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Machinarium, Double Dragon Neon Hitting PSN Next Month?

If you haven't heard of the name, Google it. And then you'll be all excited for next month.

Some time ago, we had heard that designer Jakub Dvorsky's adventure Machinarium might be coming to the PlayStation Network. Now, it appears it will indeed be available on the PSN in September. Sweeeet.

In the midst of a comment thread over at the European PlayStation Blog , SCEE's Ross McGrath told us we'd be getting two new downloadable titles next month; one is "brand new" while the other is simply new to the world of PlayStation. Then a reader surmised that the brand new IP was the previously revealed Double Dragon Neon , while the "new to PSN" title was Machinarium . Then McGrath replied with, "Give the man a cookie, he's 100% right!"

So that's pretty definitive. Of course, we're talking about a European site but still, we'd like to assume that both games will launch in both regions at about the same time. Supposedly, the PS3 edition of Machinarium is going to be the definitive version, so adventure aficionados should be drooling. And Double Dragon is a given…it's the big Double D!

Related Game(s): Machinarium

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11 years ago

You can't collect unemployment when you're dead.

11 years ago

Maybe the dieing comes after the collecting. More harm done that way =p

11 years ago

…. I knew I shouldve sold my OnLive micro console before it was too late =p

EDIT: Michael Pachter was so wrong

Last edited by Temjin001 on 8/18/2012 2:21:27 PM

11 years ago

Did he think OnLive was going to be a hit?

11 years ago

Pretty dang certain he spotlighted it at least once or twice on his gametrailers gig. Pointing to it as a probable future of gaming and a serious threat to Sony and MS.

11 years ago

Odd, after reading yesterday that OnLive had laid off most of it's staff, I turned my OL mini-console on & I was finally been able to connect to OnLive without getting any more of those hated "a512 can't connect to server" errors.

I guess they must be keeping enough staff around to keep it running for the new buyers because I saw no differences from when it was fully staffed, & I was able to play my Fear3 on it.

I'm wondering who's buying the company, and wanted that mass layoff before they got it.

Anyway, all of the updated articles I read later, said that the new company would hire back 2/3 of the old workers.

(yeah right! Maybe so, but at a much lower starting salary, plus I also read that the ones that contributed to a certain pension plan or a specific fund, have now lost everything they had put into it).

shame, shame, shame.

Too bad Sony didn't buy them too & incorporate all the best features of Gakia(I know, it's spelled wrong) & OnLive for their own future cloud services.

11 years ago


I tried 5 times already today & now my OnLive account is back to giving me the dreaded "a512 error" codes once again, which is keeping me from connecting to their servers & my games at all.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 8/19/2012 6:46:01 AM

11 years ago

well DD Neon has already been announced for a Sept 11th release in the US for a month now so yeah I can confirm that we'll be getting at least that on US PSN next month

11 years ago

DD: NEon should have been a Vita title, just my opinion.

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