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Gran Turismo 5 Tech Demo Will Show Off Crazy 4K Resolution

Last month, I wondered what Gran Turismo 6 in ridiculous 4K resolution might look like.

I seem to be blessed with a bit of foresight lately, as that 4K resolution is indeed on display…only not with GT6. As you'll see at GTPlanet , Polyphony Digital said they'll be showing off GT5 at Sony's "Dramatic 4K Experience" in Japan.

The already fantastic-looking simulator will be running in 4K resolution, which is four times the 1920 x 1080 maximum resolution of current HDTVs. Many expect that the new PlayStation will support that resolution although right now, the only TV that can handle 4K will release in November for the silly price of $25,000. But as always, prices come down as technology gets better so when you get your PS4, maybe a 4K resolution TV won't be totally out of the question.

It should be amazing to see this game running at such a high resolution, though. I mean…wow.

Related Game(s): Gran Turismo 5

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11 years ago

I guess if you can afford the $25,000 cost of the TV, you'll be able to afford the four PS3's needed to play GT5 at 4K!

11 years ago

Lol early on when this was posted on GTPlanet some fool actually said that they were Forza screenshots.
Now back to this… Sony did this back in 2008 also with GT5P. All this is is tech demo stuff for a new standard that electronics companies will try to push and shouldn't be taken too seriously at this time. just sayin

11 years ago

Yeah, I remember when they did it with GT5:P too. Back then I thought it was just an experiment for fun. Now it seems like that it may be a possibility for gaming. The PS4 will not only need two gpus, but they better be a pretty good pair.

11 years ago

Forza yayyyy….. *crickets*

11 years ago

Aye, this isn't the only time GT5 has been shown by Sony at ultra high, above 1080, resolutions.

Sony is just doing their thing by stimulating public awareness for future tech.

11 years ago

forza's not a bad game,
certainly no reason to buy a game system just to play though (especially when GT5 is available on the other platform)

11 years ago

I already have glasses because of my weak eyesight…if I see this tech demo I think I'll lose my eyes completely :S

GT5 already looks groundbreaking on my 47-inch TV, along with the engine noises so stellar with the surround sound XD

11 years ago

How about a Final Fantasy VII tech demo at 4k?


11 years ago

Oh man when I read the headline I thought this would be related to the PS4.

This has already been demoed with an expensive Sony projector that could do 4k resolution many years ago, so it's more a hindsight than a foresight really. 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 10/4/2012 1:30:23 AM

11 years ago

I think this is great of Sony and Polyphony to do this, however my only worry is this… mind you, I am not trying to pour cold water on a sizzling achievement…

When the marketing spin engine started up for the PS3 there was a lot of talk about its raw power and its abilities as a "True HD" console.

Reality is most of the games were released as 720p HD Ready games rather than True HD, meaning 1080p native. Now we know the PS3 can do 1080p to a certain extent, but not to a great extent if a developer wants to tax the machine with a rich and diverse world environment.

The pig that is the RSX does not have the bandwidth whereby the CELL does (if married up to a decent GPU).

My concern is that if Sony spins the 4K marketing blurb about how the PS4 will run games at 4K from the get go will we be in the same situation with PS4 that we are in with PS3 now.

In other words, the PS4 could run some games in 4K, but not very well, and we probably end up never seeing the serious AAA titles in 4K resolution as advertised. Multi-plat game engines will fall short on the PS4 as we have seen in the past on the PS3, and even exclusive PS4 devs may find it difficult to create engines at 4K that can run at any decent frame rate at those resolutions.

I may be wrong, but I fear I smell the same spin the beset the PS3 to some extent. PS3 is a great machine, we love it, but it fell short when comparing the spin to what we eventually got.

Will the PS4 be similar at birth?



11 years ago

That was (seagull noise) smart!

Hope you got that.

Really, I am going to distance myself from any *hype* related speeches, ads and other types of non sense.

The disappointment on the side of PS3 the POWERHOUSE being *difficult* to develop for, the apparently FULL games which only become such after, what, a year? A year and a half? You know, due to DLC.

The demon LETTERS! xD

Anyway. All it comes down to is – Q, not an enabler. Many other people – mmm, might be tempted. And of course the majority – "Gimme, gimme, gimme…"

So yeah. Vote with ya wallet, damn it!

11 years ago

I don't think anyone in their right mind will complain if the PS4 "only" can do true HD as a standard for all games.

In regards to the multiplat engines, it is yet to be confirmed if Sony changes architecture or not. But if they do then that too should be *much* less of a problem than what has been the case with the PS3.

I'm optimistic. I really, really look forward to get to know more about the PS4.

Last edited by Beamboom on 10/4/2012 9:01:57 AM

11 years ago

No doubts Beam, it should be a powerful beast, just how powerful is the question…



11 years ago

not me I'll wait for 6K resolution before I play my games

11 years ago

4K resolution….7680×4320….my eyes would bleed tears of joy. With a resolution that high, a projector and a bare wall please.

11 years ago

4K is 3840×2160 (8.3 MP), 8K is 7680×4320 (33.2 MP).

11 years ago

You don't need 4k res to look good on a projector! Even Good old DVD's look great on a 100" screen.. Just FYI.

11 years ago

Hope one day they have these at retail stores, I want to see this stuff blown up in front of my eyes.

11 years ago

It doesnt matter if nobody owns one

it wont be mainstream for 2 gens

11 years ago

haha I just realized, PS4–4K resolution, they both have the number 4 in them. That'll be good for marketing. It's like with the current gen how we've got Blu Ray and PS3's trademark blue colour, people associate the new technology with the console and get the console for the technology.

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