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Sony Working Closely With Bethesda But Can’t Promise Anything

As PlayStation 3 owners become more and more vexed at how Bethesda is treating them, Sony continues to work behind the scenes. They're playing the valuable role of assistant.

After a game-breaking bug on the PS3 version and late downloadable content, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim fans are starting to wonder if they'll ever see anymore extra stuff for last year's epic RPG. And if they do, will it even work…? Well, let's work on getting Dawnguard first and then maybe they can turn their attention to the upcoming Hearthfire.

According to what Sony vice president of Adam Boyes said at the New York Gaming Conference this past week (as cited by Kotaku ), he understands the frustration PS3 owners have been experiencing. The guy's new, but Boyes knows what to say:

"We work with all of our partners to try and solve their problems. We have a big, broad dev support team that works closely with Bethesda—and with all of our partners—to work with them to solve that any sort of issues they have along the way.

Of course, I always want everything to work always for everyone. I can't promise any kind of resolution or timeline but can say that everyone involved is trying their best to get this stuff working."

As I've said before, if it's this big of a mess, Bethesda was never really ready to work with the PS3. Plain and simple. But here's hoping Sony can help the developers get a firmer grasp on the architecture, thereby giving Skyrim fans who play on the PS3 a bit more in the way of fair treatment.

Related Game(s): The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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11 years ago

made a tweet i think yesterday about this…hell im frustrated and I dont even play their games. I'd def be annoyed if I did. Again, I dont play their games…so maybe I shouldnt speak on the matter. Gotta feel bad for some of those consumers though

11 years ago

i don't have skyrim but damn i feel the pain for my fellow ps3 gamers who have this game.

11 years ago

Never really 'got' rpgs – gave this one a try – luckily i got i for my pc – i guess its pretty good if you like the genre – just not my thing – but it is pretty lame of Bethseda to still not have figured out the PS3 by now

11 years ago

RPGs are more than just these Bethesda RPGs. In fact, Skyrim is pretty far down on my list should I recommend a RPG to a "newbie".

Generally speaking I am kinda amazed that the Bethesda RPGs are *this* popular. They are open to the extreme and with a very "hardcore" focus on roleplay.

So if you are an action kinda guy there are plenty other RPGs I'd rather try first.

11 years ago

Beam's right, if you are an RPG virgin don't start with Skyrim.

11 years ago

and this is why I will be getting fallout 4 on pc, even though I would rather play it on a big screen tv

11 years ago

Depending on the T.V. you can. Just connect your monitor cable to the back of the T.V.

playstation usa
playstation usa
11 years ago

I have skyrim on my ps3 ….. and its so screwed up … I have quest that i cant fish and with the updates dont do much for it … what gets me mad is dev,s make games for the x-box first then try to make it work for the ps3 …. !!!! THEY should make the games for the ps3 fist then port them to the CRAP – BOX..!!! And i say CRAP-BOX because ive had 4 of them and they all broke …!!! NEVER again will i get another CRAP-BOX !!!!!!!!!! I love my ps3 and playstation ….!!!!!!!!

11 years ago

Chill bro, no need to get all so worked up over a piece of scrap.

11 years ago

This place already got mr __________. Kthxbye.

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/10/2012 6:49:35 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

I wonder if Hearthfire would be an easier port considering it seems to be a less involved alteration of core aspects of the game. Good for them, but until Bethesda prove themselves capable, I'm not touching future products with a ten foot pole.

playstation usa
playstation usa
11 years ago

This is to snaaaake!!!!!!!!!!! Your right i shouldn't get mad but i was stupid and bought 3 more after the first piece of shit .. and thats because all my friends were playing halo … I feel it was a waist of money .. l would of rather spent that money on charity …..

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Let me get this right. You are angry at the XBox because you purchased four of them simply because you wanted to keep playing Halo with your friends, ignoring the warning signs of them going belly-up each time?

Makes perfect sense…

11 years ago

*adopts a Russian accent*

"If promises were crackers, my daughter would be fat."

I am certainly not holding my breath.

playstation usa
playstation usa
11 years ago

to lawless …. ya that was the first game machin out . and then I had all those games i bought for it . but halo was the main game that we played… and thats what everyone had was x-box .

playstation usa
playstation usa
11 years ago

TO lawless … Its like buying a car and when the warranty expires it breaks down then you fix … then it happens again a year later so you fix it again …. and now you know its a pice of garbage . But now you have invested so much in to it … Its like you keep digging a deeper hole for your self … you relize its not worth it.. just take the bus .!!! lol… i have ps3 slim and the vita .. and the the quality of the systems and games are great …. sony is worth spending my money on ..!!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Protip for the future, when replying there's a button underneath the name of the first person in the thread marked well, reply. In this case, it's your own discussion thread so it's your name. Cool?

And that makes sense, I suppose. But I see a games console somewhat differently to car. I mean, the car is a massive financial undertaking, so it makes more sense to fix it for the short term, rather than making that leap again and replacing it. The same could be said of a console, but if my PS3 (or any console) went belly-up within a year of purchasing it, I'd seriously consider switching to another machine, no matter what kind of collection was built up.

11 years ago

They might be wasting their time, PS3 fans could just ignore any DLC releases at this point.

11 years ago

It's a shame, really. I bought Skyrim for the PS3 on the same day I bought my system (right after Christmas).

When Bethesda finally posted that we weren't going to see Dawnguard anytime soon (if at all) and they had already announced the NEXT DLC, I lost it. Skyrim is now traded in and I bought Guild Wars 2 for my PC with part of the credit.

Bethesda will also NEVER see a cent from me again.

11 years ago

lets hope sony can help them out, really not understanding what they are having issues with but maybe going to school of Sony will help lets hope

11 years ago

As far as working WITH Sony… seems to do just fine for Insomniac – who even says that working with Sony is like a dream come true. Perhaps this will be the fix-all resolution to the problems between Bethesda and the overly exotic PS3.

11 years ago

With all those crazy baws sales of Skyrim and Fallout and Oblivion over the years… You'd think Bethesda could hire a handful of experienced PS3 coders to, you know, figure out the buckin PS3!

Even VALVE has gone from PS3 hate to embracing the system.

Bethesda… You've had the time AND the money to put forth the necessary resources to resolve these issues with PS3 coding. At this point, it's all on them for failing to manage their resources wisely.

Here's to Sony's dev support teams. I wish them well, they need ALL the luck they can get! O_O

11 years ago

Im not buying any additional content for this game.Or any other game for PS3 by Beth.Done, Over, Finito and get over it.Ill get back to it later play it, sell it or play it till it blows up. Its still pretty smooth for me right now.

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