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At Least Japan Gets That Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX

We had heard rumors about a Kingdom Hearts collection and now it appears to be official.

Square Enix has opened a teaser site for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX , which is slated to come to the PlayStation 3 next year.

The assembly of KH titles includes Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories ; evidently, both will support Trophies and players will be able to check out movies from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days . There's no knowing when or even if this will come to North America but the fans over here definitely want it. Square Enix hasn't obliged with a full console sequel this generation, so we might as well relive the glory of past franchise entries, right? We do that a lot with this company.

For now, we'll just assume that Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 is coming, and that'll include Kingdom Hearts II and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days . That's only logical. It must happen…even if we'd rather have 'em all in one big ol' package, like that massive Final Fantasy collection .

Related Game(s): Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix

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11 years ago

I sure hope that there will be a western release for this. Will definitely love to play the main Kingdom Hearts games again, including Birth By Sleep. That said, I hope that this would not mean the further delay of Versus XIII and FF X HD. I'm down to my last straw when it comes to S-E.

11 years ago

I hear ya.

In the time it has taken for SE to ANNOUNCE these HD remakes of FF X and KH HD 1.5, we've already had the following HD remakes:

God of War 1 and 2
Jak and Daxter trilogy
Ratchet and Clank trilogy
God of War Origins Vol. 2
Tomb Raider trilogy
Splinter Cell Trilogy
Metal Gear Solid trilogy
Sly Cooper trilogy
Beyond Good and Evil HD
Resident Evil 4 HD
Resident Evil Code Veronica HD
Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles HD

… and SE will have released 3 major FF console installments, 2 of which many didn't even want!

SE have seriously screwed up this generation. Focusing on more FF XIII installments no one wants, delaying games fans ACTUALLY want, and NOW taking forever to make an HD upgrade of classic PS2 games!!

It didn't take long for the above games to be remade in HD! Why is it taking SE so long?!!? Are they incompetent or something? Do they have only a quarter of the staff US game developers have?

This HD remake of Kingdom Hearts is SE's last chance with me. They screw this up, they can kiss my hard earned money goodbye.

11 years ago

I couldn't agree more, Dancemachine! It's very obvious that S-E has bitten more than it can chew this generation. They keep announcing games left and right but takes forever to get them out. It can't get any worse than Versus XIII.

If they don't have the resources to produce there HD remakes of the PS2 games without further delaying the new ones, why not outsource the job to those that can? BluePoint games has done a fantastic job with the HD remakes of God of War and Metal Gear Solid. I'm sure they can handle the HD version/remake of FF X and Kingdom Hearts just fine.

11 years ago

You probably mean 2.5 will have Kingdom Hearts 2 and Birth By Sleep, right? Given North America's propensity for supporting the series, I'd think localization's a pretty safe bet.

11 years ago

Love your optimism Siris,

… but this is SE we are talking about. I doubt Wada has the sense to bring it to the US and Europe within a short span of time.

11 years ago

I'm willing to be patient as long as I know it's coming. With the series selling significantly more in the West, I hope it will prompt a quick release. KH3D was only about 4 months…

11 years ago

I dunno, SE doesn't like getting sure-fire money.

11 years ago

Why would this not come to us?

11 years ago

No doubt it will…

… in 2014. 😛

11 years ago

They'll find a reason to cancel the game like make more sequels or DLC for XIII.

11 years ago

aw I'm so angry with FFXIII again… I just platinum'd FFXIII-2 the other day, got the "secret ending" and I am pissed.

What a rip… getting everything in the game just to learn you don't actually get an ending of any kind.

11 years ago


yeah! it's painful, all that trouble just to watch a pitiful secret ending. The slot machine for me is the most painful experience in that game.

11 years ago

For the slot machines, I put an elastic band around the auto button while I went out to mow the lawn and pull weeds. Came back in an hour and half later, took the band off, walked outside the casino, and *pop* got the trophy. But yeah… you're right… was a pain.

11 years ago

Well I just hope it comes stateside. I remember getting the first game the day it came out on PS2. I was a bit turned off by the Disney vibe, but now that I have a couple daughters who love that stuff this game rises high on the priority list. Awesome.

11 years ago

lol fail… give us a PS3 port of the 365/2 days, birth by sleep and re:coded and Ill happily give them my money… until then my PS2 still works just fine

11 years ago

I'm guessing they'll release KH HD 1.5 then KH HD 2.5 in Japan about 6 months later.

Then, hopefully, Square Enix will release the full bundle in Europe and US shortly after that. They'd better!! If ZOE HD can be done for the US, so can Kingdom Hearts HD!!!

If the Japanese games have an English option, can't we just import?

11 years ago

If they have that option sure.

11 years ago

Well SE is certainly doing something right. However my question remains the same.. WHERE THE HELL IS FFX HD AND FFvs13? Oh right

"We have no following statements regarding the production status of those two but don't worry they weren't canceled. We've just had some trouble with some attempted escapes by nomura. Crafty basterd nearly escpaed but we got him chained back down and he will resume the games in question. Thank you for your patience."

11 years ago

Can't Square Enix buy Mistwalker and hand them the Final Fantasy license? I know it's a big risk with Wada in charge and hell-bent on destroying Square's reputation, but it's better than what we've got now.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

STOP ANNOUNCING THINGS! Just give us Versus and FFXHD, then start announcing games that can be developed in a reasonable timespan.

11 years ago

as in less than a decade.

11 years ago

What I do not understand is why they are not including Dream Drop Distance in this. I would have thought the point of this is so when they release Kingdom Hearts III people will have played all the games they messed us about with. Without KH3D this collection is irrelevant.

11 years ago

How is it irrelevant? This is the first HD collection they're releasing (1.5) that contains core games to the series' story.

My guess is the next collection will have Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, Birth By Sleep Final Mix, and the cutscenes from Dream Drop Distance in high-definition so we'll finally have all of the series on the PS3.

Just be patient.

Last edited by DrRockso87 on 9/20/2012 11:09:45 AM

11 years ago

I keep throwing money at my screen but nothing's happening!! Gaaah!

Well, even though I still don't really like Square, I won't fault them for doing something right. Can't wait for this collection. Day 1, baby!

I know many people are disappointed about breaking the series into two HD collections but now we'll have the ENTIRE series on the PS3. What's the problem?

11 years ago

is it KH chain of memories or Re:chain version? I'm happy it has finally been confirmed even though it is not as big as we originally thought. I'm still getting it regardless, but would be happier if it was re:chain.

11 years ago

There's no reason it would be the GBA version 😛

11 years ago

Riku, this is SE we are talking about.

11 years ago

Btw I found out that it will be Kingdom Hearts Final Remix and Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of memories.

I'm so ready to preorder this. I hope it comes with some other goodies.

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