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Dead Space 3 Eudora Gameplay: Lots Of Hectic Goodness

Man, I still remember the days when the first time anyone laid eyes on the game was when it was in their system .

Now I'm sitting here watching over 17 minutes of gameplay footage narrated by the creative director and senior audio artist. …what the heck has happened? Oh, right…time moved on. Cool.

Anyway, this is Dead Space 3 , slated to launch on February 5. Developer Visceral Games has added several features that should make this an even more robust and edge-of-your-seat experience, including campaign co-op and a create-and-customize function for your weapons. Here, you get over 17 minutes of gameplay, guided along by the guys who helped make it, and this ought to make your day. Aren't you a Dead Space fan? Isn't everyone ?

Related Game(s): Dead Space 3

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11 years ago

Anybody else think just getting you on the edge of your seat is no substitute for actual horror?

11 years ago

I agree. This game looks like another game that has been tainted by EA. The first deadspace was a gem, deadspace 2 was not nearly as good. This looks like number 2 but with coop….

I wish if they made the co op part of the horror. Seperating players and they couldnt communicate with each other, like even the mics would stop working etc.

This just looks like an intense shooting gallery to be honest.

11 years ago

Yeah, I agree World. The issue I have is they keep layering upon the format. Evidently EA believes giving more than the previous installment is the best way to expand this series. By now we pretty much know what to expect so instead of mixing things up they've just increased the enemy count, location size, and now added another person into the mix.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
11 years ago

I just bought Dead Space last week and beat it (played it for the first time). Then I got Dead Space 2 about 3 days ago and beat it just last night, so I am excited for the 3rd installment.

Gonna try and refrain from watching any gameplay videos, I want everything to be new for me. Really looking forward to it, though.

11 years ago

Congrats!! What a cool gaming experience being able to play 2 of the greatest games this gen one after another!

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
11 years ago

Thanks, and it was.

I have been wanting to get into Dead Space for a few months now, but didn't get around to it, was too busy. Had some free time last week and came across a brand new Dead Space for $14.99 so I couldn't go wrong. I really enjoyed the first one, so went out to find Dead Space 2 but had some troubles. Finally found it at a local Best Buy, brand new for $19.99 and I got it right away (bought FF XIII as well :p ) and I got home, played it, beat it in 2 days and was blown away by the improvements made over the first one.

Definitely hyped for the 3rd one. 😀

11 years ago

You know a lot of people didn't like FFXIII but I really enjoyed it. I was glued to it and couldn't but it down for over 60 hrs. Hope you like it.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
11 years ago

I played the FF XIII-2 demo and not gonna lie, I loved it. I really had no expectations for it but it feels so modern and different that it peaked my interest. So I figured I may as well get the first one (got it for $19.99 brand new as well), then beat it and buy the 2nd one in the future.

11 years ago

I just cannot watch this. 17 minutes is to much for me to look at. I want to be surprised when I pick this up D1P.

COOP is magic for this industry. I love COOP and I am further enjoying Borderlands 2 and RE5 because of it. However, for a game like Dead Space 3 there needs to be something new pioneered here. SP needs to be the same as it has always been….bleak with no AI partner. They could do one of those introduction scenes where Isaac meets and talks to Carver. They are talking and we are learning cool story elements and then a huge Necromorph Boss interupts their conversation. After you and Carver kill the Necromorph Boss tragedy hits when you find out that Carver has been mortally wounded. This could happen right away in the beginning, first thing. You see the opening credits and cinematic sequence and the first game play is right as the Necromorph Boss appears. This would be something completely new. COOP can be how they are making it now. Dead Space is so special I really hope the AI/COOP doesn't ruin this fantastic franchise.

11 years ago

I just watched 2 mins of it, reminds me of the airplane scene in Uncharted 3.
I hope the horror will be much more intense.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
11 years ago


Me too, the horror did not phase me very much in the first 2 installments. Couple of times it surprised me because it caught me off guard, but other than that, nothing.

11 years ago


I played and finished Dead Space for the first time in hard mode with only a plasma cutter, it was pretty horrifying for me, I loved it. Still yet to play 2 though. All I want to say is I hope that the 3rd installment will be much more horrifying than the previous 2. Also I hope the co-op will turn out fine, I want to share the horror with friends and family. I made one of my friends to play Dead Space, he's only on chapter 1 and he's already having a chest pain, I thought he will have a heart attack, so he stop, he said he can't take anymore of the claustrophobic feel, the slow walking of Isaac, the heavy breathing and of course the feeling of necromorph lurking just around the corner to surprise you.

11 years ago

I wonder if your AI buddy's will die early in the game and then it's just you alone. Well that's the way I want to see happen.

11 years ago

Twinkle twinkle little star.

Heartless Angel
Heartless Angel
11 years ago

That song still creeps me out to this day.

11 years ago

every piece of media EA releases on this a baby seal dies.
and every day we are without a dantes inferno sequel a baby penguin dies.
sorry EA, but i saw this from a mile away!
you created one if not the generations best new IP!
than destroyed it with the sequel, than made it even worse with this.
there almost as bad as $E!

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