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Saints Row: The Third The Full Package Gives Us Everything

If you didn't experience the over-the-top insanity last year, you have more incentive to try it this year.

THQ and Volition have announced Saints Row: The Third The Full Package, which will land on North American shelves almost exactly one year after the well-received open-world action game debuted. Boasting all available content for the game, The Full Package drops on November 6 for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC, and in digital form on the PSN, for $49.99. For all that's included, that isn't a bad price.

In addition to the lengthy, award-winning sandbox experience, this bundle includes downloadable mission packs Genkibowl VII, Gangstas In Space, and The Trouble With Clones, plus over 30 bonus DLC items from the Shark Attack, Witchers & Wieners, Special Operations, and the Genki Girl Vehicle packs. So that's every weapon, vehicle, and outfit ever created for Saints Row: The Third , along with absolutely every optional mission. Said THQ vice president of global brand management Kevin Kraff:

"The fans have asked for it, and with the Full Package, we are happy to deliver. With all the amazing and over-the-top DLC Volition created, the Full Package now stands as the definitive edition of Saints Row: The Third. For anyone that has yet to play this one-of-a-kind game, it’s time to strap it on."

There's almost no chance Grand Theft Auto V comes out this year so if you need your sandbox fix, this is it. If you didn't earlier, check out the full review . Lotsa fun to be had.

Related Game(s): Saints Row: The Third

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11 years ago

Damn, I already have the game but maybe I should have waited.

11 years ago

I too have it and I'm ashamed to say I haven't played it enough. Off topic but if it is true Just Cause 3 is coming out for next gen hardware I will be the happiest boy alive.

11 years ago

I haven't played it enough either, kind of have to be in the right mood. Plus I played the hell out of SR2 and needed like a whole year off.

11 years ago

Glad I waited I find myself doing that allot with games these days I just rather have everything in one package that way I know I'm getting my money's worth.

11 years ago

Another DLC complete edition… This is why I do not buy games at release anymore.

11 years ago

This is why I waiting on getting it in the first place. I saw how much DLC they were pumping out for it and decided to wait and see if they'd do a complete edition.

My wallet thanks me because I know the cost of the game plus the DLC would have been way more than $50.

11 years ago

Great for those that missed it, or waited. I've already finished the game, and all the DLC's, however. Great game, and way more fun then GTA has been lately.

11 years ago

At 29.99 gonna get it.

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