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Is Resident Evil 6 Vindication Or Failure For Japanese Gaming?

Let's not sugarcoat this: Japanese game developers have been accused of falling behind their Western counterparts in terms of overall quality this generation.

There are multiple arguments to be made, but the facts are that in terms of both sales and review scores, major Western franchises are simply faring much better than major Japanese franchises as of late. So what about the newly released Resident Evil 6 ? What's the deal here?

Well, the reviews seem pretty…um…split. Like, who to believe? You've got a 4.5 and 3 on the low end of the spectrum, while other sources have delivered 8s and 9s. This split is interesting and one I'll talk about a bit more during the upcoming analysis, but for now, let's ask the obvious question- Is this an example of Japanese developers stepping up or sliding back? They obviously wanted to cater to Western gamers with a faster, more action-oriented approach, thereby leaving behind the traditional survival/horror formula (which perhaps rightfully ticked off the die-hard horror followers, who have been awfully vocal).

But now it's hard to tell if it worked. It appears as if critics are forging this love/hate relationship with RE6, and it'll be interesting to see how consumers respond. Will it sell on the strength of the name alone, as the less-than-mediocre Operation Raccoon City did earlier this year? Or will the onset of huge games looming on the horizon have a negative impact? In other words, will gamers see these split votes for and against RE6 and go, "Er…maybe I'll just wait for Assassin's Creed III . I know that'll be good." It'll also be interesting to see how Capcom interprets the negative critical responses, especially when compared to some glowing reviews.

…confusing times.

Related Game(s): Resident Evil 6

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11 years ago

With the reviews for RE6 being all over the place like they are, I am quickly reminded on why I turn to PSXE for my reviews.

What say you Ben?

11 years ago

No way he gives it above an 8.3

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

You'll see soon enough. 🙂

11 years ago

Oh a bet going on? I bet Ben is heading for the lower region of 7 on this one, ergo < 7.5.

11 years ago

Oho! A bet? I`m betting a 7.9!

11 years ago

I say a 7.8

11 years ago

Just to let you guys know, those anticipated review scores would place RE6 *below* WKC 1 & 2.

Just saying…. 😛

11 years ago

Can I play?


Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Hmmm… of you might be spot on.

11 years ago

AH HA, seems I had Ben's review pegged right on the money with my 7.8

So what do I win, Ben??

Last edited by BikerSaint on 10/2/2012 11:08:32 PM

11 years ago

Well I'm enjoying it. It is good for what it is but a lot of reviews I have read are tearing it apart because it doesn't play like the older series. Part 5 didn't and it was split on it as well. As a resident evil game yes it fails, but as an action game it succeeds to me. Can't wait to play as Ada Wong!

11 years ago

The game is a mess. Those positive scores come from mostly untrusted sources. I view RE6 as another example of a Japanese company mimicking most western developers by trying to cater to the majority by watering down their game mechanics and spreading the overall content thin in order to put just about anything imaginable into the game.

I don't care if RE6 offers 25+hrs of SP gameplay when only 6 of that caters to me.

11 years ago

What possessed you to buy it after RE5?

11 years ago

was RE5 a mess then too? Cause I cant see how anyone could call RE5 decent/passable/ok but 6 is horrid.

11 years ago

I haven't bought it World. I'm simply going off of the demo and the reviews. I think you know this but wanted to maybe point out I'm being unfair in my bashing of it without having played the final game.

11 years ago

duo, 5 IS better than 6. Crapcom managed to lower the bar even lower with this 6th entry.

11 years ago

Jawknee- you got RE6 already?

11 years ago

No but after having played all 3 campaigns in the demo I hate it. They some how managed to ruin this game even further. And it's not because they dropped the horror for the crap drama. It's because all of their design choices make the game a freakin mess. As Gamer said below, fine if they want to make changes but make the changes right. The controls and camera make this game nearly unplayable. I have no patience to deal with the bad camera, movement or combat in this game. The only way I'll even try and play this at this point is if I borrow it or get it for free somehow. I was massively disappointed in 5 when it came out. At this point 6 makes 5 seem like gold standard of the franchise.

11 years ago

heheh, "Crapcom"

kay Oss
kay Oss
11 years ago

I wouldnt call it a total failure…It probably deserve a 6.5 at best. So far I'm about 6 hours into the game and I have to say it have some element of past Resident Evil atmosphere especially with Leon's story, then all of sudden to me the atmosphere just veered into a different direction something similiar to RE5. RE5 is a good game but to me it is not a resident evil game. Yes it has a RE characters but the atmosphere the story didnt go with what we've seen in the past. I will say RE6 is like the live action movie there are some scare factor in it but mostly its about the action. I have to say Resident Evil Damnation (CG movie) probably has a better story.

11 years ago

Jawknee- ok I was just curious cus I didn't see you playing it. I thought the RE5 demo was terrible. Then I played the game and loved it so I'm sure the same thing will happen again! 😉

11 years ago

LOL at all of you saying it sucks without actually playing the final product!! Shame on you, you should no better.

Except for Kay Oss of course.

Last edited by CrusaderForever on 10/2/2012 12:03:52 PM

11 years ago

The demo was a mess only the team that made Leon campaign did a good job.An after reading the reviews looks like my fears are real all the problems that are on the demo are also on the game.

Heartless Angel
Heartless Angel
11 years ago

I have come to accept that the game has gravitated to what it is now. It's no longer the same old game I remembered before. And I have come to accept that I already pre-ordered RE6 and I'm about to walk out of a potential train wreck. That jacket that comes with the pre-oreder better be as awesome as hell…..*flips table

Last edited by Heartless Angel on 10/1/2012 11:07:07 PM

11 years ago

what I fail to understand is how one place can give it a 3 and another give it an 8…. if the game s so horrible that it gets a 3 theres no way anyone else could give it an 8 or if its so good it gets an 8 then where does 3 come from?

In other words if the game is so flawed/broken that it gets a 3 why is the other guy giving it an 8? Surely those flaws/broken features existed in his playthough too. Ive never seen review scores so opposing theyre usually all quite even (reader reviews dont count of course)

11 years ago

I think some reviewers overreact and score a game much lower not due to technical problems but some other ideas in their head like how it compares to Gears or something strange like that.

kay Oss
kay Oss
11 years ago

Its all about opninions and preferences. Maybe the guy who gave it a 3 compared it to past RE games and didnt live up to his standard. Plus the hype for this game was pretty high so it more likely a dissappointment after reading and watching the trailer. Maybe the guy who gave it an 8 compared it to the live action movie and thought that he rather play this game then watch another RE live action movie in 3D.

11 years ago

I have asked that question before Duo, and as you know, there is no satisfactory answer other than over reactions get hits for websites.

11 years ago

I think the split scores represent the general split in gaming theory where many still enjoy what Japanese developers have to offer (even if it isn't super old school) and many also think anything Japanese is old and outdated.

I'd personally like to see Japanese games stay true to themselves in story and gameplay but adopt western advances in graphics, physics, animations, and AI.

11 years ago

I haven't played the demo, but I remember people saying the demo of RE5 was a mess too, but the game itself was a lot of fun.

Here's my 2 cents (realize that I obviously haven't played the game yet): People still expect RE to be scary and suspenseful. If you come into the game with those preconceived notions and the game misses the mark, then the reviewer/player might be let down.

Just enjoy the game for what it is (FUN gameplay) and don't expect it to be something it's not (SCARY).

RE5 still has to this day one of the best implementations of co-op that I have seen in a game.

11 years ago

That is what we call reviewer bias. When they expect it to be one thing and when it's not they find faults in it because it doesn't resemble their preconceived view of the game. Same with RE5.

11 years ago

I think IGN mentioned negatively that the game is like a Transformers movie in an attempt to bash how NOT scary it is.

OK, so it's fun and exciting with lots of stuff happening and not scary at all. is that bad? So now that RE isn't scary any more, does that mean it's not fun any more too?

I guess I'm just going to have to see for myself if it's good or not.

11 years ago

If you liked re5 you will enjoy this one. My girlfriend and I played re5 on coop and she loved it. Myself, after the initial shock, I found it very enjoyable. So re6 plays a bit like 5 and 4 and I couldn't be any happier. If it ever returns to its roots I'll be waiting.

11 years ago

So RE6 has offline co-op?

11 years ago

Yes , there is offline coop .

11 years ago

As long as the co-op is fun, and it gives hundreds of hours of replay (inculuding the MP modes of course) People say its a long game. If that, plus a variety of weapons, is all included then it will be a great game. I think i said already if i don't expect it to be scary, i know that time has passed. Silent Hill Downpour had terrible lag but it was a true horror game. Resident evil abandoned the horror, but at least it kept the monsters and brought back the zombies. Picking the games up tonight so when my girl gets home tomorow we can just play. Here's hoping for some fun times.

11 years ago

It's still fun like re5 on coop. My girlfriend couldn't wait to play it when I bought it.

11 years ago

Love it. It has that edge that gets your blood pumping. Playing chris's campaign right now. My girl doesn't want me playing leons and jake's yet. But to anyone on the wall about getting this. Do it. This is crazy fun already.

11 years ago

Resident Evil use to be about SURVIVAL HORROR! Now it is shoot da zombiez and have zum fun!!!

I hate the series now. But then again, I havent played this new one yet.

11 years ago

5 is better. And that's not really saying much.

11 years ago

I liked 5 a lot. Maybe not as glorified as the past RE games, but it was a good game.

11 years ago

Agree with Big. RE5 was not epic in any way, but we had a great time in it.

I do suspect that coop added a lot to the experience for me though (never played it solo).

11 years ago

This game is a disaster. The controls, the graphics, the gameplay mechanics are all worse than 5. I'm replaying 4 now. Such a shame how far Crapcom has fallen.

Last edited by Jawknee on 10/2/2012 12:27:42 AM

11 years ago

I wondered if I was being crazy but the graphics DO look worse off.

11 years ago

They look worse to me. I especially hate the blur effect they use when you aim. Everything just looks fuzzy when compared to 5. Sad how these new controls make me long for the tank controls too.

11 years ago

It's a fail because of the philosophy behind the design decisions. "Americans and Europeans love shooters so that's what we're making. Horror games won't sell even if a big name is on the front of the box.'

11 years ago

I've been noticing a lot of the hate is because it left the survival horror behind. I'll say this, oh well. If the game is entertaining for me, and maybe even a friend to play, that's all I care about. That's the same reason there are still people out there who enjoy FF. Sure it's not what it used to be, but there might be something to enjoy there.

I'm not a huge FF fan nor did I enjoy RE growing up. But playing them now, I can absolutely say the series has a new direction, but that doesn't make it less enjoyable, or less of a quality game. I'll be picking it up tomorrow.

11 years ago

It's not so much that they left the survival/horror aspect behind, at least not for me. I've long since accepted the direction they've gone in. The problem is, aside from Leon's campaign, this game is an absolute disgrace. They basically tried to make Chris' campaign Gears of Evil except they don't give you ammo, the cover mechanic sucks and the camera is awful. If they want to go in a different direction, fine, but make sure the changes made are well implemented.

11 years ago

I was speaking about reading reviews. A lot of the reasons behind scoring it lo is it's not RE. And that's understandable.

Now your opinion thrown in, I completely understand. Like you've done here I was speaking of personal preference.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

From what I gather, I'd say that it's closer to failure than vindication. They've very clearly striven for the mainstream audience, shedding the nature of Resident Evil in the process. It may still be a quality game, but that isn't necessarily why a reviewer scores a game as they do. Sometimes it is skewed as a result of bias and expectations, and I consider that much to be wrong, but when a game is as confused as RE6 seems to be, with its inability to nail down a single goal to the detriment of a production as a whole, then yes, I agree with nailing the damn thing to a wall. It may be unfair in the grand scheme of things, but it is necessary. Games, now more than ever, are experiences, not entertainment and that is a sentiment that should be embraced more.

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