most people don't want to compete with call of duty this christmas to be honest but thats just my guess.

11 years ago

Pach is so bad at his job.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

It's possible. This is GTA we're talking about. But not likely.

11 years ago

Next week is GTA vice city's 10th anniversary this time last year it was GTA III's and just after that we started hearing rumbling of GTAV wouldn't surprise me if they did the same thing and we get some new info later this month. new trailer would be nice.

11 years ago

I'm so tired of hearing that GTAV may release this year or is it coming this year. It's not coming this year at all. I really doubt R* would release this without a massive marketing campaign for it.

11 years ago

so there going to announce a game, say nothing about it for a year, than finally say something, announce the release date and release it all within the matter of 4 weeks?
yup, this guy really is a moron!
R* are not going to finally show off the game for the first time, announce a release date, and release the thing in the same month!
not to mention its custom for R* , and especially GTA games to get delayed, so…………

11 years ago

I do have to ask why do you keep using this guy in articles? He is one of the worst examples of an analyst. I realize you probably won't see this one so I will ask again the next time you use this douche of a analyst.

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