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Original Mass Effect In ME Trilogy For PS3 Boasts Improvements

PS3 owners got Mass Effect 2 (eventually) and Mass Effect 3 , but the original never made it to Sony's platform.

However, the upcoming Mass Effect Trilogy , which is apparently coming to the PS3 although it doesn't yet have a solidified date, will boast the first ME title. And it's comin' with some big improvements, too.

Franchise producer Ryan Warden has been answering questions about the Trilogy on Twitter and while he did confirm the first ME won't ever come to the PS3 in physical form, the upgrade should be obvious. He said the "performance feels really good overall," and they're going for improved texture popping and some various touch-ups. Perhaps most interesting is that Warden said these improvements are exclusive to the PS3 version (the one in the Trilogy ), while the original ME in the collection on the 360 won't feature any such changes.

The Mass Effect Trilogy is set to launch for the Xbox 360 and PC on November 6; here's hoping the PS3 version isn't too far behind.

Related Game(s): Mass Effect Trilogy

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11 years ago

I'm so excited that people who never played ME1 are going to get to try it out finally on the PS3.

It is my favourite in the series and while people say its clunky(I disagree), it is more of an RPG and more about scale, exploration and story. Its not all up in your face action like ME2 and especially ME3 were.

It just feels like a good old WRPG with a beautiful epic space opera coating.

I might even get this again off the PSN even though I already played it on the Xbox and the PC multiple times, I just love it so much.

11 years ago

Woah that's pretty cool of them. I became impatient a while back and bought it for pc. I would have parted with my money to buy this but I have all 3 and I heard it doesn't include the dlc's so if that's true seems a little silly.

Would still recommend the trilogy to anyone who hasn't played them.

11 years ago

The sad part of this is that I don't know if I'll ever bother; the point is to take your Shepard through all of the games and to start all over again just isn't something I really plan to do. Maybe some day in the far off future.

11 years ago

Was thinking the exact same thing… Why go back now, when my path up until ME2 got predetermined? How I play the first compared to the pre-determined path may be different and the outcomes may be different later. Idk…

It's cool of them, but it's a little late. Wish I would have known this was coming before I bought ME3, I would have waited!

11 years ago

Yeah I would have too because I replayed ME2 so I could have a female character in ME3. Though for some reason I never got the chance to bag Jack the second time around.

11 years ago

I would still recommend playing through ME1 even if you don't take shepard through to the end.

There are several big choices to make in that game that effect ME1. There are some really cool endings you can get and little hidden dialogue options if you have high enough paragon or renegade.

I think the game stands just fine on its own, and I would strongly recommend not missing out on ME1.

11 years ago

Oh I'll prolly still play it but, like you said as a stand alone. I'm super happy with the way I played ME2 and 3 and I have no intentions of replaying them just because ME1 might alter something, so…

11 years ago

I might be interested in this trilogy. There's no way I would even consider it if I had played ME3 already. It's a good thing I waited. Now I can play the first one and decide whether or not to play the second part again before moving on to the third.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

I think he said that it wont make it to physical form as a stand alone game. But it will be in physical form in the trilogy. I read the tweets, he said "in three discs" somewhere in there. For the record, that was the 2nd time i ever visited twitter.

Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 10/4/2012 11:16:27 PM

11 years ago

I certainly hope that it is released as a 3-Disc Trilogy, including one for each installment (having all the DLC thrown in as well would be very appreciated and awesome!). I only have ME2 so far, but would definitely get this trilogy set.

OT, I've been trying to upload a pic to use as my avatar here, something similar to my PSN one, but it posts this immidiately afterwards:

500 – Internal server error.

There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.

Huh? Can someone apparently more knowledgeable than I concerning this provide some assistance please. Greatly appreciated. Oh and I have tried with both Internet Explorer (which I'm using to type this) and Google Chrome. The image in question is also not even remotely violent or sexual. Thanks.

Last edited by H8WL3R on 10/5/2012 3:15:30 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Thanks for clarifying that. I got thrown there for a second, as it will be physical on both the PC and 360. Would have been a no-buy for me if the first ME was just a code in the Trilogy.

11 years ago

Yes,I agree Lawless SXE, I won't likely get that upcoming Trilogy set either if the the first ME isn't on disc.

I found that to be the case with the other collections as well, I'd rather have the GoW Origins Collection, GoW Collection and GoW III on their respective discs than buy the Saga and have to download the Origins Collection. I was considering getting the InFamous Collection since I didn't have 2… but seeing as how I read all the previously released DLC and InFamous: Festival of Blood were not on disc ,I bought InFamous 2 (in store and on disc, preferrentially) for $20 instead and I'll just buy the DLC when the time comes.

I do however have a sealed copy of R&C Collection I intend to open up and start at some point. What I've been doing with those though is play the first, then I'll go back to continue with the second and so on, when I'm in the mood for that particular series. I've so far done so with Sly and PoP. I think I'd like to get and play The Forgotten Sands before I play Warrior Within though.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

I have a tendency to play through series in one hit where possible. I just find the break jarring when you go from one game to another and back again. I mean, it's a different matter when each game is twenty hours or whatever, but still…

The R&C Collection is class as, and I wish that I had time to play the PoP series. I've got the four games in the 'Sands' series, but I never get the urge to play them with all the other games out :/ *First world problems*

As for your avatar issue, have you tried moving the file you want to use to another folder? Could be that the filename is invalid. Might want to try shrinking it slightly if that doesn't work. Otherwise, I dunno.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

H8WL3R: Oddly enough, there are just some pics that don't work with our system. PNG seems to be a problem, for example.

Just try different ones, I say.

11 years ago

Ah ok, well thanks for clearing that up for me Ben.

I also made sure to resize them and that they did not exceed the file size cap as well, pretty sure they're JPGs to boot! Ah well, will try them again now, or to convert them. I used GIMP 2 if anyone's tried it, from what I've read, it's supposed to be the freeware version of PhotoShop and seemed to be well reviewed. I also used that program to convert the files afterward.

Thanks again!

11 years ago

Nah still no luck!

Hmmm… A little frustrating this is. Not having any luck I am.

Well as per suggestions kindly posted, such as trying different pictures as well as from different locations, not yielding any results. They are also all JPEG file types and within the dimension and size limit. Bah… I don't know what to do. I guess I should have left my other one if I knew I wasn't going to replace it at the moment… 🙁

Last edited by H8WL3R on 10/8/2012 10:45:33 PM

11 years ago

I'm still not the biggest fan of the ME3 ending but the games are really great and the characters are really memorable. Really looking forward to this one!

I intended to play the game again starting with ME2 and make different choices, but it's good that we are finally getting the first game so I'm going to hold off until ME1 becomes available.

My only gripe is the distinct possibility that not all DLCs will be included on the trilogy. I don't care if they charge a full $60 for it since the games are really worth it, but why not include everything and make the trilogy the definitive version to get?

11 years ago

Loved ME3… not too fussed about the ending myself. Will look into getting this trilogy 🙂



Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

Never played any Mass effect games so i'll be getting this!

11 years ago

ill get the first for sure. if i have to but a collection to get the first one on disc i will do that and give away or sell my copies of 2 and 3. im ok with making a new fem shep and going through all of it another time.

11 years ago

Whoa! They`re revamping the graphics? Awesome! It might encourage ME fans (Mainly 360 owners or PC) to rebuy this.

Since I haven`t finished playing ME3 I guess I`m gonna stop and wait for the first ME to come out!

11 years ago

Well that's one way to look at it. Other is – they already have a 360 version.

Meaning they most likely don't even need any touch ups. It was an exclusive to that platform so it must boast features as one.

Sony is a port. We're all familiar what happens to PS3 ports. Oh, yeah. They get the shaft. Ergo – touch ups.

11 years ago

Yes! What a true masterpiece! X360's exclusives are almost none existent now. We only need Fable and Gears of War. Seriously though, I would love to see Gears of War on the PS3! I really enjoyed GoW1.
I still cannot believe this is happening. All of you who have not played ME1 are in for a treat!

11 years ago

Well..I have ME2 but have never played it..So I might just get this being I've never played a game in this series..

11 years ago

So ME1 will be digital and the other 2 physical?

11 years ago

My understanding is that 'Mass Effect' will be available physically as part of the trilogy, but only digitally on it's own.

11 years ago

Sweet. I'm so glad they are giving PS3 owners the chance to play the first one. I have a 360, but being a member of this site I think it's obvious which console I prefer.

I played ME1 on 360 a long time ago, but it was really hard to read any text on the screen with an SDTV. Having not played through the first I never tried the second or third, so I'm pumped to finally get rolling on the Trilogy. (dont worry, I have since made the leap into the HD era)

I just hope It doesn't take long for it to reach the PS3

11 years ago

I tried ME1 on the PC (got it dirt cheap from steam) – doesn't control as well as the latter 2 – really hope the PS3 version uses the same controls layout as with ME2 & 3

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