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MGS5 Has A Shot At Launching In 2013?

Hideo Kojima appears to be working on several projects at once. It's widely assumed that one of them is the anticipated Metal Gear Solid 5 .

But when might it arrive? Well, depending on how you interpret the following quotes, you could be encouraged or disappointed…because it almost sounds possible to see MGS5 on store shelves towards the latter half of next year.

During a Silent Haven interview , Silent Hill 4 voice and motion-capture actor Eric Bossic said he's working with Kojima on a "future Metal Gear game" but in fact, the game is "a long way off." Said Bossic:

"I am working on a future Metal Gear, not to be released until next year summer at the earliest, if not later then that. I'm doing motion capture only. I can 100% say my voice will not be involved in this. I don't even know what the title is, they are all very secretive and sometimes even the scenes I act out I don't even know the full story, because they want to keep it secret.

I suppose it is fine to mention I am working on it, everybody knows Kojima is making something now, and I posted the photo on my page here with him. The only thing is that I can't ever answer any questions about it or talk about, not for sometime."

Yes, Kojima and Co. have been awfully quiet about any and all new projects, but it's nice to hear that work is being done. We just wonder what might happen if MGS5 doesn't launch next year…would it then arrive for the next generation? How's about that for a PS4 launch title?

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11 years ago

Obviously a new MGS is great news. Honestly, I am wanting MGS5 for the PS4 launch. I really want Sony to destroy the competition next gen. The possibilities that currently exist for the PS4 launch are overwhelming. It's exciting to know it's coming though.

11 years ago

Sounds like a 2014 release to me..I can wait for whatever Kojima makes..

11 years ago

Id love for MGS5 to release sooner than later. That would be great. But to me since the emergence of Metal Gear: Rising then later turned to Vengeance, there's a big difference between a "Metal Gear" game as he's quoted saying and a Metal Gear Solid game.

11 years ago

That's "Revengeance," whatever that is.

11 years ago

it's revenge and vengeance in one, like awesomelicious


11 years ago

Well that makes sense the way Temjin put it. But whatever it is the name alone makes me skeptical. 😉

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 8/21/2012 11:40:34 AM

11 years ago

I prefer awesomesauce 🙂

11 years ago

*Off Topic*

@bigrailer19 we set up the fantasy league this year again. If you want to join hit the forum for more info

11 years ago

O ok thanks! Ive kind of been distracted lately and havnt thought about it, so thanks for the reminder.

11 years ago


So the same thing is happening to me this year as last where I can log intothe forums but can't post anything. So count me in if there's a spot open and ill hook u up with my e-mail over the PSN when I log in tonight. Thanks.

11 years ago

I'd rather MGS5 be for PS3. The aging system has only seen one MGS, afterall.

11 years ago

Precisely my thoughts, I know we got the HD collection too. But I cannot help but want more 😛

11 years ago

We saw what many devs could do this gen when they worked at least one sequel on the same hardware. Imagine what MGS5 could be at the hands of a more PS3 experienced team.

Personally, I think Konami wouldn't want to release a blockbuster like MGS5 to a smaller sized PS4 early adopter base. I believe they'll wait at least a year or two after PS4's launch before making a move in order to reach a broader pool of gamers. I see Sony as the one who will try to cough up the big games early on to promote their own platform, like they did with Uncharted for Vita.

11 years ago

I also notice he doesn't say Metal Gear Solid, but he does seem underinformed about the project so that could just be the way he phrased it.

If it's exclusive then it would be best as a PS4 launch title. Got to push that system into living rooms so we don't have a repeat of last time.

11 years ago

I don't mind if it comes later on 2014 'cause I wanna go through the collection and MGS4 with the patch before even thinking on a new installment, and that's not even adding the extra backlog that I have…

Though, I am curious if it's a new game or a remake of Metal Gear and/or Metal Gear 2… whatever it may be, I KNOW it's gonna be epic!

11 years ago

A PS3/Vita Release would be delightful, I know many who have wanted this, mind you I recommend going back to Subsistence or The HD Collection & trying the original Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake – You'll be surprised how good it actually is.

11 years ago

Well it is clear something is in the works and with only a week until the 25th Anniversary of Metal Gear, I can only get more excited about it hearing this.

I have said many times I don't want a MGS5, well I certainly don't want a story set after MGS4 that is for sure (Part of the reason I am not excited for Rising anymore.). To use cinema as a current example, look at the Bourne films. I generally consider them to be a good trilogy, now you have Legacy coming along starring a completely different actor. I generally don't mind Jeremy Renner but it just feels so separate even if it is related to the series.

As for MGS5, should it even be a 'Solid' title. I am hoping it will be finishing off Big Bosses story Or even completely overtaking everything that happened in PO & PW. Which I really consider to be a step below the standard for the series. Capitalizing it with a '5' would sort of signify that for me if it is a story with Big Boss. But we'll just have to wait less than 10 days to find out 🙂

11 years ago

I don't see what else there is left for Kojima to tie up. Pretty much everything was rounded off with MGS4. I really hope it isn't Konami pushing Kojima to release another one but ah I trust Kojima to make it a gem as per.

11 years ago

imo i think they would be better off having it launch the PS4. i know it would be nice having another MGS on PS3 but you gotta think big picture. sony can't afford to get off to a slow start next gen again. And what better game to begin the PS4's life than Metal Gear Solid 5 ?

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
11 years ago

No other official game announcement would get me more excited than a MSG5 trailer. Seriously, I might wet myself!

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

If MGS5 ends up on any other console other than a Playstation, Kojima will go down as the biggest liars in the history of gaming. I will also hate it very much and will most likely feel very different about MGS. Metal Gear is what i grew up playing with. I dont want his money grabbing greedyness releasing it to multiple consoles. Lets face it psx, an exclusive is always better than a multiplat. In every category. MGS5 should be another masterpiece.

11 years ago

Agreed. Look at FF13, i believe thats adequate evidence to what happens when an exclusive goes multiplat.

11 years ago

Their has been reports of Hideo Kojima taking interest in Silent Hill & even mentions how his Fox engine would work well with SH scares.

The very thought of that makes me grin from ear to ear.

Sorry all, MGS5 can wait if it means this man can resurrect SH with his own memorable touch. Add Team Silent & music composer Akira Yamaoka & you have a done deal. Please, let me dream.

11 years ago

it would be ideal if its a ps4 title to launch on launch.
GT and MGS have the most pulling power for playstation, if $ony could manage to release both MGS5 and GT6 within a few months of ps4s release they would clean up big time!
however said titles and said companies are known for taking their sweet time, so i will be very shocked if this actually happens!

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