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Why You Should Buy Warfighter Instead Of Black Ops II

Me, I believe in the importance of the single-player campaign experience. I always will.

That being said, I've little doubt that Call of Duty: Black Ops II will offer the superior multiplayer action. While I believe EA's Medal of Honor: Warfighter will also be strong on that front, and I also believe the BOII campaign will be worth playing, I would still take Warfighter . And if you could only pick one shooter this fall and you aren't completely obsessed with multiplayer, I'd recommend the same.

The authenticity and realism of EA's game should be fantastic and I think that's what sets it apart. Not that I don't mind a little arcade-y-type fun in my shooters, but I had to admit that Modern Warfare 3 felt a little…old-fashioned. Granted, we're talking about Treyarch this year, but I will always maintain that Danger Close's Medal of Honor was underrated. Yes, the campaign could probably be finished in only four hours time, but I think the single-player quest in Warfighter will be longer. Plus, EA has tapped just about everyone they need to tap to deliver a memorable campaign.

It's the difference in focus that matters. I know EA realizes that shooters mostly sell on multiplayer appeal, but based on everything I've read, heard and seen, the developers are really putting a ton of effort into the new MoH's campaign. You really see a lot of heart and soul in there, and that shines through. I'm almost convinced that the intensity and true feel (relatively speaking) of Warfighter will make Black Ops II feel like…well, a video game. That's a big distinction.

Related Game(s): Medal of Honor: Warfighter

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11 years ago

have stopped these yearly FPS franchises since MW2. I will be busy playing LBP on vita, playstation all stars, dishonored and hitman absolution. and not to forget my games on nexus 7 and galaxy s3.

11 years ago

I love my Galaxy s3, but I can't say I've played more than like 3 games on it ever.

11 years ago

Plus factor in that MOH has been using real Special Forces personal to help with the authenticity of their game.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 9/9/2012 10:08:47 PM

11 years ago

Actually looking seriously at getting Warfighter. It really does look good, and it seems they have enhanced that FrostByte engine somewhat as well.

It looks better than Battlefield 3!

Anyway, let's see how it comes in when PsxExtreme reviews the game. I will be looking forward to it…



11 years ago

Yah I gotta agree that the MoH campaign was pretty awesome. A great story with a nice blend of different situations. However, with that said, I'm starting to burn out on military FPS games. I prefer my shooters to be unique.

I want to play something like the Turok games from the N64 days. Those weapons were AWESOME! The closest game that reminds me of the unique and diverse arsenal of Turok 2 is the Resistance series (of which I played and loved). Realism is cool, but not all the time. I want to use a weapon like the Cerebral Bore that locks onto the heads of enemies and sucks out their brains! Or the Tek Bow where you shoot and then the enemy looks around like "WHO WAS THAT?!" as a charge in the arrow goes off and it blows them up. Can't forget the Freeze Ray or the Chronoscepter! So much fun!

I also kinda miss the diverse sets of enemies from those games. You go to so many locations and fight many different enemies and bosses. FPS games these days lack variety. It's killing it a bit for me ;( I hope there's a resurgence in games like Turok and Resistance, but judging from what happened with Resistance 3, I'm not so sure about that.

If anyone knows any games that fall into the general vibe of what I'm talking about, please let me know!

11 years ago

Borderlands 2

11 years ago

I hear that it improves on the original in every way possible, so I think it'll be good, but I'm gonna wait to see what people say about it first. The first was good, but it did get boring pretty fast. Here's to hoping the second blows me away!

11 years ago


Man, the last Turok game I played was done by Touchstone & Propaganda Games in 2008 on the 360, and I got my butt completely stuck.

I wound up hiding inside the base of a hollowed out tree trying to fight off the fangs of a gigantic T-rex, and with no ammo too.

I should go back to it & see if I can finally get myself out of that pickle jam, LOL.

Anyways, I loved Turok when Acclaim had the franchise, and I especially loved their crazy Iguana mascot at the very beginning of every title, that always ran for it's life from a barrage of arrows.

Good times!

Last edited by BikerSaint on 9/9/2012 11:58:47 PM

playstation usa
playstation usa
11 years ago

lol i played turok …… BOTH OF THE GAMES ….. But the the fps games now suck … BF3 … COD… and mw3 … they all look the same play the same and same story …!!!!

11 years ago


Yah the iguana was the bomb haha. I remember in part 2 he whips out some guns and starts shooting you ;P

I never did finish Turok for PS3, but I think I got to the same part you did. It just didn't interest me enough to finish ;( The only reason I played it is that I had an interview with one of the companies involved with the game at the time, but uhhh, had nothing good to say about it 😉

11 years ago

Rachet & Clank: A Crack In Time has some really imaginative weapons. There's one where you shoot a disco ball into the sky and all enemies start dancing, allowing you to make a quick getaway or just stand there and laugh. I usually do the latter 😛

And just about every other weapon is awesome too.

Last edited by Ludicrous_Liam on 9/10/2012 10:24:43 AM

11 years ago

Yah I've played Crack in Time! It truly is one of the greatest platformers of all time. Great game with great puzzles and creative weapons!

11 years ago

The first Medal of Honor is still one of my favorite FPSs of all-time, and I still retain a brand loyalty to the series to this day. If I get a military FPS this year, you can be sure it will be Warfighter.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
11 years ago

I'll buy neither, because they will both likely suck.

11 years ago

Instead of?

Im hoping it isnt an either or thing – because ive pre bought both for my PS3 and i dont want the gaming police coming after me,

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

I agree with the sentiment, but neither are for me, despite the fact that I have no doubt that they both will be just grand. I'm not buying anything between XCOM: EU and DmC. Backlog time 😀

11 years ago

Since i prefer mp in fps , i ll get black ops 2 for sure (beside the first that i finished , i never played a COD campaign more then 30m – 1 hour ) .

You bet i ll buy warfighter at one point ( when at 30-40 $ or when i got enough of black ops 2 mp ) since i played and loved the campaign of the first one on ps3 because of it s realism .

11 years ago

Oh snap, Ben went there. CoD has become old-fashioned.

11 years ago

Ben I thought the last Medal of Honor was great. The gameplay was tight. The feel of the guns and shooting mechanics were really good. Only thing about that game was the multiplayer was real thin. After a short campaign multiplayer needs to be good on FPS for the replay-ability (?). Otherwise was a great game. Hope this time the online is beefy. If it is then this might supplement Killzone, and I wont have to worry about the other annual releases.

11 years ago

I loved the campaign on the last MOH and I also loved the campaign for BO. Realism went to MOH for sure but for story I will always give the nod to Treyarch. They deliver with every installment. I will probably get both games as I love shooter campaigns. MP goes unplayed on my system. I just don't see the appeal.

11 years ago

Although I liked battlefield 3 more in some ways, I ended of buying MW3.
No spec ops split screen, no online split screen, and the online pass all helped contribute to this choice, and if i end up buying either of these two games new,
it will almost certainly be Black ops II.

11 years ago

I'll be getting black ops I really liked the first one. I played black ops 1 and MW3 split-screen mulitplayer with my sister a lot. If MOH have split-screen I'd consider it but it doesn't so I won't.

11 years ago

Double post FTW!!!

Last edited by oONewcloudOo on 9/10/2012 2:21:40 PM

11 years ago

I'm getting both jusy to b in the mix of things.I'm preety hooked to these fps stuff,besides the real last shooting game i ever played hard was when i had my ps2 was BLACK wish they would bring that game back with what they know now.That would be nice,thought there was going to be a BLACK 2 but got let down on that,but lets see maybe they'll think about it in the future.

11 years ago

I think ppl should just buy anything over a new CoD rehash . . .

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