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Plus Subscribers Can Try Out PlayStation All-Stars Today

You're a PlayStation Plus subscriber, right? No…? Guess you won't be playing a highly anticipated exclusive later today. Aw, too bad.

As revealed over at the PlayStation Blog , a public beta test for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale starts today (Tuesday) for the PlayStation 3 and Vita. Only Plus members can get in on the fun this week, though.

The rest of the public will have to wait until next week, when the beta becomes available to all PSN users. This test will feature six playable characters for you to test: Kratos, Sweet Tooth, Sly Cooper, Fat Princess, PaRappa the Rapper, and Colonel Radec. The two available stages will be Metropolis and Hades, and we'll also be able to check out those uber-entertaining four player and 2-on-2 tournaments. We've already had our fill of the solid brawler; you can check out our beta impressions if you need to do some extra research. Just bear in mind that the beta test period – for all users – ends on October 30.

Remember, PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale is set to launch on November 20, and it's probably the biggest exclusive title for the PlayStation platform this fall. Got some interested friends?

Related Game(s): PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale

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11 years ago

I'm going to try this out. I've been on the fence about this game.

11 years ago

I'm in!

I'm going to try it out on both PS3 and Vita and see if there's any difference…

11 years ago

I probably won't even bother.

11 years ago

isent this old?
its been available for plus members for months now, unless that was EU only.
tried this months ago did not like it at all.
sorry $ony, but if i wanted a SSB game id buy SSB game!
$ony SERIOUSLY need to stop trying to be ninty!
funny how they keep saying we cater to different audiences than they do, yet they cant stop copying them.

11 years ago

Yeah like 3D Realms shouldn't have made Duke Nukem 3D. Heretic, Hexen, Battlefield, CoD and Half-Life shouldn't exist either because they shouldn't have copied Id Software.

I suppose it's possible that Sony took the SSB formula and I don't know….hmmm..maybe improved on it? Call me crazy, but it could be a possibility.

Everyone on this site knows that if you played PASBR and didn't like it there is a 95% chance it will score between an 8 and 10. So that is good news for Sony 😉

Just out of curiosity, and I cannot believe I am curious but what was the last game you played and liked?

11 years ago

Have family visiting, I'll download it, but likely won't get to play until next week anyway.

11 years ago

I really have absolutely no interest in this game. The only reason I will be trying this game at all is because of the PS Vita.

Who knows, maybe I'll actually enjoy it.

11 years ago

Anyone have an idea of what size the download will be? I have such a small amount of space on my HD but I really want to give this a try!

11 years ago

u should either delete older demos if u have and/or go out to buy a bigger HDD if u really don't want to delete anything.

11 years ago

It is around 600 mb.

11 years ago

Thanks sawao.

Alexander, I know. I've been using the 60GB model since I got it and it really is crippling. I may have found an affordable drive but with the limited time I have to play games I am unsure if I can justify the purchase.

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