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Obsidian Teases New Role-Playing Title

Teasers are always fun. I mean, they're fun if you're not overly frustrated at the lack of information, that is.

Obsidian Entertainment is teasing a new RPG ; thus far all we know about "Project X" is that somehow, the number 4 is involved, and there are a few written hints. The first is right there in front of you; the tagline reads- "What do the words mean? Nothing. The Dirge of Eir Glanfath is found without form, a lone voice crying out in mourning because it must."

The second is a little tougher to find. Within the page's source code is the following- "To tenderness, fellowship. To fellowship, vigilance. So bring we all to the Night Market. I am the Spindle of Esenath. Know me by my light and stand with me in darkness." Any guesses? We know Obsidian is working on South Park: The Stick of Truth , and they're also supposedly still cranking away on a game based on Robert Jordan's popular "Wheel of Time" fantasy book series.

Personally, I'm not sure what to think. Obsidian is hit or miss for me; I wasn't a gigantic fan of Fallout: New Vegas and Alpha Protocol was just a mess of missed opportunities, as far as I'm concerned. But it'll be interesting to see what this teaser is all about…

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11 years ago

Sounds like a fantasy-themed RPG, at least.

I really, really wish we saw a bit more diversity in the RPG world. I really do.

11 years ago

I can't imagine that Fallout 4 would be a super-secretive project, and it's the only 4th installment that Obsidian could have in the pipe.

I can only hope that this is somehow related to a new Baldur's Gate or Planescape: Torment title….

11 years ago

The ouroboros symbolizes the infinite and/or recreation, which really lends itself to the birth and death of gods. Hence why I hope it's BG or P:T. 🙂

11 years ago

Oh God no, let's hope Bethesda is smart enough not to outsource Fallout 4.

11 years ago

"The Dirge of Eir Glanfath"? "Spindle of Esenath"? "fellowship, vigilance"?
There's no way these can be references to a new Fallout.

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/11/2012 11:36:00 AM

11 years ago

Okay, the number is just the countdown placeholder (probably days 'til reveal). The quotes, like World said below, make no sense for Wheel of Time.

Obsidian has been saying for a while, or at least the guy who was most involved with the older PC games, that they would like to revisit Baldur's Gate. Given that the Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 Enhanced Editions are on the way (1 comes out this month!), I've got even more hope it's a Baldur's Gate title!!!

11 years ago

Well it could be Dungeon Siege 4, but the snake swallowing its tail is a Wheel of Time image.

11 years ago


That's my guess as well. A new Wheel of Time game.

11 years ago

@ World and Crusader

You are correct sirs.

11 years ago

Now it has a three and a different quote.

What's getting me is that while the snake/dragon eating it's tail is definitely from Wheel of Time (I've read the whole series multiple times and am eagerly awaiting the final book), those quotes have nothing to do with the books…

I think this may not actually be Wheel of Time, but probably Dragon Siege or something new.

11 years ago

On a side note:

I just realized for the first time that Obsidian is making the WoT game.


It better not be a buggy POS!!!!!!

Last edited by PoopsMcGee on 9/11/2012 1:14:08 PM

11 years ago

It's true those quotes make no sense with WoT, which makes me sad but it's always possible they will be dealing with an entirely different time period in that universe.

11 years ago

I want to play a Dragon Quest game on my PS3 or Vita. I would love to have all the old DQ games on the PSN. Where is it??????

11 years ago

it now says.


"the book unread is unwritten. the reason we don't explain it is the reason we use it. its power is in its mystery. that is the leaden key, in part, in whole. is it clear?"

"digging for truth buries the seeker"

i have no idea what any of that is about or what they could be working on.

11 years ago

Yeah, it's obviously a countdown.

Those quotes have nothing to do with Wheel of Time as far as I can tell, so it could be anything…

Advent Child
Advent Child
11 years ago

Also there is a new phrase in the source code as well. "Two centuries ago, your divine champion told the people of Dyrwood to grovel at his feet. If you've come on pilgrimage to the blasted crater that was our reply, Godhammer Citadel is *that* way."

11 years ago

Divine champion! Baldur's Gate! Hope hope hope!

11 years ago

I've loved every RPG sequel they've ever made. KOTOR2, Fallout:NV

Its all been good!

11 years ago

Although being respectable games, KOTOR2 were not as good as KOTOR, New Vegas were not as good as Fallout 3.

11 years ago

yes but coming from a completely different developer, they were worthy sequels.
I enjoyed their games and look forward to more.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Countdown timer for a new IP? Yesterday I joked that it could have been FFXIII-4. It'd make perfect sense, given S-E's treatment of the subseries. Aside from that, the words and quotes seem Norse or Gaelic to me. Have no idea what to think really.

Didn't Obsidian release a bunch of workers after the cancellation of a next-gen title not long ago? That only makes me more lost as to what this is.

11 years ago

The page source has been updated too.

"Two centuries ago, your divine champion told the people of Dyrwood to grovel at his feet. If you've come on pilgrimage to the blasted crater that was our reply, Godhammer Citadel is *that* way."

11 years ago

This is off topic, but because of today's date, I feel I have to say something anyway….

Today IS the HORRIBLE anniversary of the 9/11/2001 COWARDLY TERRORIOST ATTACKS on the New York City World trade Center Towers, The Washington D.C's Pentagon, and of Flight 92 in which the passengers actually overpowered their plane's hijacks, but still lost their lives when the plane wound up nosediving into a Pennsylvania field.

For me, it was even more tragic because I not only lost 343 of my fraternal Firefighter brothers, I also lost 2 personal friends who all gave their lives on that day.

9/11 Tribute: In the Arms of the Angels

Rest In Peace

"Never forget"

11 years ago

im sorry that you lost friends biker. no disrespect to you or anyone else that lost someone that day but i have never believed the "official stories".

as i will never forget what happened that day i will also never believe what i have been told.

11 years ago

Same here frylock. The official story is fishy.

11 years ago

Oh, You can bet I never bought into all our government's BS(and I still don't).

Call me radical but I believe Bush & our government had already detected the terrorist's plan, but let it unfold anyway just so Bush could jam his American right's hating, & American's freedom stealing, Patriot Act down our throats just to gain more of governmental "Big Brother's watching you" power over all of it's own American people.

Plus I believe they let the owner of all the WTC buildings take down his own smaller building(WTC building 8) later that same night, for self financial gain to himself & for future favors for the powers to be in office at that time.

Beware, our government's New World Order is already upon us.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 9/11/2012 7:29:15 PM

11 years ago

Makes you wonder just how badly they're abusing the rest of the world and right in front of our blinded eyes.

11 years ago

it wont be, but i wish they would do a sequel to alpha protocol!
by far the most under appreciated game this gen!
it brought so many things games have never done!
action espionage spy RPG, decisions that actually MATTER and change things!
not only things it did, but also how it was done as well.
like how you spoke to people effected your relationship with them, and each person had a different personality so you had to be VERY careful how you treat them.
mya for instance you could suck up to and flirt with and she would be red roses, putty in your hands.
others you try that with and they get really pissed with you!
what other game does that!?
even the level design was very well thought out, every level had multiple ways to complete them however you wished.
was actually one of the best stealth games we have had this gen!

i doubt it will be that though, sadly, simply because of the "hints" given.
also because it did not sell too well, review too well, and SEGA dont seem too interested in it.
figures the games with such brilliant ideas and potential never get a sequel, and the crap with no ideas, no potential, same old same old, get sequel after sequel after sequel after sequel after sequel!
no justice in this industry, none what so ever!!!!!!!!!

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
11 years ago

Yeah, I like Alpha Protocol, too. It definitely has its issues but it's a pretty decent RPG.

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