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Boston May Be Home To Fallout 4

Assassin's Creed III will be set on American (or rather, pre-American) soil. So how's about another game in the US?

The latest rumor involves Fallout 4 , which publisher Bethesda has yet to officially announce. That being said, a Reddit tipster has evidence that points towards the upcoming RPG's intriguing environment.

The user's name, "fallout4boston," should say it all. Evidently, Bethesda has been out and about, "scoping out and researching" the historic city, and it also seems that the developer may have a "strong connection" to MIT, which is of course located in Boston. As an interesting side note, the Fallout Wikipedia page cites "The Commonwealth" from Fallout 3 , so Boston might not be a stretch. As for what else to expect from the new franchise entry, that's all up in the air, which is fine for the time being.

For epic RPGs like Fallout , environment and atmosphere are absolutely crucial to the player's immersion. Boston could be fantastic.

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11 years ago

Honestly…. I'm not sure I'd call the new style fallout has adopted an RPG, yes it goes threw the motions of an RPG, but really to me, it just feels too much like a FPS these days.

Ooooooo fallout 1/2/Tactics, how I miss your wonderful gameplay.

11 years ago

I disagree, there's so much more to it in fine-tuning your personal experience than just shooting targets or following linear paths.

11 years ago

World is right, as always. 😉 The game uses a first person mechanic for combat that's really the only relation to it and an FPS. I to once thought the same, but Fallout is an Elder Scrolls game with guns. There is far more to the gameplay and leveling, when an FPS has you simply rely on shooting.

11 years ago

Oh hell yeah that would be perfect; more great Americana. I loved crawling the wasteland of DC but Obsidian really dropped the ball with all that expansive wasted desert in New Vegas.

Imagine this thing on the updated Skyrim engine. I hope it's coming for this generation of consoles.

11 years ago

I dont think Obsidian 'dropped the ball' with new vegas. I personally thought New Vegas was better than Fallout 3

11 years ago

I thought it was a good game, the mechanics got improved and diversified but the atmosphere was mostly a whole lot of nothing. I've been to Vegas and there was a whole lot there to work with on the strip that somehow became 3 tiny areas with a handful of little boring casinos surrounded by a whole lot of desert. That turned me off after the ruin-crawling odyssey that was Fallout 3.

11 years ago

I never even finished New Vegas and Fallout 3 to me is one of the best this gen. What's that tell you? Probably not much, it's just my opinion! 😉

11 years ago

Me neither, Big! Omg it's good to hear I am not alone in never finishing New Vegas.

Fallout 3 had an amazing atmosphere and a great story to go with it. New Vegas had neither.

@World: Fallout 4 with the Skyrim engine *must* be amazing. I cross my fingers for it being for the PS4 too, that will eliminate the memory bottleneck and make them use the full potential of the engine.

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/21/2012 1:41:45 PM

11 years ago

Awesome! I just started playing Fallout 3 recently and to my surprise i really love this game. I met a talking tree which totally threw me off. I expected mutants and other things i usually see so that was an awesome change of scenery…well its ugly so… Funny thing to, ive played 46 hours on my ps3 and haven't encountered a single crash. The guy at gamestop said "Oh it crashes every 5 steps so you should get the 360 version instead" Anyway, it has an occasional distant pop in. Otherwise its been number one to me the past 2 weeks. I blew up megaton so i think i would fit right in with the smugs over at the commonwealth 😀

11 years ago

Did you get the GOTY? The DLC crashes a lot but after all the patches the main game is pretty stable.

11 years ago

I never had any issues with Fallout 3 itself. Now the expansions that's another story. You should be fine, Bethesda has a bad rep with the PS3 (for good reasons) but my experience is that of a positive one with their games, aside from the Falliut 3 expansions. And I can't blame the atrocity that was New Vegas on them so…

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Might pass on Fallout 4. Already got enough huge games on my plate… But Boston, yeah.. some coloured socks ;P

Cultural divide for the lulz

11 years ago

Mmmmmm… Fallout… *drools*

11 years ago

I think chicago would be waaaayyyyy better! with the great lakes… navy pier…museum of science art….commodities exchange…jazz…the rivers through town…sears tower…the mirror bean!

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