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EA: If BioWare Wants Another Mass Effect, We’ll Back It

It's one of the most critically acclaimed and best-selling franchises of the generation, so it's no surprise to hear that publisher Electronic Arts would be more than willing to back another installment.

Technically, the Mass Effect series was a trilogy and therefore, this year's ME3 brought that story arc to a close. However, developer BioWare has often said they'd consider returning to the ME universe, even if it required a slightly different setting and cast of characters. The good news is that EA would be right there, ready to publish the new effort, if BioWare chose to do it.

EA Labels president Frank Gibeau obviously thinks quite highly of BioWare writer and director Casey Hudson:

"Does [Mass Effect 3's ending] mean you can never tell another story in the Mass Effect universe? No. If (BioWare’s) Casey decides on a story that he wants to tell, guess what? He’s going to be able to step forward at EA and we’re going to back him with capital for him to be able to go build that experience and tell a new story in the Mass Effect universe if that’s what he wants to do. If he wants to do something different, a new IP, he’ll have our backing as well. He’s a profoundly talented guy. He’s got our confidence. And the audience loves him. So that’s how it really works."

So although BioWare is undoubtedly turning their full attention to the next Dragon Age , there's the distinct possibility that Mass Effect will return…perhaps in the next generation?

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11 years ago

I wouldn't be surprised if they did a mmo. Im very concerned about the next DA. Personally Id like another Knights of the Old Republic.

Last edited by bebestorm on 9/11/2012 9:48:57 PM

11 years ago

I'd definitely would love another KOTOR!

11 years ago

They've already done a MMO (although they didn't write the engine): The Old Republic. And they've put so much effort into that and with good reception from the reviewers, but with such weak results that I believe they are burnt for a *long* time. They'll probably not touch anything mmo again for many years.

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/12/2012 2:17:06 AM

11 years ago

I saw the vids for The Old Republic and I believe its free to play now Ill probably give it try.

11 years ago

Yeah, I tried it during the beta period and it's not bad at all. It's an amazing amount of campaign content there, all with voice actors and cutscenes and the whole package.
In many ways you could say it sorta is the MMO version of KOTOR.

Problem is that behind the nice campaign content hides a very, very traditional MMORPG engine. If you've played a few earlier, it's just nothing new to be found. And with MMORPGs being around for so long now that's what is killing it. Too many gamers has grown tired of the old formula.

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/12/2012 8:49:16 AM

11 years ago

I absolutely love Mass Effect 3 so far. Such a big step forward from ME2. The decision make me sad though, but you can't save everyone. *sniff* *sniff*

11 years ago

I think they should return to the ME universe, eventually. It's plenty large enough and although the story arc involved a lot of the galaxy (without saying to much), there is plenty to expand on. I'd love to see some new characters and new story. I know I'd play it.

11 years ago

I'd prefer a new IP just for freshness but I suppose with all the money involved someone will get another ME rollin'

I want that Casey dude's job.

11 years ago

I take this to mean 'don't worry, we'll make sure Bioware makes more Mass Effect games.'

11 years ago

im not sure how far into ME3 i am but i am having just as much fun with it as i did with 2. i picked it up a few days ago for $19.99 at gamestop new. i dont really like to shop there but i go where the price is cheap.

did anyone play the from ashes dlc? i have been thinkin about getting it.

11 years ago

I couldn't resist so I got all the DLC. From Ashes is great, Javik is an interesting character, very different to others.

Also, Leviathan is just as great of a DLC. Well worth the money.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Considering it's a veritable cash cow, I'm not surprised at all.

11 years ago

Needless to say (but still saying it): I'm ready as can be!

I hope it's an entirely new story with new main protagonist.

11 years ago

considering the games popularity and success that is not exactly surprising.
i just hope that next time they keep the epic scale of ME3 but have the personality and attention to detail and storytelling of ME2.
ME3 in gameplay, cut scenes, scale, was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than ME2!
the missions, side missions, characters, story, everything that has nothing to do with action and gameplay was better in ME2!
especially the characters, i really connected and cared for them!
ME3 though i could not give a flying f*ck if they all burn to the ground!

i REALLY hope they do that for the next game, it would be a massive shame to see the series go out the way it has.
hopefully the backlash from ME3 has shaken bioware and has tightened a few loose screws.
really concerning how much blind faith EA has in casey hudson though!
i mean all the bioware staff members talking bad about him, saying hes the reason ME3s story was f*cked!
he wanted to do everything himself and would not listen to other story writers.
makes me a bit concerned the more power he gets, the further the series, and bioware as a team, will sink!

11 years ago

And ME1 was better in almost every way than both ME2 and ME3 save for the combat although I prefered the freedom I had in that game to buff my character.

I hope they stop this streamlining nonsense ME1 set up an amazing universe and ME2 and ME3 squandered that.

11 years ago

Yeah I am playing ME1 at the moment and I really feel like apart from better cinematics/graphics/ai ME2 and 3 are just dumbed down ME1 games XD I really like the armor and upgrade system from the first one. Also it's much more fun to explore planets in that super 6 wheels tank than it is in ME2-3. Feels like they removed all the *side fun* and concentrated on just 1 path.

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
11 years ago

I'd love to see more ME games. Just finished up the first ME and am working my way through ME2. I hadn't played the original since it came out in '07 and was itching to play it all again after I did the Leviathan DLC.

11 years ago

Yeah, EA, that's not really impressing anyone. I mean, sure. More Mass Effect sounds great and all but this was expected. Each game sells millions and has a large fanbase. Obviously you'd want to publish more.

What would impress me is if EA said, "If DICE wants to make Mirror's Edge 2, we'll back it!" Or how about, "If Bioware wants to create single-player-only games without shoehorned multiplayer, we'll back it!" THEN you'll really impress me.

11 years ago

I don't want a prequal – i want to see Shep back

11 years ago

Not surprised if they return considering Bioware told gamers to hang on too their save files.

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