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EA Bringing Bin Laden Hunt To Medal Of Honor As DLC

It's destined to be a controversial topic but either way, the downloadable content is coming, like it or not.

EA has announced that it has teamed up with Sony Pictures Entertainment to bring the upcoming Medal of Honor: Warfighter and the Osama Bin Laden hunt movie Zero Dark Thirty together.

EA plans to release a multiple map pack based on the movie during the week of December 17 and a portion of those sales will go to army charities. For every Zero Dark Thirty map sold, EA will donate $1 until at least $1 million has been given away. If you want to grab the DLC right away, pick up the Warfighter Limited Edition; it will come packed with the map pack in question along with early access to the Battlefield 4 beta, set for later 2013.

The pack features two multiplayer maps set in real-world locations; the first is in Pakistan's Darra Gun Market and the second is in Pakistan's Chitral region, where Bin Laden was believed to be in hiding. EA COO Peter Moore says making the Bin Laden hunt available serves to "honor the sacrifices the soldiers and their families have made" and will also allow gamers to virtually experience "the greatest manhunt our world has ever seen."

Medal of Honor: Warfighter is slated to hit on October 23.

Related Game(s): Medal of Honor: Warfighter

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11 years ago

Wow. I don't know if that's incredibly brilliant, or incredibly tasteless. Either way, I'd wager it'll push a few more units.

11 years ago

Pure awesomeness. I was already looking forward to this game. Now I can't wait!

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
11 years ago

What kind of generation is this when a publisher announces DLC in advance for a game that hasn't even came out yet?

I know MOH isn't the first to do this. But seriously, what the hell?!!

11 years ago

It's a sad sad world.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 9/10/2012 1:29:29 PM

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
11 years ago

You can say that again 🙁

11 years ago

I will, its a sad sad world. But come on we all know they rush games out that could have more content in them, but instead they release a so so package and make double the 60 dollars with dlc. Its sick and ridiculous. PSX and PS2 games had to have loads of content because they couldn't rely on DLC. Also notice how some of the generations best games have taken 3-5 years to be made?

It is ridiculous the amount of nickel and diming happening. I don't care if they give us a "complete" game. Hell a 5 hour SP only game is technically "complete". Complete is whatever they want it to be, but I will say that a lot of games lack value. Darksiders 2 was a breath of fresh air, and so is Guild Wars 2. Games that give you a lot of content for one price.

Anyway, what a sad sad world we live in.

As for the DLC it is included if you preorder the game so its not 100% terrible. It also could be interesting to play. But EA is scum so I'm not buying this, which is a shame because I'm sure the devs deserve it.

11 years ago

i would usually agree with you but i feel like they might have done this so that people who disagree with that particular mission wouldnt have to play it if they didnt want to, so that way if they felt that adding this was distasteful then the the player could skip it altogether

11 years ago


Can't people do that already? I mean it's DLC, you'll see it in some way shape or form as it is. It'll be in the marketplace or PSN Store etcetera and people will say "meh" and pass over it. It's always optional, be it a preorder bonus or standard DLC. This was definitely a move to push more units. I would know, I was part of the first current gen Medal of Honor, and I was more dissuaded from purchasing the game due to the changes made in order to save face, and I was part of a decent sized gaming community before I recently moved away and none of them bought the game despite liking it for some of that same reason.

Personally I don't like the idea of a game being dumbed down for any reason, and moreso I especially hate knowing that it is being dumbed down before its release. EA doesn't want to do that this time in this new installment, so they are announcing out the door that they are going to touch base with a sensitive subject, but they are playing it safe by 1. the charity bit, and 2. keeping it separate from the main game to save face… again.

This time they are saying, "we aren't doing anything to the main portion of the game, but we do have extra content planned and some of it is highly controversial."

As any well versed gamer will know, controversy is interesting, entertaining, and fun.

They want to make a better profit this time, hands down, and they don't want to give you a reason not to get this game. After all, in my experience, Frontline, Rising Sun (Oomomo for the win), and European Assault didn't give me these problems.

11 years ago

Awesome. Can't wait for MOH

11 years ago

Umm, how does having the multiplayer map available allow us to take part in the manhunt?

Although it would admittedly be fun to sneak around in OBL's marijuana crops I'd like to go in there and shoot the f*cker.

I guess it's good for profile and sales though.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

That was my thought too. I thought it'd be a proper mission, fictionalised, but heavily based on the actual events, rather than just MP map packs.

Would've been more interesting too.

11 years ago

Once again, the MP gets the goodies.

11 years ago

So this can make it to the public but Six Days in Fallujah… What is this I don't even

11 years ago

I'm not sure I like this bin laden hunt, what was a private Seal Team 6 mission, should stay private(regardless if the MOH DLC deters from the actual mission or not).

"Loose lips sink ships"

And I think it also lowers the unselfish heroic act of ST6.

Just my 2 cents

11 years ago

I agree, can't believe that assmaster wrote a book about it. Should be court martialed.

11 years ago

yeah all his ST6 members are pissed about it, as they feel that they should stay in the shadows & not be glorified for what they need to do.

But on the other hand, I can kind of see why he wrote the book, to stop Obama's lies that he took credit that he did it, and everything else he's twisted around about the classified mission.

BTW, here's two Seal Team 6 video's for the upcoming MOH, on Combat training, The Sniper & the Pointman….

Medal of Honor Warfighter was developed in collaboration with members of SEAL Team 6, who provided insight on what special forces missions are actually like.

The first two video interviews with those former SEALs details the duties of snipers and the pointman.

See both video's here:—seal-team-6-combat-sniper-and-pointman/

Last edited by BikerSaint on 9/10/2012 7:34:37 PM

11 years ago


11 years ago

Great. EA games just loves them some release day dlc…

11 years ago

So I assume it will be Coop play online with others to catch the bastard.

11 years ago

They must be democrats, trying to push an Obama agenda(Look at me I ordered the attack on Bin Laden and I did this and I did that!). I bet that you will see Obama in the story and blah blah. Tacky indeed.

11 years ago

awwwwww, come on that could of made a really cool SP mission!
sigh, again, since when did the law pass saying that 99.999999999999999999% of DLC must be MP!?

that said though, i wish EA and danger close would team up with the devs who did six days, they would make a awesome team and finally bring the awesome story to the light of day!

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