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NBA Live Franchise To Return…But As A Downloadable Title

It used to be that we'd see a new NBA Live iteration every year, just like Madden .

But for a number of reasons, the long-running basketball franchise stopped after NBA Live 10 . EA Sports planned to relaunch the series under a new name in 2011, NBA Elite , but that just didn't happen.

However, now it seems the simulator will return in October of this year…but you won't be able to find it on store shelves. According to what an EA Sports representative told IRB Gamer , NBA Live 13 will release this fall as a digital offering; it'll hold an agreeable retail price tag of only $19.99.

They did admit it's a "bit risky" to not provide gamers with a physical product but EA has done well in the digital business, posting a $1.2 billion revenue for their last fiscal year. And let's face it- Sports games aren't what they used to be in this industry in terms of unparalleled sales chart domination. So would you pick up NBA Live 13 off the PSN or XBLA?

Related Game(s): NBA Live 13

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11 years ago

Well, becoming a D/L only title, then this is truly the final sword that put an absolute "pull the plug" end to the EA NBA franchise for me.

Sorry NBA, no shelf space for you!!!!

So sad that another nail's has just been hammered into the hearts & coffins of all us serious/hardcore gaming collectors.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 9/1/2012 11:40:14 AM

11 years ago

Would love to see all EA sports games go in this direction. $60 for a few updates from the year before plus updated rosters is a bit much. I'll be buying a lot more EA sports games if they follow suit

11 years ago

I agree completely. I hate, hate, hate buying used games, but I had to do it a few months back when I was jonesing for some football and picked up Madden. As little as sports games change from year to year (yes, some years change more than others, but still not by all that much), a full $60 release just isn't worth it, year in year out. A $20 annual release though seems just about right.

11 years ago

Sports gamers do not see them as yearly updates to the roster. I wouldn't hold your breath for others to follow suit. This does not bode well for EA's NBA product. Their attempt to turn the tables on 2K is going to be painful for them.

11 years ago

19.99 is a great deal if it is a full out Nba live game and not an arcade type game.

11 years ago

I dont think it will be better than 2K anyways, only way I would get Live this year is if it will be available on Vita also, seeing that 2K will not have a Vita version.

11 years ago

Hope its better than Elite and i cant believe the demo still to download on PSN. Try it so u can see how bad was.

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