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Resident Evil 6 No Hope Left Trailer: Lots Of Crying And Praying

The whole point of survival/horror is that the participant is supposed to feel anxious, nervous, on edge. There should be a sense of nail-biting urgency generated by the atmosphere and environment.

That's what we're hoping Resident Evil 6 will do and at the very least, this new live action trailer hints at an awfully dire situation. It's called No Hope Left and it features a whole lot of petrified, despondent individuals.

While many accuse the developers of moving too far away from the franchise's roots (the game is now described as "dramatic horror," for example), there's still every chance that it'll be freaky and scary. Provided we still have that, we might not be so quick to jump down Capcom's throat. At any rate, this is a pretty well done cinematic presentation, and it makes us look forward to October 2.

Related Game(s): Resident Evil 6

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11 years ago

NICE!!!!!!! D1P for me! Add if you looking for an partner.

11 years ago

There should be a law against games having live action trailers.

11 years ago

lol yes it was awful.

11 years ago

Still unconvinced…

But knowing Crapcom's recent awful storytelling and scripts, I wouldn't be surprised that everything gets fixed by a deus ex machina plot device that contradicts or completely denies every plot point shown in the ad campaign…

11 years ago

sadly theres not enough crying and prayers in the world to bring RE back!
especially after the demo, final nail in the coffin somehow managed to be WORSE than RE5!
at least that was fun to play, fast paced action!
RE6s demo managed to be both boring because there were so few enemies, and also boring and pathetic because the scares were so lame!
i mean come on crapcom a pan falling off a shelf is not going to cut it in 2012!
we may be pussies, hand fed nowadays compared to how core and brutal games USE to be.
but come on, were not THAT easily scared!

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