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Rumor: GTAV 5x The Size Of GTAIV, Christmas Unveiling

The Grand Theft Auto V rumors have been swirling this year, and the latest implies a full reveal date and a size.

And when I say "size," I mean the general scope of the map. Based on one European source (and remember to always account for shoddy translation), the map in GTAV could be five times that of the one in GTAIV . That's just nuts .

On top of which, it seems a full reveal might be planned for Christmas, which isn't out of the realm of possibility. Don't forget that we saw the debut trailer for GTAV right around Christmas last year…which is why it has felt like such a long wait. By the way, I have maintained that the screenshots we've seen could very well be from a new generation of hardware. Just to see what analyst Jesse Divnich had to say about that possibility, I emailed him, asking if I might be right. Thing is, he has always responded in the past. This time, he didn't.

No, of course it doesn't mean anything. I'm just saying.

Related Game(s): Grand Theft Auto V

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11 years ago

I'm betting it will be on Xbox 720 and PS3, provided MS solves the crappy processor chip turnover and makes their 2013 release window.

11 years ago

Check your gmail, sent you some info.

11 years ago

Thanks Biker, maybe I'll go with that one on Amazon I don't think it was there before. I'll have to ask the guy what he means by "not perfect" Wish I had done this a long time ago, you must have your hands full looking for all the retro stuff you want.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
11 years ago

Talk about overwhelming.

Also, seeing the title of the article quickly then the image made me think this was an article with regards to Gran Turismo 5.

11 years ago

The car threw me.

11 years ago

I wonder how many discs xbox users will be needing to swap.

11 years ago

L.A. Noire fit on one PS3 disc but had to use three 360 discs, right? I'm inclined to think this may be a next gen game. At least for the Xbox.

11 years ago

The visuals that have been released do look quite impressive, I just figured they were from a PC version. Have there been any rumours as to what kind of media the next xbox will use?

11 years ago

I haven't heard any rumors, though it would be absolutely foolish of them to stick with DVDs.

11 years ago

I'd bet my last pair of socks on a proprietary disc.

11 years ago

I'll bet a PS4 that it's a blu-ray drive in the next Xbox. They didn't go for a proprietary drive in the current Xbox so why on earth should they do so for the next.

Blu-ray is today the standard DVD were ten years ago.

11 years ago

But Beam, Sony co-owns Blu Ray technology so MS would have to pay them to use it.

11 years ago

There is a stockpile of licences to be paid to patent owners with any build of a product like this, World. Bluetooth, HDMI, disk controllers, video codecs, audio codecs, man the list goes on forever. It's of course just the same on Sonys side of the fence.

Sony is just one of many major corporations who participate in the "Blu-ray Disc Association", who develops and licenses the Blu-ray technology.

So in short: It's just business as usual.

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/7/2012 2:45:02 AM

11 years ago

For MS business as usual isn't helping competitors in any way, it's about destroying them. It will need Blu Ray to compete in the home movie realm but I'm not yet convinced they will put their games on it. They stand to make more money by forcing publishers to use a proprietary disc and MS likes money.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 9/7/2012 10:28:41 AM

11 years ago

So you think they will make *two* drives on the next Xbox then, one for movies and one for games? lol – man, you're outta your mind.

Like I say, Sony is one of many, many who sit in the organization who controls the rights of this technology. So what if Sony earns a dime or two for each Xbox sold. It's nothing anyone will loose sleep over, and Microsoft *obviously* need to have their customers being able to play back the standard format disks – again, *exactly* like they did when they placed a DVD player in their Xbox.
You know that DVD too was invented and developed by, among others, Sony?

Man, competitors are buying licences from each other *all* the time! For all I know Microsoft might own shares in an organization that Sony buys licences from too. That should not surprise anyone.

But… Care to make it interesting? Up for another bet, good man? I *bet* there will be a blu-ray drive as the only drive to play discs on the next xbox.
Let's say… The first PS4 game that drops into the bargain bin at Amazon to the winner? 😉

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/7/2012 12:04:28 PM

11 years ago

Nice, that's what I'm talking about. And 100 vehicles to pilot, hope to see a good amount of WWII fighters and bombers.

11 years ago

I'd guess the screenshots are from the PC. Anyone see the updated texture mod for GTA 4? Given the graphics from the new unreal engine and such, that's my best guess until Rockstar says otherwise.

Last edited by TGSA on 9/6/2012 10:45:41 PM

11 years ago

Yeah I've seen them and they are crazy. The world sure has moved on while we've been playing. 🙂

Noone should be surprised that the GTA5 screens are from a PC, as that is the machine they create the games on. The big question is however, will the Playstation version be for the current or next generation.

I am fearing it will be for the current, but hoping, begging, crying for it to be for the next.
I bought my first PS3 bundled with a GTA game. I want to do the same with the PS4. 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/7/2012 12:40:38 AM

11 years ago

Five times the size of GTA4? That must mean… Even notably bigger than GTA:SA? SA was obviously larger, but I have no idea by how much. 3-4 times larger perhaps?

I'm just *so* happy that the playfield will cover more than just a city, but also a countryside. Maybe they even will add some persistence to the world this time around? One can always hope!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

If I remember rightly, it was stated that GTA IV was three quarters of the map size of San Andreas. The latter was a lot of empty space, whereas IV was an extremely dense cityscape, so it's hard to tell for certain.

11 years ago

I think you may be right there, it was said something like that. But it *felt* a lot smaller. And duller. And sadder. And… Ugh GTA4 was a letdown.

GTA San Andreas was a lot of empty space in comparison, but that was a large part of the charm! Just that feeling of having to get a plane and fly from one city to another to get there quick, I never grew tired of it.

But when I think of it, surely RDR must have been larger than GTA:SA even?
Gotta love large maps!

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/7/2012 3:42:17 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Agreed. GTA IV's cityscape felt so dull. Exploring the countryside of San Andreas was much more fun, so I hope to see a return to that sort of environment.

And I don't think any RDR comparison should be made. I mean, you were left to travel the Old West on a horse. That's considerably slower than most of the vehicles in GTA:SA, so it's kind of difficult to gauge any sort of relationship. But yes, I hope that GTAV's countryside is really large. But not too large. You still need to be able to get your bearings, which I've found difficult in Sleeping Dogs recently, even after sixteen hours piled into it thus far.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

What is all this next gen talk? Well it seems to me we are all ready for it.

11 years ago

I hope there's a fast travel system that doesn't require a cab.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

I don't believe that for a second. The sheer size of that would be utterly ridiculous and I'm sure that Rockstar knows that. I'd say 2, 2.5 tops as I'm sure they're going to scale down the city slightly from IV and offer up a rather considerable amount of wilderness and off-the-beaten-track type roads. That's what I hope anyway.

Something tells me that the full reveal is going to come right around the same time as the launch of CoD. R* know that it is the current sales behemoth and they'll gauge the continued popularity of their stellar series by how much wind it takes out of the sails of that particular competition. Just a guess.

11 years ago

I've heard this rumor before. This one guy on youtube said that it may take us like 15 minutes or so to get to the coast from the center of the map. I don't remember if it was by car or bike (or run). But yeah, basically, the map has been rumored to be insanely huge.

11 years ago

Holy…um…holy huge game environments Batman!


Seriously 5 times GTA4? that's plain nuts, this game could become a lifestyle for it's players.

11 years ago

It can be as big as it wants but it still needs better controls and a fighting mechanic that isn't from the NES days.

11 years ago

Obviously the screens would be taken from the PC version if anything, why there would be any confusion is beyond me. This game has been in development for years (I'd bet it's been in at least preliminary stages before IV was even released) and the PS4 and next XBox hardware isn't even finalized yet. They are not going to hold off on releasing the game just to put it on a console that only a fraction will own.

Five times the size of GTAIV's Liberty City would amount to somewhere along the lines of twice as large as Red Dead Redemption.

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