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Konami’s TGS Lineup Doesn’t Include Ground Zeroes…Yet

Their hottest game might not be featured…but then again, maybe it will.

The Tokyo Game Show is coming up in a few sort weeks, and Konami has revealed their lineup for the event.

Both Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance and the Zone of the Enders HD Collection will be shown. That alone is probably reason for some excitement. And even though Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes wasn't on the list, Konami did say that "other titles" not on the list are slated to appear; so like, secret attendees, you know? By the way, don't forget that if you pick up that ZoE Collection, you'll get a playable demo for Revengeance , which makes it all sorts of attractive. I mean, beyond the fact that ZoE rules, anyway.

In other news, Revengeance for the Xbox 360 has been canceled for Japan . It's still coming as scheduled in February for the PS3 and 360 in western territories but for "various reasons," the 360 version won't be hitting Japan. …gee, wonder why.

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11 years ago

Cuz Xbox is a giant bomb and there's no reason to even make games for it available in Japan anymore.

11 years ago

… still, I wonder what it would cost them to release it in Japan as well.
I would assume they already got the distribution channels in place, they already got the localization done with the PS3 version… So why not just distribute it to the merchants that do offer x360 titles in their selection.

To ship a few x360 copies along with the ps3 copies… What would there be to lose from it?

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/12/2012 10:56:12 AM

11 years ago

The cost of the distribution channels probably costs more than the money they'd make for the 10,000 copies it would sell there. I'm guessing. They certainly don't have a lot to gain from selling it on the 360 in Japan.

11 years ago

Yeah that is reasonable to assume, but it would be fun to know what makes it so. This is after all a Japanese games that (I'm guessing) has the potential of being quite popular in that region.

Surely it must be the potential of more than a sales number of 10k? And the other way around; Why do others bother releasing x360 games in Japan if the market is *that* small?

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/12/2012 11:09:11 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

I don't think you understand, Beamboom. The Xbox 360 doesn't sell even thousands per week…most weeks it sells between 300 and 700… the entire damn country.

It's basically nonexistent in Japan, which is also why Final Fantasy XIII didn't release for the 360 over there.

11 years ago

Basically what Ben said. I have no reason to think that the reason behind Konami not releasing it in Japan is based solely on how poor it is destined to sell. Unless they have some kind of agreement with Sony to not release it on a competitor's console in its home country, but I think it's more of the former.

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
11 years ago

lol. Funny tweet about there only being "12 360's in japan". Tweet of the day 🙂

11 years ago

I am aware of the sales numbers nowadays, but surely it must have sold *something* in the past for it to still be on the market there at all?

Are no games distributed for the x360 in Japan these days?

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/12/2012 1:56:59 PM

11 years ago

They could and probably should just sell them on their website. The costs are minimal and they could make the few 360 owners over there happy. I don't like when we don't get certain games for what ever reason and I am sure they feel the same way.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

In all honesty, if I was the publisher, I wouldn't waste my time. I have a feeling Konami feels the same way.

11 years ago

They didn't continue to replace their 360's as they burned out.

11 years ago

M$ has never done well in JP because of the typical orient.
speak to any japanese gamer about a game and their first question will be what genre it was, 99% of the time if its not a RPG or fantasy game you would instantly loose their interest.
if not their second question will be who makes it, and if its not a japanese studio there not interested.
a friend of mine for instance loves shooters, absolutely loved vanquish because of its fast paced action and bosses.
so i said oh you will probably like resistance since its very similar, but again his first question was who makes it?
nope, not interested!
id have better luck getting through to a brick wall!
or even last year when i won the comp to go to the infamous 2 preview event and meet the devs.
i had to literally put him on a leash and drag him down by the ear to get him to come!
so, yea, its pretty obvious why this is not releasing in JP.
yea its made by a JP company, but no one in JP owns a 360 because its not made by a JP company thus its the devil.

11 years ago

Wow. That's pretty… Ignorant of them, I must say.

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
11 years ago

Given how much was revealed about GZ at PAX, as well as the length of the demo shown there, i'd say it probably won't be a TGS. Kojima might not want to reveal too much too early.

I hope i'm wrong about that though 🙂

11 years ago

Ground Zeroes put a massive halt on my Revengeance hype train..I mean it literally almost say "nope not getting that now"..I need to see it in action..

11 years ago

ZOE 😀 !

11 years ago

ZOTE, I missed that on the PS2, might have to pick this up.

11 years ago

Just an FYI,

Kojima's setting up a studio in the U.S, which will be in the L.A. area.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 9/12/2012 7:39:15 PM

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