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Final Fantasy Ultimate Box Collection: A Video For The Hardcore

No idea if it's heading our way in North America but for the time being, we can look and salivate…and wonder if we'd actually spend that much for a collection. Yeah, maybe.

The Final Fantasy Ultimate Box Collection was unveiled as part of the franchise's 25th anniversary celebration and despite one or two odd omissions, it's still a hardcore fan's dream.

And just to pique your curiosity even more, Square Enix has released a new promotional video to YouTube, which – although it's in Japanese – makes us remember the happy times, the time when not only everything about this series was almost unparalleled in the world of gaming, but also a time when just about anything Squaresoft touched turned to gold. Priced at 30,000 yen (European retailers had it at around $450, it seems), it's tough to swallow but oh…the memories…the memories might just make this worth it. It could be freakin' priceless.

But seriously, no FFX-2? Come on.