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Sony Closes Part Of Wipeout Studio

Sometimes in business, these things happen.

As Eurogamer reported this morning, Sony has opted to close part of Wipeout studio Sony Liverpool.

It started with the franchise's Facebook page, saying the Wipeout Team would no longer be updating and adding- "As some of you may have heard Sony have chosen to close Studio Liverpool as of today" and "We have loved making every game, every minute and every one of you. Keep the faith, keep loving WipEout." Sony later confirmed the closing but clarified that the only part of the Liverpool campus that is closing is the WWSE Team. The campus will keep FQA, GFPQA, XDev, CSG-Video, localization services, and WSE Finance, as well as other departments.

Furthermore, a Sony spokesperson said the company would attempt to relocate those affected by the closing, although unfortunately, "some redundancies will be necessary." Well, there's always a silver lining to such news, right? For the record, Wipeout has always been awesome ; the series has maintained a super high quality bar for many years, and that isn't easy to do. Kudos on a job well done.

Here's the final part of Sony's official statement on the matter:

"Liverpool Studio has been an important part of SCE Worldwide Studios since the outset of PlayStation, and have contributed greatly to PlayStation over the years. Everyone connected with Liverpool Studio, past and present, can be very proud of their achievements."

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11 years ago

Well that's sad to hear :(. They are a good developer. They've made some of the best games through their lifetime. From the original lemmings, g-force, rollcage and of course wipeout. I wish them the best.

11 years ago

That's a shame and yet not a shame. Liverpool studio seemed only able to work on Wipeout games. Which are great games, do not get me wrong, but they were kind of a one game studio. Since 2007 they've only worked on Wipeout. Prior to that the worked on Wipeout and F1 racing games. The F1 franchise is no longer theirs, and with nothing but three Wipeout games to show for nearly 6 years, it was kind of inevitable that some changes might be made.

The thing is that they are talented developers and will surely find places elsewhere in Sony, particularly as they most recently implemented the top notch Wipeout for Vita.

11 years ago

Shot through the heart!!!

I would've gladly traded PS Move, 3D, and even Vita initiatives just so Studio Liverpool could keep on pushing out wipeouts!!!

This is a sad day for me. Granted, Wipeout is still a Sony IP, and not the whole of Studio Liverpool has been shut down (whatever that means), but ever since the first Wipeout, Studio Liverpool has kept me attached to the Sony brand over others. Sure, Sony has gained quite a number of compelling, top quality, 1st and 2nd party developed IPs, but man, was Wipeout a very important one for me…

11 years ago

Bummer, there's been a Wipeout on every Playstation system & I thought for sure that it would continue that way for a very long, long time.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 8/22/2012 1:50:25 PM

11 years ago

You know, there will still be wipeout in the future, though it may not bear the name of the Liverpool studio. Depending on the roles that are offered, many of the same people could end up working on a PS4 iteration of Wipeout.

11 years ago

You're probably right, & I sure hope you are.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 8/23/2012 5:44:56 AM

11 years ago

This is right sad, Psygnosis then Sony Liverpool have made some of my fave games. Here's hoping that everyone affected finds a decent job, and that Sony hangs onto most of 'em at other locations.

11 years ago

Agreed, & I still own a ton of their old Psygnosis games.

11 years ago

I am really starting to think I will never see a new Colony Wars or G Police.

11 years ago

seriously $ony?
what the hell!
they close down one of their most famous, most beloved, best studios!
and if rumours are right one that has been working on launch ps4 titles for ONE AND A HALF YEARS!
wow, before it was just a hunch but now im convinced.
$ony WANTS to go bankrupt!
wipeout is one of their best franchises, and liverpool is one of their best studios!
this is a epicly stupid move!
if their so tight for money maybe they should stop wasting it on crappy kids games, and creating whole studios for them!
and more on funding their family studios which have been with them since the familys creation!

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