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Resident Evil 2 Remake Possible If “Fans Really Clamor For It”

If you want it, you better ask for it. Don't be shy!

It's a definite classic in the annals of video game history, and many fans have hoped for a remake of some kind. Resident Evil 2 in high-definition would be a dream come true for hardcore survival/horror purists.

And in speaking to GameSpot , Capcom producer Yoshiaki Hirabayashi said that while a remake isn't currently in the works, it is a possibility…if the fans make their wishes known. Said Hirabayashi:

"Just to lay all the cards on the table, that way there's no rumor-mongering or things like that, no, we are not working on a Resident Evil 2 remake as of now. But if the fans really clamor for it; if there's a groundswell of support for remaking that game, then I think that's something Capcom would take under consideration."

So there you have it. Get up petitions, send emails to Capcom, put up topics in forums and on discussion boards all over the Internet. Maybe if you're loud enough and Capcom is convinced that such an endeavor would yield a profit, this could happen. Remember, Capcom isn't Square-Enix, which has listened to literally millions ask for a Final Fantasy VII remake for a decade and then turn around and gives us whatever Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII is supposed to be.

Even if you're bitter over what Resident Evil 6 has become, Capcom might still respond to the die-hard RE fans who want RE2 redone…

Related Game(s): Resident Evil 2

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11 years ago

Considering this is the only installment I have ever played all the way through and beaten, I'd be on board.

11 years ago

Why only RE2? Why not all of them? I'm ashamed to say that I haven't played any of them.

11 years ago

RE was already remade for the GC and it not only boasts amazing graphics but is considered one of the best games in the series. RE2 has always been looked at as the best in the series. Even with the praise RE4 gets I still believe the majority consider RE2 the best.

11 years ago

iwillbetheone, RE was released on gamecube, as LimitedVertigo said. There are plenty copies of REmake on ebay. All you need is a Gamecube or Wii, of course. I wouldn't wanna buy a Gamecube OR a Wii just for that though.

Last edited by pillz81 on 9/27/2012 3:39:37 PM

11 years ago

A remake was already done on Gamecube, and I thought they did a great job with it.

11 years ago

as long as they didn't make it co-op

11 years ago

They missed something important in that statement, are we supposed to clamor for a full remake or just an HD update?

11 years ago

Full remake or GTFO

11 years ago

yeah if its just an HD update then I couldnt care less.. now if its remade from teh ground up similar to what REmake for the gamecube di dto RE1 but using PS3 graphics and tech then hell yeah Ill play RE2 again (assuming they keep it scary and not turn it into an action game) then hopefully the game sells like hotcakes, capcom will see we all indeed DO want horror games, and then go back to making the new RE games like that

11 years ago

This is amazing news.
The remake for re:dc was effing phenominal. Even the lighting and shading just in some of the corridors, or the room with the swinging chandelier, was effing sexy and mind blowing and that was for the gc.

Everyone, please, just take a second or two, clear your mind and close yours eyes, and think. THINK about your favorite in game moments of re2 in glorious new graphics of the hd proportions….

Amazing 😀

11 years ago

I WANT IT! Hey while you're at it how bout bringing those Gamecube RE titles over on PSN too!

11 years ago

A full on RE2 remake would be nice, but hell, i'd settle for a new Outbreak.

11 years ago

Still content with the original… just like Final Fantasy VII

11 years ago

I would rather the series ITSELF aspired to return to Resident Evil 2 in spirit rather than just a remake…

11 years ago

OK before I even read this, Ben, eaaasy buddy, I know exactly what you are thinking. I know bro… I know. Take a deep breath and think calming thoughts. I know how bad you want a FFVII remake. Well you and Millions of others. But mostly you. Ya'll have been asking for like what? 10 years? And instead we get the likes of FF13 Lightning returns… Just mellow and I'm sure SE is waiting for the next Gen so they can do FF7 properly with graphics like Advent Children.

11 years ago

So having just read the article, at least there is one company that is willing to listen to their fan base.

11 years ago

I call it pandering. But maybe if this proves successful, we could see a return of pre-xbox gaming.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

I'm perfectly calm, LowKey. I've long since given up on a FFVII remake. NO chance it comes next generation, either.

11 years ago

Ya never know lol.

11 years ago

While I'm still pissy at the direction Capcom has taken the RE series there is no denying they've shown they can make a legitimate remake. The GC remake of RE is one of my all time favorite games.

11 years ago

How about an HD port of the original's GameCube remake, first?

11 years ago

I tried RE6 public demo, honestly speaking, Leon/Helena part is still the best in my opinion. The cop car bit made me silently cry; it reminded me of RE3 when a zombie burst out of the cop car! (Wasted bullets because of it too)

11 years ago

2 things.
1 this will never happen because you could send 20 million pieces of paper, each tied with a 100 dollar bill, reading this is so you can remake RE2, but crapcom still will not remake it.
hell, look what they did to mega man!
im sure keji would have allot to say about this………..

dont want it to happen either, because knowing crapcom they will find a way to screw it up!
either they will say its 2012 so this has to be to 2012 standards, IE a mindless shooter, IE another RE6.
or they will stick to the true core of RE2, but update it so half a$$ed its buggy as hell and really poorly made.

so no thanks!
RE is one of the best franchises of all time!
i think crapcom has shat on it enough for now………

11 years ago

Waiting on that second thing… :p

11 years ago

Why is Capcom (and other companies like Square) ignoring the easiest way to please everybody including the fans and make a shtton of money in the process?

***Start a Kickstarter program on the RE2 remake!***
Set the bill at however much it would cost– and Capcom would see the ground swell supported interest. I would donate a few dollrs to have a remake and you know what?
We would eventually get there.

Same applies to FFVII remake.

I feel a Kickstarter is a great idea to solve the problem.

***If we can get everyone to believe in this idea and clamor about it maybe some game companies will take notice…

Last edited by Amnesiac on 9/27/2012 10:29:55 AM

11 years ago

So we pay them to make the game and then again when they finish and then again for DLC? Makes sense, take my money.

11 years ago

In response to cLoudou:

Yes we would be paying them two fold, but do you want it made or not?
also keep in mind that if you donated 1 US dollar and say 10,000 other people donate 2 US dollars and (Capcom feels that they now have enough capitol to invest in a remake)
– Your 1 US Dollar contribution means you'll only have paid one dollar extra If you bother to then buy the game and DLC content.

That is the beauty of a Kickstarter program
naysayers aren't seeing the full picture.

This is the beauty of a bad situation
because reality is these games won't be made otherwise.

11 years ago

As many others have said..if they can make it a complete remake and not just a HD upgrade then I'd want it..One of the most memorable experiences from my PS1 days.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
11 years ago

I'd rather have a HD remake of Resident Evil 4.

11 years ago

i would love a remake of this survival/horror masterpiece. best resident evil of all time imo. lets have it capcom.

11 years ago

Yes I loved this title so much it was just like the first master piece among games.

11 years ago

I got the feeling that Leon and Ada campaign in re 6 will be most people favorite .I hope i m right since that way we will get a better chance of having a resident evil game like the good old time , at the very least something more similar to 4 .

Oh! and a better chance of re 2 remake to happen .

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