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Dead Island Team Reveals New IP, Dubbed “Project Hell”

Developer Techland is working on a sequel to the popular Dead Rising ; if you didn't already know, it's called Riptide .

But they've got something new in the hopper, too (even though it was spawned from an internally-created weapon mod for Dead Island ). As revealed at the new game's blog , the new title is code-named "Project Hell."

Unsurprisingly, the fresh effort will probably have a lot in common with Techland's previous undead slashing adventure, as the blog says we'll be "breaking through hordes of undead minions." But there will be fantasy-related stuff as well, as the team may be embracing more of a dark action/RPG style. Dare we think ala Demon's Souls and Dark Souls ? It's interesting to note that the underlying theme has roots in medieval times, when religion and the dark arts took center-stage.

We don't know much else about the project, but we're hoping it'll be officially revealed – along with targeted platforms and an estimated release date – some time soon.

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11 years ago

Well the zombie thing won't feel so stale in a medieval setting. This sounds interesting, I'll keep my eye on it.

11 years ago

I think you mean "Dead Island", not "Dead Rising". That's Capcom Vancouver, not Techland.

But I don't know. I skipped over "Dead Island" when I heard it was riddled with bugs and overall a mediocre experience. I'll keep an open mind though for their next IP.

Last edited by DrRockso87 on 8/28/2012 9:45:10 AM

11 years ago

That's all easily overlooked for the fun factor. Some of the greatest co-op known to man too.

11 years ago

Reading the part you mentioned dark souls and demons soul + looking at the pic after got me really excited for that game .

I would nt mind if they kept the fps view and made it like a king field game either .

11 years ago

I'm down for some horror any time. Hope they don't try to copy the cheap style of Souls though.

11 years ago

whatever it is i hope they incorporate their skin damage system!
i remember them showing a tech demo a while ago for dead rising how each model had 3 separate layers of skin it was amazingly detailed!
they said they dident have time to finish and implement it into dead island so hopefully that will be added into their next game.
oh and of course as usual remove the weapon breaking system!
just totally spoils the fun of the game!
whats with games these days and giving you really cool things but only for a few seconds?
or even punishing you for using them?
i mean the whole point is to have fun using things, so why would you punish people for using them!?

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