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PSXE Poll Update: Assassin’s Creed III Is Most Wanted Fall Title

As is typically the case, there are a great many potential AAA games on tap for the fall. But we wanted to know what sat atop your list.

Well, in an easy victory, it's Ubisoft hotly anticipated Assassin's Creed III , which received more than double the votes of the runner-up, Resident Evil 6 . That may have been a somewhat surprising runner-up, too, as it beat out guaranteed blockbusters like Call of Duty: Black Ops II and Medal of Honor: Warfighter . PlayStation All-Stars and Dishonored netted over a hundred votes each, which is great, but we still think the Arkane Studios production needs even more hype. That bad boy could be a GotY contender.

This week, with the very good chance that Square Enix will announce Final Fantasy XIII-3 , we're wondering just how many would pick it up. FFXIII-2 was great in its own way but that might not be enough for the franchise faithful, who are hoping against hope that the developers deliver exactly what they want…someday. So what say you?

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11 years ago

AC III was a sure win for most wanted game looks fantastic. I remember how some doubted when it was first announced. After looking at the results Im surprised Far Cry 3 didnt have more because the game looks great and one of the best villians.

As I said before I'll get FF XIII-3 if Light is the lead.

Last edited by bebestorm on 8/26/2012 9:57:09 PM

11 years ago

Got to hand it to SE and Wada for tripling down on possibly the greatest disappointment in gaming history.

Fans? We don't need no stinkin' fans.

11 years ago

AC3 looks good. There's a lot of good games releasing this fall.

As for FF13-3, meh. I actually havnt played 13 or 13-2, mainly because I trust the fans of old and their dissapointment. But I guess in some ways you have to commend a developer for sticking by something that consistantly brings inconsistencies to a franchise. That's about the only thing consistent with SE right now.

11 years ago

Dishonored got my pick as only one other game on the list had me interested. Far Cry 3 was the other game, but with the comments coming from Ubi lately I will pass on that until they get their sh** together.

As far as FF XIII-3 I still have the first one in its plastic sitting on my shelf, so no need to pick that up anytime soon.

11 years ago

Not sure how to answer the new poll, because when ff13-2 was announced I made a commitment to not buy it due to how much I disliked 13, however It was on sale for 10$ on amazon one day so now I own ff13-2. So the real question should be will I be willing to buy ff13-3 for 10 bucks after it has been out for half a year? Probably

And ff13-2 is still collecting dust so I havent had the chance to see if they actually fixed all the atrocities that were in 13

11 years ago

They made a half hearted attempt to fix some of the problems but in so doing rolled back the few successes XIII had. Basically it trades one set of failures for another.

11 years ago

I've been playing Revelations lately in anticipation to AC3. Not enjoying it as much as 2 or even Brotherhood. I just find it very tedious going around town unlocking and collecting things.

I won't say I definitely won't buy XIII-3 it because I might if it falls to $5. I doubt I will ever play it though.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

FFXIII-3 when it's going for a song. I liked the first two, to an extent, but I pretty much just want to complete the collection at this point.

11 years ago

me 2

11 years ago

Dishonored is my 2nd most anticipated game this year after AC3 and i dont care much about FFXIII-3

11 years ago

I am expecting Final Fantasy XIII-3, I still think Final Fantasy XIII-1 was one of the best games I've played this gen. XIII-2 was good, but nothing more. I hope this time they don't bombard us with story DLC, but we know whats going to happen…

The fact that this 'saga' is not finished leaves me eager for a conclusion. Which I want done right. If they announce a GotY Edition including the last DLC which concludes the series I will throw my copy of XIII-2 out the window – The same situation which happened to my first copy of X-2. I don't a movie or a novel too, I am getting sick of games resorting to other media to continue the stories, if the series is released on a games console it should be continued on a games console. While Advent Children was pretty good, I saw it nothing more as celebration to FFVII I wouldn't want any more movie-sequels to any of the FF numerals.

11 years ago

gotta love it how people are always whining that sequels are so different from their predecessors, than they go and vote for AC3!
always said this industry was full of hypocrites, but they did not have to prove it to me!
as cliffy b said, haters will hate right to the cash register!

id have to go for FC3 though, exactly why i was so pissed it got delayed!
god dam it it was suppose to be out next week!
one of the very few games that let you do whatever you want, and thats made even sweeter in a open world environment and a tropical environment too!
but that said, FC3 is the perfect example of whats wrong with this gen.
EVERY sequel has to have parts from its predecessor missing.
FC3 looks so f*cking awesome, but it would be looking even better if it had the weapon breaking, buddy system, and fire propagation system of FC2.
exactly the problem, why do games always have to be 2 steps forward, 5 steps back?
ME3 another perfect example, the gameplay, action was FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR better than ME2!
but the story, plot, character development, everything that made ME2 GOTY was far worse in ME3.
again, why do all games have to be 2 steps forward 5 steps back?
why cant we have one, just one game that is better than its predecessor in every single way!?

11 years ago

cause they really want to piss you off big time, just kidding! hehe, sorry can't help myself.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Uh… what? ACIII is basically what everyone is calling for from a sequel. A massive step forward in technology, the continuation of the main story, and the majority of the tried and true mechanics firmly in place. Yeah, it alters some of them and adds and removes some, but the core is still there. In addition to this, it includes an all new playground and potential for the story to go in new invigorating directions. Man you're confused.

Things NEED to change otherwise every game series would be like COD. Exactly the same every year with slight reskins (although BlOps2 is looking quite different indeed).

11 years ago

theres a BIG difference between changing and doing what ubisoft is doing!
why is it $E and crapcom get their heads bitten off for changing RE and FF, but other publishers get free passes when they change their games?

and how is AC3 everything fans wanted?
so having a large portion of the game taking place as one hit kills with enemies muscats as shown in all the trailers is typical AC?
and which AC game were you playing where every enemy had a gun?
plus, where are the rooftop chases?
so far ALL they have shown is forrest scenes chasing enemies, and the hillside battles against massive gun wielding armies.
never seen either of those in a AC game…….

Russell Burrows
Russell Burrows
11 years ago

A purchase?
When Hell freezes over and politicians have to tell the truth every single time.
Thats when.
Till then HELL NO!
NO purchase!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Dante would argue that one of those things has already happened 😉

11 years ago

"Stay there then, for thou art justly punished!"

11 years ago

Have no interest in CoD BlOps II, and don't care one bit for MoH Warfighter. Neither do my friends, so multiplayer purchase is no longer an option.

Resident Evil 6 I'm gonna wait for review scores. Res Evil 5 was a bit of a letdown, not terrible, but didn't hit the heights Res Evil 4 did the first time I played that.

Assassin's Creed 3 is preordered, fully paid off and ready to collect!!

Only other game I'm getting is Halo 4 to play online with friends. Rocksmith as well, since I love music games (and it's getting a late release in Australia).

DOA5 I'm gonna wait for a big ol' price drop. Not at the top of my most wanted list, but a fun game I'd like to play anyway.

Everything else I want most is released in 2013, with Beyond Two Souls, The Last of Us, Bioshock Infinite and GTA V leading the charge!!

11 years ago

I voted for Dishonoured. It is more my kind of game because of the setting, but AC3 and Far Cry 3 will obviously also be bought.

As for Final Fantasy: I gave FF one try, FF13, and that's it for me and that franchise.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

It's a really REALLY bad idea to draw any conclusions about the Final Fantasy franchise from FFXIII.

That's basically like making similar judgments about DMC after only playing DMC2.

11 years ago

No Ben, that's like taking a bite of fruitcake and then swearing off Christmas.

11 years ago

Nah Beamboom, you can't judge the whole series off one number entry, since they're all vastly different in size, environment, and characters. It's only if you don't like the idea of a gang of individuals adventuring and conquering enemies and bosses that maybe you should give up on the series. :p

I somewhat enjoyed FFXIII, though definitely not as much as the ones on SNES and PS1. Give some of the older entries a try before making the call. It doesn't matter what number you start next, just pick one randomly.. as long as it doesn't have a dash/hyphen in the title, you won't miss out. 🙂

Last edited by VampDeLeon on 8/27/2012 5:47:53 PM

11 years ago

Yeah it probably is.

If they release something really really good, something that receive applause from a unison western press, then surely I'll reconsider.

11 years ago

While I'm not buying FFXIII-3.. I don't understand the "I don't recognize Final Fantasy anymore" part in the poll. So I'm going to refrain from voting until that is explained clearer.

I've however already preordered Assassin's Creed III, and can't wait to get my hands on it.

Last edited by VampDeLeon on 8/27/2012 5:28:08 PM

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