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Tretton: DUST 514 Hits Next Month

It's the MMOFPS that EVE followers have been waiting on, and interested PS3 players have been anxiously anticipating.

Thing is, we still don't have an official launch date, despite the recent beta tests. Many have assumed the game would release for the holidays, though, and now it appears that estimation was correct.

Sony boss Jack Tretton may have involuntarily confirmed DUST 514 for October. During a FOX Business interview (as cited by Strategy Informer ), Tretton was talking about free-to-play games and referred to the upcoming PS3 title:

" A game called Dust 514 is a full-blown first-person shooter available on PlayStation 3 that not only allows you to play against your friends on PS3, but also against people on the PC. "

Someone asked Tretton whether he said "Dusk" or "Dust," and he replied "Dust…coming out next month." Well, that's good enough for now. Just be forewarned- A game as big as CCP's DUST 514 could just swallow up every last spare second you've got, and October ain't exactly July. There are a ton of games slated for the fourth quarter and if you want to play 'em, you should approach CCP's project carefully . Heh.

Related Game(s): DUST 514

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11 years ago

That's good that it's coming out since the PS3 will only be the flagship for another year. The beta didn't grab me but that's not surprising given my multiplayer history.

11 years ago

Last edited by berserk on 9/24/2012 1:31:17 PM

11 years ago

This was a HUGE let down. Was not fun to play (at least in the beta) and even it being free I have older games that feel more comfortable and are more fun.

11 years ago

Your avatar is a huge let down. Make it smaller man.

11 years ago

lol – some admin need to re-size it for him. he obviously don't know how to do it. 🙂

11 years ago

The initial beta build had it's issues but once they put the last build on the game has been awesome

11 years ago

Oh I'm sure he knows how to do it, he just refuses to change it. Again while I do see how it could annoy people I think it's hilarious.

11 years ago

Good Lord, that Avatar is huge!



11 years ago

Good lord no they should not release this yet. Unless they are holding out on a big patch I don't feel like this is ready at all.

I have a multiplayer history and I think they need to work out some issues before they launch. It needs a real good tutorial if they want to get a decent fan base. The complexity of the game is fine, but they need to explain it more and have videos etc.

I am looking forward to it releasing but man I think october is a bit soon.

11 years ago

I agree, I tried the Beta (I love being a Plus member) and felt it was a big mess. The game requires a steep learning curve and there didn't appear to be much explaining going on.

I hope it succeeds, it's a great example of how Sony's PS3 is home to unique games that you truly can't find anywhere else.

11 years ago

Exactly. I mean I want it to be amazing, and want it to do really well. Heck I even want to enjoy it myself, but they really need to have some tutorials on what does what. When you have as many systems in place as they do it makes for a lot of depth to the game, but also you need to explain how to use that depth or it just feels impossible to play.

I will say once I plugged my mouse and keyboard in I started having more fun 😛 got several private messages calling me a hacker, when I said I was using a mouse and keyboard half said oh that explains it and others said WTF you can do that!!!

11 years ago

Haha, the only way to play/enjoy a FPS is with that type of gaming setup IMO. 🙂

11 years ago

100% agree. I haven't seen you on steam lately did you end up getting borderlands 2 yet?

11 years ago

GW2 = no use for Steam at the moment 🙂

I haven't picked up Borderlands2 yet.

11 years ago

I really think Tretton is wrong on this, though they might release it I don't see it happening just yet. We still have dozens of modules, skill books, PvE, and even 2 specific dropsuits to test yet.

Also I don't think they are going to bother with in depth tutorials since the gamers will do that themselves. Not having them encourages people to find corporations and alliances to join, rather then simply going solo. One of my friends just got into the beta about 2 weeks ago and I have sat with him and showed him a lot of different things to do, and now he is loving the game.

11 years ago

Rogue you need to add me to psn, and skype and give me a tutorial hahha. But mostly add me to PSN. My user name is Xenris I would love to play this with you when it releases.

I agree though, I don't know how this game could be ready for october. Maybe if they cut all those features you listed? I still think they need to get a layer of polish on the game.

11 years ago

Beside customization and fitting you re character , dust 514 look and play like an average game at best .Yeah it s my opinion but i m sure most people giving the game i try will think the same .

Anyway , i think they should take more time improving the game since it really need it and their is way too many great looking Fps showing up soon for dust to have a chance this year anyway .

Last edited by berserk on 9/24/2012 1:32:21 PM

11 years ago

Well after reading your comment I don't think you would like the game regardless. The game isn't about graphics it is more about an in depth building system, which most shooters do not have. 90% of the people you go up against will be unique as everyone will have different skill levels, modules, weapons, and alliances. I don't know of a single shooter on consoles that has done that(correct me if I am wrong).

11 years ago

I'm glad the last build fixed the lag issues and hit detection of the original beta build. I like it although some people won't..You really have to put time into it to build your character like you want..

11 years ago

The beta was ok when I played it, but it was a bit of a letdown. Then again, FPS games have really worn out their welcome with me. I do look forward to being above the planet firing my antimatter guns down to the surface delivering around 110 megatons of damage. And that's just one gun. I'm able to fire eight 😀 Now I just hope everything is implemented correctly and damage isn't gimped, as planetary ownership will be at stake during these battles and I don't feel like losing any of them. They were a pain enough to get before land battles.

11 years ago

the state the beta is in there is no way in hell this is releasing next month!
games always go gold a month before release anyway, so if it was releasing next month it would of had to have gone gold by now!
come on, common sense people.
plus the games still buggy as hell!
not to mention allot of the EVE features are not implemented yet.
still a long, long, long way to go till this is ready for launch!

11 years ago

With the way the beta is going that game is NOT ready to be released in october more like January lol, so yeah I hope that doesnt turn out to be true

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