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So, Microsoft’s Halo 4 Has The Nuts To Take On Black Ops II

Sorry, PlayStation fans, I know this doesn't wholly concern you but I consider this an interesting topic for all gamers.

I was thinking about this the other day- Halo 4 is set to launch on November 6. Call of Duty: Black Ops II arrives exactly one week later on November 13. Hence, the two are bound to be battling for supremacy on the holiday sales charts; when you release that closely together, it's inevitable.

Now, these are undoubtedly the two biggest shooters of the season (unless you want to argue for Medal of Honor: Warfighter ). And there are a few interesting facts to note in this analysis- 1. One has to wonder if Halo still has every ounce of its prodigious punching power…it seems logical to assume that this generation's reigning king of everything, Call of Duty , has stolen a little – if not a lot – of Halo 's thunder. 2. Historically, at least 2/3 of all copies of a new CoD are bought for the Xbox 360. Obviously, Halo is only on the 360. Granted, plenty of gamers will just buy both games, but a lot may not, and a large number may have to prioritize. And when they do, which title comes out on top?

On top of which, if you want to consider Warfighter , that one comes out on October 23, which means Halo 4 is in the midst of the FPS gauntlet; fans of the genre might want all three games but again, might not be able to get all three immediately. Nor will they want to, if they choose to spend a fair amount of time with each. Personally, I'm not seeing anywhere near as many Halo 4 ads and promotion as I thought I would, and Black Ops II is everywhere. I really think it takes a lot of stones to challenge CoD by coming out a week before, even if you're name is Halo . Just an opinion.

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11 years ago

Well at one time Halo was king. And that's pretty impressive being an exclusive. But Halo lost it's steam, or rather popularity after 2. The series just wasn't as good and the mp (a lot like CoD's at times) feels cut and paste. But it still has it's fans and they are in abundance so we shouldn't forget that. But CoD is definitely more popular and will continue that trend regardless.

About the promoting, I'm surprised as well. MS is atleast attaching there logo at the end of a lot of multiplat games. I'm surprised we havnt see a Halo commercial when I see that. The funny thing is their commercials like for the FIFA13 say "better with Kinect" at the end, but they never show people using Kinect in the ad. They always have a controller in hand! Anyways, so the promotion or lack there of, for Halo 4 is surprising.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 9/30/2012 10:58:55 PM

11 years ago

I think that's a heck of a risk, maybe they are figuring on most buying CoD straight away and Halo being a big hit come the holidays. CoD should really be given more breathing room but hey maybe Halo will start to die off now.

11 years ago

I feel like it has already started to and that's a big reason why Bungie left it behind. They made their money off it to expand and since then have…

playstation usa
playstation usa
11 years ago

I agree with you…

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Personally, im getting Halo 4. I don't know about CoDBO2 though.

11 years ago

I think COD's going to give the x-boxer's Halo it's first major smack-down.

(Between-round Ring-Girls not included)

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

I daresay that Halo will steal some of the thunder of CoD. I mean, it is MS's biggest exclusive in terms of popularity with 3 selling over 11 million copies (according to VGChartz). It's hard to tell whether that popularity is still as rife as it was, but the core gaming audience is well aware of it. It's been getting a considerable amount of coverage across the net, if not in the wider market. Yet. We're still a month from release and I'd say things will start gearing up soon.

Comparatively, I've seen little on BlOps2. A few details here and there, sites talking about how it's changing up its online from hands-on sessions, but it hasn't been grabbing the headlines. Especially when you compare it to MW3 last year when you couldn't go on a site every day without seeing a new article referencing it. I'm not sure if Activision has less faith in Treyarch, or if they realise that the ship has finally begun to sink. We'll just have to wait and see.

I really don't know what to think about Warfighter and where it fits into it all, but it hasn't been receiving much coverage either. And Doom 3: BFG Edition. Has the shooter dominance finally begun to abate?

11 years ago

From what ive seen its become a CoD clone but halo style. I used to play halo 1 and 2 all the time. Loved those games so much. Then i spent money on a 360 for halo 3. Then after that disapointment and against my judgement i bought ODST. Never again. I tried Wars but it was so boring and repetitive that it lost my interest after ten minutes. From what ive heard the people making halo 4 made wars so i can only imagine. I do hope they make a decent 360 exclusive though.

Also did anyone else see that bungie helped uncharted 3? During the credits i swear i saw Bungie pop up. Anyway back on topic. Warfighter's story will be amazing, just like MOH 2010, but i don't think the MP will do much for it. From what ive seen, it looks like a wannabe battlefield (i know their technically the same thing)

So for the 360 players, the choice will be between the Scy-Fy shooter and the…war/scy-fy/horseback riding/MGS cow robots/killzone sentry bots/averagely detailed/FPS game. As much as i want to play the zombies mode i refuse to buy the whole game. I played the WaW zombies and it was fun, but not enough to warrant my precious 65$

Obviously im not one in the millions of fans of CoD that go out and stand in line around 11pm on a work/school night waiting for the game. So i can't say what exactly CoD's appeal is, but i can say is halo's MP was unique. Halo 3 felt like it was drifting in the wrong direction. Didn't play Reach because i was busy playing Killzone 3. Anyway, the new loadout system Halo 4 has might take some CoD fanatics away and into the halo universe.

This is my longest post, but i had a lot to say i guess. I just hope the FPS genre has started to lose its steam and people say "Bro, whats the point of this game?" and start to try out the thousands of other games. MP had its impact but its also building itself up so high its likely to fall…hard. I hope when/if it falls, gaming doesn't fall with it.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Halo Wars was made by Ensemble, a now defunct studio that, it appears, has few, if any, ties to the Halo 4 developer, 343 Industries. Just to clarify that matter. 343i has actually managed to amass quite a pool of talent and I'll be very surprised indeed if they don't manage to deliver a product with at least an 8.5 average score.

IIRC, yes, Bungie was included in the honorary mentions of Uncharted 3, along with a plethora of other developers. ND has said that they were speaking with a number of different teams and exchanging ideas, specifically mentioning Bungie, Guerilla and Sucker Punch, but I can't remember more.

Can't speak for MP as I don't play it and, as such, don't pay much heed of it, but BlOps2 really does seem to be changing things up, as is Warfighter only in a very different way with what seems to be a combination of co-operative and competitive play if I've got my facts right (probably not).

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
11 years ago

If I remember correctly, there are a number of former Bungie employees who work for 343. When it comes to Halo 4 and CoD, Halo 4 wins for me by a landslide. I've already pre-ordered a copy of it. Debating on getting CoD though I'm leaning towards not getting it.

11 years ago

I'll besurprised if Halo doesn't score at least an 8.5 as well. But to be honest I think it will be based on brand recognition, not necessarily that the game is good. I don't think any Halo has scored less than an 8.0 (could be wrong) and from what I hear since the they just havnt been good. Aside from the latest which it seems people liked. Take that as you will.

11 years ago

i cant get away from the freaking halo 4 adds!
at least their clever, i have to tip my hat to M$ they are at least very creative!
last 2 days when the footy finals have been on M$ has been running a add saying you thought the finals were the most anticipated game of the year.
well you were wrong.
your seriously underestimating the excitement there is for halo 4!
it has not lost any of its pulling power, if anything its only gained more from 1 the mascot, the chief, has not been in the game for years now!
and the second reason being a change of studio, and finally were starting to see some changes something interesting brought to the franchise!
if anything there is more hype and excitement for halo 4 than any other halo game in hisotry!
in fact i wouldent be surprised if its BO2 which ends up suffering because of this.

11 years ago

The numbers don't lie. Halo is a serious contender to be sure. If any franchise can make a dent in CoD sales, it's Halo. Still, it is not always a wise decision to go up against a CoD release date, no matter who you are.

11 years ago

Halo over COD any day. Loved 1-2-3 and Reach. To me it doesn't feel ONE bit like COD.

In Halo you actually have to plan your moves since you don't kill or get killed in the blink of an eye (More health and shields). COD is only about first who sees first who shoots wins. In Halo the attacker often ends up dead if he gets outsmarted.

Also worthy of pointing Halo 4 looks like the best in the series from the previews. Can't wait to see how it goes. I think it was a good idea to pass it to 343 Studios.

11 years ago

"COD is only about first who sees first who shoots wins. In Halo the attacker often ends up dead if he gets outsmarted".

Funny since half the time i kill those who see and shoot me first .Just like in halo skills do shows , if you re more skilled then the one who shoot you first you got a good chance of winning .

11 years ago

Halo 4 is going to be able to compete but there's still too many CoD fans out there for it to trump CoD. It's a dangerous play here..I think they should've stuck to September launch dates for Halo…

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
11 years ago

Ben, will you be picking up Halo 4 this time around?

11 years ago

I think Halo will sell very well. There are a small amount of the 68.5 million X360 reasons a starved fan base will buy Halo 4. Granted there are millions of RROD customers that never bought another X360. Microsoft starves it's fan base so that their exclusives sell like crazy. Whether Halo 4 is good or not it's a game that most Xbots will want to buy to prove the X360 is still relevant. Latest numbers are pretty interesting too:
PS3 – 66.6 million
X360 – 68.5 million
I would put money down in Vegas that the PS3 is out selling the X360 by Christmas 2013.

Also, CoD is multiplat and will destroy Halo 4. CoD will also outsell Halo 4 on the X360 too.

Last edited by CrusaderForever on 10/1/2012 10:13:31 AM

11 years ago

I don't care about either game, but it will be interested to grab some 'corn and watch the ensuing fireworks as fanboy's duke it out. Just as interesting will be the 360-only sales numbers after one-week, one-month and at the end of the year for both titles.

11 years ago

I honestly didn't think Halo was THAT big of a franchise anymore — huge of course, but it was on the friggin' cover of Time magazine at one point it was so ubiquitous, and we're a long ways from that. It's cultural moment seems to have long past, y'know? Still, maybe Microsoft knows something I don't.

Also entirely possible they figure that while there's certainly overlap, Halo has tons of unique fans and vice versa for Call of Duty. That's certainly true for me — I'm interested in Halo 4, and could very well skip Black Ops 2 altogether.

11 years ago

While Halo 4 and CoD: BlOps2 will be the biggest shooters this season, MoH: Warfighter is the one that excites me most.

11 years ago

The COD games are more played on the 36o than the Halo games, it gonna be a entertaining showdown.

11 years ago

I expected MS to have a level of confidence with Halo.

There are millions of 10-17 year olds out there afterall.

11 years ago

For the people who like cod and halo. You would think if they had to choose they would go with halo. Cod comes out every year (Soon it might be every season, I kid), but how often are you going to get a Halo?

11 years ago

I think XBOX users have not had many releases over the last 2 year worth buying. I think most people will get both. Neither will suffer.

11 years ago

As someone who bores easily if i play one game exclusively – ive pre-bought BLOPS2, MOHWF and HALO4.

Halo and Gears are the only 2 reasons to own a 360. I thought Reach was a great game, both SP and MP. Halo 4 can co-exist quite nicely for those days when you want a break from military shooters.

Most gamers i imagine buy more than one game a year so im sure a lot of shooter fans will stump up for both games – if not all three

11 years ago

I'll bet getting Halo 4 but yeah it's going to be outsold easily by Black Ops 2. There's the boatload of advertising for CoD as well as the huge fanbase built across different systems where as Halo 4 is only available to the 360 audience. I still think Halo will do well and I'm sure MS knows it has no chance of oustelling Black Ops 2 but they need a big exclusive for the holiday season so this is it.

Last edited by Gamer46 on 10/2/2012 1:01:34 AM

11 years ago

I also feel that Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2 will outsell Halo 4 on the 360. I'm sure both will sell huge numbers in the teen/tween boy demographic and both game's multiplayer will probably be ruined by farts who refuse to play fair and whine when they are caught by the XBLPET but at this point CoD is ingrained in the minds of 14 year-old boys. Halo 4 isn't from Bungie and how well it will be programmed is a question. We will see, though I don't care.

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